MichaelMure / Arbore

Friend-to-friend filesharing app to save the world from dystopia
GNU General Public License v3.0
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UX and UI review #23

Open MichaelMure opened 7 years ago

MichaelMure commented 7 years ago

Some polish is needed, please provide feedback here :)

htmelton commented 6 years ago

I wrote up a doc, viewable here because it is a bit long for a comment, with some of my own thoughts regarding the UX, as well as what happened when I had a few friends test the app for the first time.

Over the next several days, I'll make some wireframes that show the ideas I had for usability improvement. I'd also be happy to make some nice, polished UI mockups later!

@MichaelMure - Do you want me to post images in this thread, in a separate issue, or somewhere else?

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Thank you ! Awesome work.

Images are fine here. Actually, the whole document is fine here too so everything is at the same place and doesn't get lost.

I'll reply in more details a bit later.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

First, I just wanted to say that I appreciate that you actually suggest solution instead of just saying "this doesn't work" 👍 👍 On a side note, I'm using https://material-ui-next.com (the beta version, not http://www.material-ui.com/)

I will deal with the easy wins in the next few days:

Those are also easy to do if we can finalize something

htmelton commented 6 years ago


To answer your question about the profile photo at the top left-- I think I meant top right, sorry! I will edit it when I get home. In all of Google's Material apps, like Gmail, Drive, Calendar, etc, the user's profile information is in the top right corner when viewing on a desktop.

Example from Google Calendar:

google calendar

Also, regarding icons-- I have a lot of free use icon packs, so I will look through them for some replacements.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Ho, that make sense ... In the beginning, the right panel content was going up to the top of the window, but I aligned it to the left panel following some advise. Now there is space to use for the profile and maybe other things..

For the icons, be careful. It has to be with a license compatible with the project (GPLv3). Just non-paying is not enough.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton For the background of the error, I didn't find the '#ef7773' color in any palette provided by material-ui (not sure why ?) so I used '#e57373' which is present in the error palette and visually very close. It's also the same color used for the light theme. I could hardcode the color value but I guess it's best to use palette color if possible if that's fine with you. https://github.com/MichaelMure/Arbore/commit/e175695f21d8bf48a6a34b35e97d8aa3a95305c3

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton For what I named 'inconsistent error colors', I actually got it wrong. What you say is that an error in a form should be presented the same way to the user. Currently in Arbore, there is 3 classes of error feedback:

I just found out that I actually don't use the global error anymore but it's available.

The form for adding a contact with a pubkey is a weird case because there is a single input field so the resulting error (of all the form) could be assigned to this field. But it seems more consistent to me this way. What do you think ?

Edit: that said, this form could have a stronger validation to give a feedback early when the text entered doesn't looks like a pubkey. Edit2: this is done: image

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton Magnifying glass on the contact's and share's page search field is done. It looks like this: image

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure Yes, that color is fine. I came up with the other one using a color picker extension for Chrome, so it isn't officially listed anywhere.

As for your question with the pubkey field, it's a good idea to have the early feedback like you've now implemented!

htmelton commented 6 years ago

So, tonight I made some very basic wireframes that show off how I'm thinking the top bar and sidebar could look and how we can make better use of the screen space. I wasn't sure where to begin so I focused on the contacts section because it's the first thing a user sees after they make an account. I drew on a lot of inspiration from Google Contacts.

Contacts Wireframe Possibilities

View Contacts List view contacts

Clicked on Individual Contact view a contact

Hide/Delete Contact view a contact menu

Floating Action Button Transformed to Add Contacts new contact menu

Add By Pubkey add contacts

Suggested Contacts (also shows collapsed sidebar) suggested contacts


As I mentioned, I was inspired by Google Contacts and thought about some ways to incorporate that into the app to help make better use of the space. I added a floating action button that transforms into a menu to be more consistent with Material Design guidelines, but the FABs are not mandatory so we can change it if you prefer the old style of button.

