MiczFlor / RPi-Jukebox-RFID

A Raspberry Pi jukebox, playing local music, podcasts, web radio and streams triggered by RFID cards, web app or home automation. All plug and play via USB. GPIO scripts available.
MIT License
1.34k stars 396 forks source link

Loading... no changes and no action on future3 #2140

Closed ASchmidt84 closed 9 months ago

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Describe your problem

Installed on fresh raspberry. Had to correct the arch. Also installed a small screen. On settings is only Loading... Jukebox Core Version. Scanning cards to add a new hs no effect. Which logs i can provide?

Thanks André

s-martin commented 9 months ago

What's your hardware set up?

RPi version, RFID Reader, Audio devices etc.

If possible, try to attach logs from ... (paths from RPi)

Which browser are you using? Firefox works not yet (a fix was just committed today to future3/develop)

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

RFIDReader: USB Neuftech (worked already with version 2) ChipOn Audio RPi Version: 4b 2GB


Using chrome, firefox and the kiosk mode. Only loading.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

grafik Sorry cannot copy at this moment ... :(

Also good to know. It is not possible to restart over the webapp.

s-martin commented 9 months ago

The screenshot is not the end of the installation?

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

near the end. Saw no error. I try to reinstall.

Now i get an installation error grafik

pabera commented 9 months ago

You will have to start from a fresh Debian, no installation before.

pabera commented 9 months ago

RFIDReader: USB Neuftech (worked already with version 2) ChipOn Audio RPi Version: 4b 2GB

Using chrome, firefox and the kiosk mode. Only loading.

This looks like your jukebox daemon is not running. Try to use a 32bit Debian (and if required, change the setting at the beginning too as the installation suggests). Once installed, login into your Pi.

then run the following command

egrep -i -C 5 'error|fail' ~/INSTALL-1702050077.log

the filename will be different because the number is a timestamp. just check the the name of yours.

it will find the term error and fail in this log file including +/- 5 lines of context. not all the output will be relevant but some might. Maybe this helps you to get closer to the root cause

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

grafik Sorry cannot copy at this moment ... :(

Also good to know. It is not possible to restart over the webapp.

Can you try installing from future3/develop? As the error in the log has been fixed in the current develop version.

The whole log would be good to see further errors.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

I set up a fresh - now debian 32bit - an install then future3/develop

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Good morning. I used a fresh debian. Same error. The logs helps.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

*** NOTICE *****************************************
* Error in getting Git Repository using SSH! USING FALLBACK HTTPS.
* Note: This is only relevant for developers!
* Did you forget to upload the ssh key for this machine to GitHub?
* Defaulting to HTTPS protocol. You can change back to SSH later with
* git remote set-url origin git@github.com:MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID.git
* git remote set-url upstream git@github.com:MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID.git
    Download pre-compiled libzmq from Google Drive because RPi has trouble compiling it
--2023-12-08 22:37:11--  https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=$%7BGD_SHARING_ID%7D
Resolving docs.google.com (docs.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4005:801::200e
Connecting to docs.google.com (docs.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2023-12-08 22:37:12 ERROR 404: Not Found.

--2023-12-08 22:37:12--  https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=&id=1KP6BqLF-i2dCUsHhOUpOwwuOmKsB5GKY
Resolving docs.google.com (docs.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4005:801::200e
Connecting to docs.google.com (docs.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 303 See Other
Hit:1 http://raspbian.raspberrypi.com/raspbian bookworm InRelease
Hit:2 http://archive.raspberrypi.com/debian bookworm InRelease
Reading package lists...
W: http://raspbian.raspberrypi.com/raspbian/dists/bookworm/InRelease: Key is stored in legacy trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in apt-key(8) for details.
Install MPD OS dependencies
Note: Installing MPD will cause a message: 'Job failed. See journalctl -xe for details'
It can be ignored! It's an artefact of the MPD installation - nothing we can do about it.
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following additional packages will be installed:
  Downloading web application
--2023-12-08 22:40:25--  https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=$%7BGD_SHARING_ID%7D
Resolving docs.google.com (docs.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4005:801::200e
Connecting to docs.google.com (docs.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2023-12-08 22:40:26 ERROR 404: Not Found.

--2023-12-08 22:40:26--  https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&confirm=&id=1um-smyfsVPzVZn18hhwuFt97XR3PjAbB
Resolving docs.google.com (docs.google.com)..., 2a00:1450:4005:801::200e
Connecting to docs.google.com (docs.google.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 303 See Other

I used now the develop method.

cd; bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/future3/develop/installation/install-jukebox.sh)
AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

You installed the main version again, as the command wasn't quite right.

