Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony / net_apps_pic32mx

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Where is a simple PIC32 Ethernet Starter Kit II Web server that shows demo code and harmony3 settings ? #2

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

The ole MLA used to have plenty of web server demo's that would show button pushes etc on web page. Used that for many applications. Trying to understand the Harmony3 framework for a server since will be moving to PIC32 processors. Getting a start is not as easy from the ole school MLA i'm used to. Don't need a client. Need demo I can see the settings and the code and the file structure so can port exising application from PIC24.


adrian-aur commented 2 years ago

Starting from the demo that you have for PIC32MX you can add any TCP/IP module you need to the project (HTTP, etc.), using MHC. That's the idea, and it should work. Also, there are plenty of demos for the PIC32MZ platform to use as a model.