I grouped hide and delete a contact under an overflow menu because the actions that can be taken in the dialog box should be grouped together, but having a toggle switch and a button or trash icon next to each other looked inconsistent.

Finally, I used the Material icons I had available but I am looking around for some nicer icon kits that have the license we need. I will also think some more about how expanding and collapsing the sidebar may affect the layout so the spacing isn't 100% polished yet.

htmelton commented 6 years ago

Wireframes Showing 2 Column + Menu Layout

View Contacts view contacts

Contact's Information view contact info

Add By ID view contacts add by id

Suggested Contacts view contacts suggested


Here's a version with 2 columns and no popup windows. To keep the 2 columns but reduce the potential for clutter, I thought maybe we could group the items in the second column into a card view (or a grid of cards, where applicable) and have that standardized across the app anywhere there is content in the second column. How it is right now, there isn't a clear visual "border" (for lack of a better term) that groups the information together in the second column, while in the first column, each element is neatly in its own little block with a clear border. So putting the second column in card view might make it seem more cohesive and not cluttered, as I think everything that's currently in the second column on each part of the app can be made into cards.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Good work ! A few thoughts:

  1. I guess that make sense to move the "add by ID" and "add by suggest" content to the right column. There is more space there and the left column can be made thinner if needed. The idea behind the current design is to use the same space as a contact in the list as a suggestion, a "ghost contact". Meaning "interact with this to make it real". IMHO, the current design is kind of good looking, but it's not fully working UX wise (no cancel/"go back" possible on the second step, kind of cramped, a bit unusual/offsetting ...). I still kind of like it but it's good to look for other ways.
  2. Using cards on the right column make sense i guess
  3. Your thoughts on having the menu go all the way up to the top of the window ? There is not that much things to place on the top bar.
  4. The search bar goes away from the actual list it's acting on, so it become less obvious what it is for. That said, it's probably not often used so I guess it's fine (?).
  5. The chat window and the settings window currently don't have a top bar. What about them ? Top bar with just the profile ? No top bar ?
  6. I'm not really a fan of the (+) floating button bottom right. I know it's part of the google design, but it feel really mobile-ish. And as the window can easily be big on a desktop screen, it can be quite far away from where the eye tend to look. It can be far enough that come people will not even see it IMHO. This is a very critical action from the user during the onboarding so it should be extra obvious (no contacts mean you can't do anything).
  7. Having a mutli-purpose right column might be tricky at times. Let say that you are adding contacts by suggest. When you select a contact on the list (left column), the suggestions disappear and are replaced by this contact details. What happen in the same situation but with a "add by id" ? There might be a contact fetch currently processing and it would hide without recover possible this process, including potential errors. That said, there is currently the same problem if you switch to another page during this process, but it could be made more persistent.

It's hard to make things simple :-(

htmelton commented 6 years ago

Yes, the menu can go up to the top of the window past the bar. Either way is accepted in Material Design.

Regarding the settings and chat windows, I think it's probably best to have the top bar there anyway for consistency (but maybe without a search box because you can't search there).

To be honest, I am not sold on the floating action button either. I've been trying to think of some possible alternatives, but we could just put a way to cancel/go back in the current setup.

Finally, on your last point-- there are some ways to get around that. One way would be to make the left column wider and the list items expandable so when you click on the dropdown, the contact details show like on the "Topics" screen here and keep the right column available for suggestions/add. Another way would be if the contact details could open above the suggestions/add and push them down instead of making them disappear (not sure if this is possible).

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's possible to scramble the UI. It's made with React and Redux, which means that it's just component in a hierarchy. Redux helps to avoid heavy dependencies between components, so using a different layout would not be that much work.

htmelton commented 6 years ago

Some expanded and closed navigation ideas with the new icon set I found. I thought the 3 connected circles button might be better for the share something page because it doesn't look like a message (which confused people in the usability test) and was ranked as the most easily recognizable in this study.

navigation outline dark navigation outline expanded dark

navigation outline light navigation outline expanded light

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Awesome :+1:

I notice that you don't have the dividers that groups the icons by theme. Is that by choice ?

