MichaelKoczwara / Awesome-CobaltStrike-Defence

Defences against Cobalt Strike
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New Research: Finding Beacons in the Dark #24

Open ssnkhan opened 2 years ago

ssnkhan commented 2 years ago


Finding Beacons in the Dark: A Guide to Cyber Threat Intelligence is the most comprehensive collection of cyber threat intelligence (CTI) focused on Cobalt Strike team servers ever produced.

Learn what you can do to proactively protect your organization from the growing threat of Cobalt Strike beacons and team servers from our cybersecurity experts. You’ll learn key CTI concepts and how to build a CTI program that can effectively find beacons in the dark.

  • Highlights include tips for:
  • Building out detailed profiles of threat actors
  • Broadening your knowledge of existing threat groups
  • Tracking both ongoing and new threat actor campaigns
  • Providing intelligence for SOC analysis and incident responders
  • Fine-tuning security solutions
  • Fine-tuning IDS/IPS solutions
  • Ascertaining campaign timelines for future attacks and incident response engagements

Blog: https://blogs.blackberry.com/en/2021/11/all-your-beacon-are-belong-to-us-new-blackberry-book-cracks-code-of-cobalt-strike-threat-actors

Direct Link: https://www.blackberry.com/content/dam/blackberry-com/asset/enterprise/pdf/direct/bb-ebook-finding-beacons-in-the-dark.pdf

ssnkhan commented 2 years ago

Edit: just realised this is already on the list, but embeds the PDF in a viewer. The direct link might be better (or maybe link to the blog, with a seperate direct link to the PDF?).