Open Skillable-MelieKrichko opened 2 weeks ago
In general, you should be able to run this command without any negative impact even if the resource group exists. It appears that the issue you're running into results from insufficient level of privileges. I gather this has is related to the cloud slice environment within the Skillable environment. Is there a reason that users taking this lab do not have sufficient permissions to create resource groups?
rgds Marcin
Module/Lab: Lab 1b: Implement Windows clustering on Azure VMs
Exercise: 01: Provision Azure compute resources necessary to support highly available SAP NetWeaver deployments
Task: 01: Deploy a pair of Azure VMs running highly available Active Directory domain controllers by using a Bicep template
Step: 07
Description of issue:
The learner has been instructed to create a Resource Group, but it appears that this Resource Group already exists. This portion of the instructions could be rewritten to allow the user to skip this section if resource group is already created.