MetroCS / cs3250_practice

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[USER-STORY] Relative Ranking of Decision Outcomes #53

Open Bphissles opened 5 days ago

Bphissles commented 5 days ago

User Story


As a end user
I want to see the relative ranking of my decision outcomes
so that I can make a more informed decision about what I want to do next.

Acceptance Criteria

Choose either rules or scenarios and ensure they are verifiable from the perspective of the stakeholder


Scenario 1

Given User input (options, criteria) when Enter Button is pressed (input is submitted) then A list is printed out of the options ranked in order from most desirable to least desirable, with metrics next to each option

Supporting Information

_Decision Support Application_


Depends On

[Links to other issues on which this story depends]


[Links to other issues that depend on this story]

jody commented 3 days ago

A very good start for a user story for this product!

Here are areas that need to be addressed before it can be moved into Ready.

Acceptance Criteria • In "It displays the list of outcomes," the "it" needs to be defined. This might be as simple as "the product". • In the scenario, there is reference to a particular design/implementation element ("Enter Button") that should not constrain the developers. (For example, why can't the display be triggered by something other than an "Enter Button"?)

Supporting Information This identified the need to reference documentation that is initially within a protected system (Canvas). I have added the essence of that documentation to this project's website here: Please use this URL in the Support Information section.

jody commented 2 days ago

Please have your collaborator add a comment to this issue so that they can be recognized and added as an assignee.