In Exercise 1 Task 1 we are asked to type a password on step 9. Moving on in Task 2 step 2 we are asked to enter the same password we used in Task 1.
In my case, I used the password Pa55w.rd which is not accepted when provisioning a windows server VM due to password length requirements. Can this be updated to a specific password or clearly mentioned like the password should fulfill the complexity requirement?
Not a blocking issue but a frustrating one as after we wait for the deployment to complete the next task requires the same password as before and we cannot use the same password.
In Exercise 1 Task 1 we are asked to type a password on step 9. Moving on in Task 2 step 2 we are asked to enter the same password we used in Task 1.
In my case, I used the password Pa55w.rd which is not accepted when provisioning a windows server VM due to password length requirements. Can this be updated to a specific password or clearly mentioned like the password should fulfill the complexity requirement?
Not a blocking issue but a frustrating one as after we wait for the deployment to complete the next task requires the same password as before and we cannot use the same password.
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