MichaelPaulukonis / text-munger

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Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/text-munger

Text Munger chews up sources via a variety of configurable methods.

It is a work-in-progress. See Roadmap for more details.

See http://www.xradiograph.com/WordSalad.TextMunger for my dis-organized, ranting notes....

This will probably be converted to JavaScript/node.js


There is no defined goal for TextMunger, beyond being useful.

For certain limited definitions of the word "useful." Details RECENTLY COMPLETED TASKS

improved display in selection editors 2012.04.16
    Library, rule-selectors and editors. 
FreeVerse transformation rule implementation 2012.04.16
    which combines standalone ShortLines and InitialSpaces transformations 
HeijinianAidToMemory transformation implementation 2012.04.17
    indents lines according to alpha offset 
save and reload text-sources (if in library or local files) 2012.03.28
basic editing control for SOURCE and OUTPUT 2012.03.27
    This was pretty-much built-on, only now it's accessible via context-menu 
added SNIPPETS window 2012.03.27
    and copy-to-snippets from OUTPUT via context-menu 
put density inside of XRML format 2012.03.18
load SOURCE from file 2012.03.19
save OUTPUT to file 2012.03.19 

TASKS (in no particular order)

save and reload configured rule-sets
    partially working as of 2012.04.12, but needs improvement, including 
named rule-sets
auto-loading of saved-rulesets (in predefined location)
some sort of short-cut key to edit a given ruleset(s)
    there's a lot of clicking in this interface. 
build unit-tests
added percentage bias to text sources
    although this can be crudely-done via adding the text more than once 
swap OUTPUT to SOURCE, for re-processing
allow controls to resize when form is resized
separation of operation from GUI, so can be scripted
percentage-bias for word-level Transforms
    i.e., don't apply to EVERY word 
installation project, so installer can exist in project alongside source
better movement-controls inside of edit-areas
    i.e., word-jump, etc 
(better) error-handling. Right now, TM expects loaded data to be valid, etc. This task probably goes hand-in-hand with
add log4net
apply rule/ruleset to selected text in OUTPUT
re-think of rule selection/layout -- too many clicks, currently.
common tokenizer -- word, char, sentence, other. punctuation-sensitive or not.
Attempt to delete Gutenberg boilerplate
portamnteaux list, and other analysis of output (a la charNG) 

Transformation Rules Additions and Enhancements

vowell-to-punct rule: randomize the punctuation -- a la expletive deleted
BOWDLERIZER -- configurable regex rules, transforms words or phrases into something else
more Transformations
    acrostic/mesostic generator
more clustering random-walk for Density transform
file-based generic replacement "translator" to read from directory
    ie, multiple user-controlled translators are possible
    that will be an issue for serialization....
    wait, I think I did this.... 
formatting category for rules (ie, XRML, shortlines, Heijinian, etc.)
more formatters (Howlish paragraphs, right-justify position `n`?)
custom rules have scripting of some kind
Markov updates
    drop xray-references in Markov rules
    add explanation of rules to rule-editor (and whatever background code)
    change multiple-Markov rules to one rule, with options
    make Markov-analysis case-insensitive for analysis
        not for output (optional, I suppose)

WAAAY Down the road, but a major goal:

planar-output and processing, not just linear 

Transformation Rules

There are three basic types of transformation rules available:



Markov (n-gram) Chains 


Pig Latin
Random Caps
Shouty Caps
Vowell to Punctuation
Punctuize Whitespace 


Short Lines
Initial Spaces
Free Verse
Heijinian Aid to Memory