Open iMacadan opened 12 months ago
Is the pattern a regex? I notice that shell/bash regexes are different from python ones, and that sarra must use the python ones?
Having a trailing pattern is making it pretty complex to figure out what to do.
If you have something like ${var^^^h} if after the ^^ you have a regex ^h, which means only upper-case if it starts with h. ... and braces are a thing in python regexes, so now have to deal with nested braces... getting hairy.
UPDATE: above pattern is wrong... see patterns link a few posts down.
need an actual parser at this point... which is probably not a bad thing, just work.
There's details about all the substitutions supported by bash online:
the tests/sarracenia/ file could contain test cases for all these, and then it would just be a matter of running:
pytest -o log_cli=true tests/sarracenia/
so there is a good framework to build unit tests for an implementation (that would be in sarracenia/ .. ( variableExpansion routine.)
reading up on the references, the patterns are not regexes, but a different language akin to globbing but different again. sigh... how many pattern matching dialects to implement in a single app.
I'm tempted to put in something totally idiosyncractic like... a means of embedding python in the config file. The shell stuff looks complicated to parse, not that poweful, and not that obvious wondering if having a means of embedding python in the config result will be cleaner/easier to understand in future.
so... embedding python to do this stuff is basically exactly what a DESTFNSCRIPT is for, I think. so if you don't have these substitutions, you need to implement one of those, or obviously an after_accept in a normal callback... so one can make the substitutions by other means. The request is about making that doable in a one liner, without having to write any code.
It would be good to see some sample use cases for this feature.
My original ref. was
An example use for it would be when a product's file name that contains a lower case station id which needs to be put into an uppercase subdir at destination.
But, my bad, this example falls short...
Bash param substitution would be a nice to have feature.
Not all of them would be worth it, but, for example, it can certainly help to reduce the need of creating python renamer plugins.