MichaelXF / js-confuser

JS-Confuser is a JavaScript obfuscation tool to make your programs *impossible* to read.
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escodegen library related to this project #127

Open hideongloomist opened 2 months ago

hideongloomist commented 2 months ago

escodegen library related to this project

        result = this[type](expr, precedence, flags);

TypeError: this[type] is not a function
    at CodeGenerator.generateExpression (/node_modules/escodegen/escodegen.js:2516:28)

Version in my package-lock.json: 2.3.0



  target: "node",
  preset: "low",
  renameGlobals: false
shellhazard commented 2 months ago

For anyone else running into this, there's a maintained fork of escodegen which doesn't have this issue: https://www.npmjs.com/package/escodegen-wallaby


But it does have other issues related to the output - it's concatenating an identifier somewhere, obfuscated code breaks because there's various [object Object] dotted about. Not sure where to go from there.