To install the develop version, use

cd; GIT_USER='MiczFlor' GIT_BRANCH='future3/develop' bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/future3/develop/installation/install-jukebox.sh)

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Sorry. Yes you are right. Of course. Yesterday it was late :) Can I overinstall?

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

Sadly not. The installation process is currently not rerunnable

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Okay. I will setup, again, a new and fresh debian :)

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Okay. Now used the development branch. After installation and reboot i installed the webapp

  Line 55:6:  React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'setState' and 'state'. Either include them or remove the dependency array  react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

  Line 51:6:  React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'isSeeking' and 'updateTimeAndProgress'. Either include them or remove the dependency array  react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

Search for the keywords to learn more about each warning.
To ignore, add // eslint-disable-next-line to the line before.

File sizes after gzip:

  239.57 kB  build/static/js/main.b75223ee.js

The project was built assuming it is hosted at /.
You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.

The build folder is ready to be deployed.
You may serve it with a static server:

  npm install -g serve
  serve -s build

Find out more about deployment here:


pi@lilo:~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/webapp $ npm install -g serve
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! syscall mkdir
npm ERR! path /usr/lib/node_modules/serve
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/serve'
npm ERR!  [Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/usr/lib/node_modules/serve'] {
npm ERR!   errno: -13,
npm ERR!   code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR!   syscall: 'mkdir',
npm ERR!   path: '/usr/lib/node_modules/serve'
npm ERR! }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! The operation was rejected by your operating system.
npm ERR! It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the
npm ERR! permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running
npm ERR! the command again as root/Administrator.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/pi/.npm/_logs/2023-12-09T09_42_11_312Z-debug-0.log
pabera commented 9 months ago

Try with sudo

sudo npm install -g serve

On develop branch, we expect the Webapp to be built. But if you choose not to install Node (when asked in the installation), it will just download the latest release. We will release the next version 3.4.0 soon to main, maybe you can give that a try.

I just tried installing the latest version with Kiosk mode on Bullseye (Pi3b), and it works like a charm.

cd; GIT_USER='pabera' GIT_BRANCH='future3/better-logging' bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pabera/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/future3/better-logging/installation/install-jukebox.sh)
ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

I installed the kiosk mode. And if i going to the webapp via chrome, it is the same pic like above. On the little screen is debian running and not the chrome. Also it is still impossible to reboot via webapp.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

After setup again and used now yours

cd; GIT_USER='pabera' GIT_BRANCH='future3/better-logging' bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pabera/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/future3/better-logging/installation/install-jukebox.sh)

It works. I get percentage and all other information. Also the reboot button works. Th RFID scanner does not work and also not the kiosk mode. On the little screen is still the desktop.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Now I try to start the config of the rfid reader.

pi@lilo:~ $ ./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/run_register_rfid_reader.py -h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/run_register_rfid_reader.py", line 17, in <module>
    import components.rfid.configure as rfid_configure
  File "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/components/rfid/configure/__init__.py", line 6, in <module>
    import jukebox.cfghandler
  File "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/jukebox/cfghandler.py", line 22, in <module>
    from ruamel.yaml import YAML
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ruamel'
ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Works now fine. Installed all necessary plugins.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

I thought it was finished. I mounted a shared disk. And added action to card. If scan the card no action :( Also on bibliothek i clicked a song. Still no action.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Do I have install some plugins?

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

Now I try to start the config of the rfid reader.

pi@lilo:~ $ ./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/run_register_rfid_reader.py -h
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/pi/./RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/run_register_rfid_reader.py", line 17, in <module>
    import components.rfid.configure as rfid_configure
  File "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/components/rfid/configure/__init__.py", line 6, in <module>
    import jukebox.cfghandler
  File "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/jukebox/cfghandler.py", line 22, in <module>
    from ruamel.yaml import YAML
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ruamel'

All necessary Plugins should be installed. Before you run a python script manually, you must activate the virtual environment though. This is done with the command source ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/.venv/bin/activate

Since the last update for bookworm support all python plugins are only installed here and not a system level anymore. The service is automatically started with this.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

With this command the screen is like me first post

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

Can you post the outcome of pip list ?

