MichaelCurrin / python-twitter-guide

Code snippets and links to docs around using the Twitter API and Tweepy 🐍 🐦
MIT License
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Add dev app notes #42

Open MichaelCurrin opened 4 years ago

MichaelCurrin commented 4 years ago

Hey all -- I have to write a bot that tweets discord messages, but something isn't super clear to me -- can you use the API to send a tweet from a regular account, or can you only send tweets from "Apps" created in the developer account?

I understand your confusion being new to this but in practice I don't distinguish between the two.

The process is you register a Twitter account (ideally a new one to avoid risk to your original account) then go to the apps section of dev.twitter.com or similar and apply for a dev app. When approved that app will only work for the account you registered with.

You can created multiple apps with different app names or permissions (one that is read only and one that can also make tweets). But I don't see the benefit as a hobbyist. Maybe as a business . Also there is friction as I think each additional dev app has to go through review process. If you want to tweet as two different accounts then register two accounts and create one app under each.

MichaelCurrin commented 4 years ago

Applications may take a few days and some back and forth to get approved and may get rejected. But if you are doing experiments to search tweets or tweet original tweets or retweet tweets at a low volume you'll be fine. And do not mention other users or reply to them without explicit permission from the user