Metabolomics-MPC / NTAnnotationWorkflow

An R script for the annotation of small-molecule LC-MS data
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Problem with new MetaboAnnotation github release and bparam #26

Closed chufz closed 2 years ago

chufz commented 2 years ago

The newest matchMZ or matchValues does not support any BPPARAM parameter anymore, revealing the error:

MS1 Annotation in pos
[1] "test_library/MS1_inhouse/F5.tsv"
Fehler in .local(query, target, param, ...) : 
  unbenutztes Argument (BPPARAM = new("SerialParam", .xData = <environment>))
Ruft auf: perform_ms1_annotation -> matchValues -> matchValues
Ausführung angehalten
michaelwitting commented 2 years ago

Is already corrected.