MiCode / Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource

Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource
8.76k stars 3.23k forks source link

Riva Oreo Kernel Source #1032

Open SunnyRaj84348 opened 5 years ago

SunnyRaj84348 commented 5 years ago

As riva already got stable oreo update

So when kernel source?

Ayushraj21 commented 5 years ago

Release kernel source before sunny die ;__;

LordShenron commented 5 years ago

Xiaomi is slow as always

LinuxPanda commented 5 years ago

Please release rosy kernel source first.

luk1337 commented 5 years ago

@LinuxPanda what about they won't release either?

LinuxPanda commented 5 years ago

@LinuxPanda what about they won't release either?

I'm more afraid of them squashing riva & rosy commits together and call it a day.

ramabondanp commented 5 years ago

@LinuxPanda surely they will do it and sleep

LordShenron commented 5 years ago

I'm more afraid of them squashing riva & rosy commits together and call it a day.

Thats what they gonna do xd

SunnyRaj84348 commented 5 years ago

Hope they will not squash it with redmi 7A

Enzaik commented 5 years ago

I'm kindly asking for kernel source as well, I'm a kernel development enthusiast and would appreciate a lot having it!

LordShenron commented 5 years ago

I'm kindly asking for kernel source as well, I'm a kernel development enthusiast and would appreciate a lot having it!

Pro Enzaik sur hack xiaomeme servers for kernel source :3

ramabondanp commented 5 years ago

It will released, just need some patient 🙄🙏

elemefaaoo commented 5 years ago

Waiting for release patiently😊

NihalShafi commented 5 years ago

Waiting for Oreo kernel source and make a custom kernel for all ROMs also miui o

ghost commented 5 years ago

wen kranul xd