MetaFam / XP

MetaGame's SourceCred instance for tracking XP
11 stars 8 forks source link

Create some midrange response emojis #72

Open dysbulic opened 3 years ago

dysbulic commented 3 years ago

Give players more flexibility in choosing how to respond by creating a more variegated spread from which they choose.

Also, lower the default weight which, when combined with the lowering of the channel weight, will make more emojiing almost completely meaningless to the SourceCred calculations.

Maybe, in this environment we can get people to respond naturally as they do on other Discords giving a richer feedback.

dysbulic commented 3 years ago

@mquellhorst said:

This would be good when people would actually know how to properly use the emoji’s. So they use the emoji’s to the value being delivered. I feel it takes a bit of time to get use to this and don’t emoji out of emotion. Else we’re only adding more complexity…

I know SourceCred only uses 2 emoji’s to value things. It keeps things simple. On the other hand I see people giving emoji’s that don’t have a value

What you think about only mgdark and mglight to 3 the rest 1 and thumbsdown / poo 0?

There are multiple Dunbar's Numbers leading up to the maximum at 150.


I think that we should be shooting for 15, more or less. I think there should ultimately be 13 guilds each with an emoji to signify organizational approval. Then there should be seven additional XP icons: three high XP, three low XP, and whatever 0-weight we come up with.

I would like to figure out how to adjust the weights such that it is intentionally possible to give more XP outside of the praise channels. I find having a separate place to focus on accomplishments is stilted as opposed to having them organically grow as part of the discussions in other channels.

The simplest way to do it would be to significantly up the XP value of the high-ranked emoji and to stop using them so much in #-did-a-thing. The nicest would be is we could set the emoji weight per channel and could just make all emojis worth more in the praise channels.