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago
pi@lilo:~ $ pip list
Package           Version
----------------- ---------
arandr            0.1.10
astroid           2.5.1
asttokens         2.0.4
automationhat     0.2.0
beautifulsoup4    4.9.3
blinker           1.4
blinkt            0.1.2
buttonshim        0.0.2
Cap1xxx           0.1.3
certifi           2020.6.20
chardet           4.0.0
click             7.1.2
colorama          0.4.4
colorzero         1.1
cryptography      3.3.2
cupshelpers       1.0
dbus-python       1.2.16
distro            1.5.0
dnspython         2.0.0
docutils          0.16
drumhat           0.1.0
envirophat        1.0.0
evdev             1.6.1
exceptiongroup    1.2.0
ExplorerHAT       0.4.2
flake8            6.1.0
Flask             1.1.2
fourletterphat    0.1.0
gpiozero          1.6.2
html5lib          1.1
idna              2.10
iniconfig         2.0.0
isort             5.6.4
itsdangerous      1.1.0
jedi              0.18.0
Jinja2            2.11.3
lazy-object-proxy 0.0.0
logilab-common    1.8.1
lxml              4.6.3
MarkupSafe        1.1.1
mccabe            0.7.0
microdotphat      0.2.1
mock              5.1.0
mote              0.0.4
motephat          0.0.3
mypy              0.812
mypy-extensions   0.4.3
numpy             1.19.5
oauthlib          3.1.0
packaging         23.2
pantilthat        0.0.7
parso             0.8.1
pexpect           4.8.0
pgzero            1.2
phatbeat          0.1.1
pianohat          0.1.0
picamera          1.13
picamera2         0.3.12
pidng             4.0.9
piexif            1.1.3
piglow            1.2.5
pigpio            1.78
Pillow            8.1.2
pip               20.3.4
pluggy            1.3.0
psutil            5.8.0
pulsectl          23.5.2
pyalsaaudio       0.10.0
pycairo           1.16.2
pycodestyle       2.11.1
pycups            2.0.1
pyflakes          3.1.0
pygame            1.9.6
Pygments          2.7.1
PyGObject         3.38.0
pyinotify         0.9.6
PyJWT             1.7.1
pylint            2.7.2
PyOpenGL          3.1.5
pyOpenSSL         20.0.1
PyQt5             5.15.2
PyQt5-sip         12.8.1
pyserial          3.5b0
pysmbc            1.0.23
pytest            7.4.3
python-apt        2.2.1
python-mpd2       3.1.0
python-prctl      1.7
pyzmq             25.1.2
rainbowhat        0.1.0
reportlab         3.5.59
requests          2.25.1
requests-oauthlib 1.0.0
responses         0.12.1
roman             2.0.0
RPi.GPIO          0.7.0
RTIMULib          7.2.1
ruamel.yaml       0.18.5
ruamel.yaml.clib  0.2.8
scrollphat        0.0.7
scrollphathd      1.2.1
Send2Trash        1.6.0b1
sense-hat         2.6.0
setuptools        52.0.0
simplejpeg        1.6.4
simplejson        3.17.2
six               1.16.0
skywriter         0.0.7
sn3218            1.2.7
soupsieve         2.2.1
spidev            3.5
ssh-import-id     5.10
thonny            4.0.1
toml              0.10.1
tomli             2.0.1
tornado           6.4
touchphat         0.0.1
twython           3.8.2
typed-ast         1.4.2
unicornhathd      0.0.4
urllib3           1.26.5
v4l2-python3      0.3.2
webencodings      0.5.1
Werkzeug          1.0.1
wheel             0.34.2
wrapt             1.12.1
zmq               0.0.0
AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

thx and also with activated venv? sry forget to mention before

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago
pi@lilo:~ $ source ~/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/.venv/bin/activate
(.venv) pi@lilo:~ $ pip list
Package            Version
------------------ ----------
certifi            2023.11.17
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
colorzero          2.0
evdev              1.6.1
exceptiongroup     1.2.0
flake8             6.1.0
gpiozero           2.0
idna               3.6
iniconfig          2.0.0
mccabe             0.7.0
mock               5.1.0
packaging          23.2
pip                23.3.1
pkg_resources      0.0.0
pluggy             1.3.0
pulsectl           23.5.2
pyalsaaudio        0.10.0
pycodestyle        2.11.1
pyflakes           3.1.0
pytest             7.4.3
python-mpd2        3.1.0
pyzmq              25.1.2
requests           2.31.0
RPi.GPIO           0.7.1
ruamel.yaml        0.18.5
ruamel.yaml.clib   0.2.8
setuptools         44.1.1
tomli              2.0.1
tornado            6.4
urllib3            2.1.0
wheel              0.42.0
AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

The venv looks good so far so by activating it the python scripts, like register_reader, should work.

