Arch Linux ARM packages to run MiSTer
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mister-bin: bluetoothd #4

Open amstan opened 2 years ago

amstan commented 2 years ago

Despite https://github.com/amstan/MiSTerArch/commit/712e67b322baee81a75e66095c56aef12b865f7e, we still have some bluetooth errors/issues:

Feb 12 23:26:29 MiSTer MiSTer[1503]: sh: line 1: /bin/bluetoothd: No such file or directory

My laptop says:

alex@alex-framework:~% pacman -Ql|grep /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd
bluez /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

So I guess we might need the bluez package installed too, but even then we're not done since /bin/bluetoothd will never exist. I'm also worried about why the MiSTer binary is trying to run that directly, maybe that's not what we want to do under arch (since bluez would have its own systemd service).