MetaCoq / metacoq

Metaprogramming, verified meta-theory and implementation of Coq in Coq
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MetaCoq is incompatible with QuickChick (universe inconsistency) #580

Open vblot opened 3 years ago

vblot commented 3 years ago

With the following:

From QuickChick Require Import Sets.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import TermEquality.

I get the error:

Universe inconsistency. Cannot enforce
Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.1 <=
All_Forall.All2_All_mix_left.u1 because All_Forall.All2_All_mix_left.u1
<= All_Forall.All2.u2 <= All_Forall.All2_map.u5
< Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.1.

Strangely, pasting the line From QuickChick Require Import Sets. on top of file raises the error:

No 1st non dependent hypothesis in current goal even after

Tested with Coq 8.13.2, QuickChick 1.5.0 and MetaCoq 1.0~beta2+8.13 from opam

This is related to and

JasonGross commented 2 years ago

You can probably minimize this with the bug minimizer

mattam82 commented 2 years ago

This kind of universe inconsistency is usually due to a template-polymorphic inductive type being partially applied somewhere. Those are not easy to find though.

JasonGross commented 2 years ago

Does coqbot watch this repo? @coqbot minimize

opam install coq-metacoq coq-quickchick
echo > bug.v <<EOF
From QuickChick Require Import Sets.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import TermEquality.
coqc -q bug.v
JasonGross commented 2 years ago

I guess not. Trying at

JasonGross commented 2 years ago

Can metacoq do a release so that the opam package is compatible with 8.14.0?

mattam82 commented 2 years ago

We're working on it

Blaisorblade commented 2 years ago

This is also the incompatibility with Iris that we run into at Bedrock with @gmalecha and others; we thought it might relate to but I don't have strong evidence it's related.

In our case, we just found out that we can skip importing MetaCoq.Template.Typing — just inline MetaCoq.Template.All minus that line, and quoting and MetaCoq Run still work fine. (EDIT: typos).

Minimized example against from git+

From iris.algebra Require Import ofe cmra frac.
(* Imported by MetaCoq.Template.All but unneeded: *)
Fail From MetaCoq.Template Require Typing.
(* The problem is in fact introduced by: *)
Fail From MetaCoq.Template Require TermEquality.

Some partial minimizations appear in, but dunno if it's helpful.

Blaisorblade commented 2 years ago

On the latest commit of the coq-8.14 branch (43f4c699803d2b0e54ebfd99bb9bb5377c7d5ab9), plus, we get somewhat similar errors, and avoiding Typing seems to still avoid those.

From iris.algebra Require Import frac.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Typing.
Universe inconsistency. Cannot enforce Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.1
<= All_Forall.All.u1 because All_Forall.All.u1
< Coq.Relations.Relation_Definitions.1.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import Typing.
From iris.algebra Require Import frac.
Universe inconsistency. Cannot enforce base.equivL.u0 = eq.u0 because eq.u0
<= stdpp.base.47 <= cstr_respects_variance.u0 < eq.u0 = base.equivL.u0.
Blaisorblade commented 2 years ago

@gmalecha suggested dropping Typing from MetaCoq.Template.All since it's not needed for many metaprogramming usecases.

Other users can try replacing requires of MetaCoq.Template.All with the following, and report whether it is sufficient for their uses.

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import
     utils.MCUtils (* Utility functions *)
     monad_utils   (* Monadic notations *)
     uGraph        (* The graph of universes *)
     BasicAst      (* The basic AST structures *)
     Ast           (* The term AST *)
     AstUtils      (* Utilities on the AST *)
     Induction     (* Induction *)
     LiftSubst     (* Lifting and substitution for terms *)
     UnivSubst     (* Substitution of universe instances *)
     (* Typing *)        (* Typing judgment *)
     TemplateMonad (* The TemplateMonad *)
     Loader        (* The plugin *).
Janno commented 2 years ago

I assume the partial application in QuickChick is from coq-ext-lib. Candidates include: 1) 2)

There might be more list monads in there.

JasonGross commented 2 years ago

If indeed this is the issue, the solution is to eta-expand list everywhere it's used as a function, as I say at

Blaisorblade commented 1 year ago