MesserLab / SLiM

SLiM is a genetically explicit forward simulation software package for population genetics and evolutionary biology. It is highly flexible, with a built-in scripting language, and has a cross-platform graphical modeling environment called SLiMgui.
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wrong-ish path separator in Eidos_AbsolutePath( ) on Windows #451

Closed petrelharp closed 1 month ago

petrelharp commented 2 months ago

Over in Eidos_AbsolutePath( ), if it figures out it's got an relative path, it (a) checks whether the end of the current_dir is a / and if not, appends a /; and then prepends current_dir to the relative path, separated by a /.

Both of those / could cause problems on Windows - apparently Windows supports both / and \ (!!??!) but inconsistently, but at least the first one could cause problems.

bhaller commented 1 month ago

I'll tag @rdinnager here for his opinion, since he's been responsible for Windows portability issues.

The link you supplied seems, from my reading, to indicate that using / is fine on all recent versions of DOS and Windows; the inconsistencies and issues with it sound ancient (and the post is, after all, on "retrocomputing"). Other apps on Windows might not handle / properly, but that's of no concern to Eidos/SLiM, since the paths it uses internally will not be seen by other apps. DOS and Windows will do the right thing with /, and that's what matters for our purposes.

But it does look to me like there is a bug with respect to looking for a separator by looking only for a /. On Windows, we need to look for a separator by looking for either a / or a \, it seems to me. A cursory look at the code seems to indicate that this is a problem in several spots, not just Eidos_AbsolutePath(); the same issue appears in Eidos_StripTrailingSlash(), and Eidos_LastPathComponent(), and so forth (I didn't attempt to find all cases of the problem).

So it looks like there's a need for some fixing and testing on Windows. I'm not the person to do that, since I don't have a Windows machine, don't know how to use developer tools on Windows, etc. So we need a volunteer who is on Windows – maybe @rdinnager, maybe @petrelharp since apparently you're using Windows for something?, maybe someone else? I'll mark this issue "help wanted" and await a PR, I guess. I'd advise searching for '/' and "/" in the code base, and checking all uses of it to make sure that there's a #ifdef _WIN32 branch that does the appropriate thing. What the appropriate thing is in all cases, I do not know. :->

In the meantime, it looks to me like the workaround is simply to use / in all paths on Windows; the Eidos/SLiM code should handle those correctly (I think/hope), and DOS/Windows should as well (I think/hope). Just say no to \.

bhaller commented 1 month ago

Part of this work ought to be adding new unit tests, with #ifdef _WIN32 so they run only on Windows, that test all of these different filesystem functions with both / and \. Once somebody volunteers to do this work, I'll be happy to chat about that.

bhaller commented 1 month ago

@samchamper how about you, you're on Windows right? Want to sit down together some time and work through this?

petrelharp commented 1 month ago

The link you supplied seems, from my reading, to indicate that using / is fine on all recent versions of DOS and Windows;

By my reading, mixed / and \ worked fine in whatever particular tool they were using, but support was expected to be spotty and inconsistent. I agree that the 'looking for a /' is the thing we know is a bug, though.

I'm only "using" windows by trying to run stdpopsim's CI on Windows (via github).

bhaller commented 1 month ago

The link you supplied seems, from my reading, to indicate that using / is fine on all recent versions of DOS and Windows;

By my reading, mixed / and \ worked fine in whatever particular tool they were using, but support was expected to be spotty and inconsistent. I agree that the 'looking for a /' is the thing we know is a bug, though.

The accepted answer there says (direct quote):

So using / should be fine as long as we're talking to DOS/Windows, not to some random third-party software (which SLiM does not do directly). So I think we can take this bug as referring solely to the looking-only-for-/ thing. In any case, so far nobody has volunteered to help with this. Maybe I can figure out how to work on a fix using the GitHub Actions CI for Windows to test whether my fix is correct. I wish we had a go-to person for Windows issues.

bhaller commented 1 month ago

OK, I have added tests and tweaked the Windows code, and my tests pass CI. I think that means this bug is fixed, but I can't test locally so who knows. I'm going to close this now, but if it is easy for you to test the original problem and confirm that it is fixed, @petrelharp, that would be helpful. Thanks!