Also, there is a need for a button (at the bottom i guess) to open/close the menu. What would you use ?

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

image image image image

Here is some variations:

  1. with the feather icon set
  2. withe the 'activity' icon instead of 'zap'
  3. without dividers
  4. with lighter dividers

What do you think ?

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

I implemented the open/close menu: image image

htmelton commented 6 years ago

I do like the "activity" icon here. I think I prefer the menu either with the lighter dividers or completely without.

I think Google traditionally uses the hamburger menu to expand the sidebar and a backwards arrow to close it, but I'm not a fan of the hamburger menu and its effectiveness is pretty heavily debated. For now, I think the collapse at the bottom is fine.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Ok, what about: image image image image

htmelton commented 6 years ago

I like the double arrow version!

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Good choice :+1:

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton I started moving the search bar and the profile in a top bar. Have a look.

htmelton commented 6 years ago

Looks good!

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton I also reworked the chat and settings page to have the top bar and used the color scheme of your mockups. I also added a logout button in the top bar:


It's looking good everywhere but the chat window, it's less happy there


What do you think ? What would you change ?

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

And also, the respective background colors with the light palette are much less contrasted: image

Is that ok ?

ghost commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure, @htmelton You guys need any help with the desktop app? Any screens that you're looking to improve or design?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Also, I'm unable to run the desktop app on my Windows 10. It says IPFS not found.

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure I will think about the chat screen today.

@Yasha08 Hi, nice to have you join! Do you have any thoughts on how we can improve the chat screen?

ghost commented 6 years ago

Hi @htmelton, I haven't got the chance the look at the screens as yet. I'm to get the app running on my laptop first. I'll keep you guys updated.

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure I was thinking of a few easy ideas that may help the chat screen. I think one of the main problems is that the conversations bar looks a little cramped.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

Like this ? image

Or with the contact bar up to the top: image

With this as the fallback: image

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure Visually, I think I prefer the conversations bar to be all the way up to the top so it matches the sidebar.

I have some thoughts on the layout of the part of the screen that displays the actual chat messages as well... will draw up some sketches tonight

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton @Yasha08 I reworked how background colors works to use a fixed set of named colors. Here are the one I use now:

const dark = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
    type: 'dark',
    background: {
      main: '#303030',
      dark: '#252525',
      light: '#424242',
      darker: '#202020',
      emphasize: '#484848',

const light = createMuiTheme({
  palette: {
    type: 'light',
    background: {
      main: '#fafafa',
      dark: '#f5f5f5',
      light: '#ffffff',
      darker: '#e0e0e0',
      emphasize: '#dcdcdc',

So now I can change them easily. Is that good colors ? Also there may be some quirks here and there, please report if you see something wrong.

Btw, you need to run npm install again?

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure Looks pretty good, but is there a reason the search bar is now a different color than the rest of the top bar? It makes it kind of look like it's not a part of the top bar. think it would look most cohesive if it was the same color, or if the search bar was thinner and and had padding around it, like this example from Google Drive, so it would look like it's still "inside" of the top bar.

screen shot 2018-03-03 at 4 35 47 pm
MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton fixed, I missed that.

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

@htmelton @Yasha08 I moved the "Edit Profile' button as a pen icon, what do you think ? image image

htmelton commented 6 years ago

@MichaelMure Looks good! If you want, I can do an A/B test with the images

MichaelMure commented 6 years ago

I implemented a global privacy switch to stop sharing your contact list with your own contact if you want to: image

I also reworked the contact details view, with a reminder when the global privacy is enabled: image

As always, comments welcome

poppingdragon commented 6 years ago

Hi @MichaelMure Is there any place where I can take a look at the full UI of Arbore? I tried downloading the program but it wouldn't run EDIT: I think it works now