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

I thought it was finished. I mounted a shared disk. And added action to card. If scan the card no action :( Also on bibliothek i clicked a song. Still no action.

Can you explain how you mounted the share and also post your logs from shared/logs/ ?

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

I can register RFID Cards. But scanning to start has no effect. Which steps I have to do to activate. Sorry but i am not familiar with raspberry. I am also a software developer and use linux. But this is complete new to me. Is their a step by step readme. How to activate scripts and what means venv? Because if start the system will be loading and loading on temp., ip and other.

pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/app.log
09.12.2023 20:45:42 -   41:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Starting Jukebox Daemon (Version 3.3.0)
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -   44:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Git state: 042ed9ac [2023-12-08] Fix a few minor things  (HEAD, origin/future3/better-logging, future3/better-logging) [v3.3.0-23-g042ed9ac-dirty]
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (jukebox) Loading yaml file '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/settings/jukebox.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (jukebox) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -   53:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Welcome to Jukebox
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -   54:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Time of start: Sat Dec  9 20:45:42 2023
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.publishing' as 'publishing'
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.publishing.republish' as 'publishing.republish' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling publishing.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  229:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - PublishServer initialized (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
09.12.2023 20:45:43 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.volume' as 'volume'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.toggle_output
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_outputs
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_outputs
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.change_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_mute
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.mute
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_output
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_soft_max_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_soft_max_volume
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling volume.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  249:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - PulseMon        - INFO     - Start Pulse Monitor Thread
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  614:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Ignoring secondary audio output configuration because it is missing or incomplete
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  353:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Configured audio sinks: [PaSink(alias='Built-in speakers', pulse_sink_name='alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', volume_limit=100)]
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle' as 'jingle'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play' as 'jingle.play' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_startup' as 'jingle.play_startup' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_shutdown' as 'jingle.play_shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.alsawave' as 'jingle.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging AlsaWave.play
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.alsawave.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' and register as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'wav' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.jinglemp3' as 'jingle.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  347:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Auto-tagging all methods and functions of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.jinglemp3.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' and register as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'mp3' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.playermpd' as 'player'
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.start
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.cancel
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.toggle
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.trigger
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.is_alive
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_timeout
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.set_timeout
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.publish
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_state
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.start
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.get_state
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_player_type_and_version
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update
09.12.2023 20:45:44 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update_wait
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.stop
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.pause
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.prev
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.next
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.seek
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.shuffle
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.rewind
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.toggle
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay_if_stopped
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.repeatmode
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_current_song
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.map_filename_to_playlist_pos
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.remove
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.move
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_single
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.resume
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_card
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_folder_content
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_folder
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_album
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.queue_load
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playerstatus
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playlistinfo
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_all_dirs
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_albums
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_song_by_artist_and_album
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_song_by_url
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling player.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  163:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Connected to MPD Version: 0.22.4
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  182:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Last Played Folder: /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.playermpd.PlayerMPD' as 'player.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.player            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - MPD music lib path = /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders; from /home/pi/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  650:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Change user rights for /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.cards' as 'cards'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.list_cards' as 'cards.list_cards' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.delete_card' as 'cards.delete_card' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card' as 'cards.register_card' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card_custom' as 'cards.register_card_custom' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.load_card_database' as 'cards.load_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.save_card_database' as 'cards.save_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.reader' as 'rfid'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - Start timer 'mpd.timer_status in endless mode
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.timers' as 'timers'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.hostif.linux' as 'host'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.shutdown' as 'host.shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.reboot' as 'host.reboot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.jukebox_is_service' as 'host.jukebox_is_service' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.is_any_jukebox_service_active' as 'host.is_any_jukebox_service_active' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.restart_service' as 'host.restart_service' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_disk_usage' as 'host.get_disk_usage' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_cpu_temperature' as 'host.get_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.publish_cpu_temperature' as 'host.publish_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_ip_address' as 'host.get_ip_address' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.say_my_ip' as 'host.say_my_ip' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.wlan_disable_power_down' as 'host.wlan_disable_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_autohotspot_status' as 'host.get_autohotspot_status' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.stop_autohotspot' as 'host.stop_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.start_autohotspot' as 'host.start_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.hdmi_power_down' as 'host.hdmi_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_throttled' as 'host.get_throttled' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.rpi_initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons'
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling bluetooth_audio_buttons.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:45 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin' as 'gpio'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.on' as 'gpio.on' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.off' as 'gpio.off' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.set_value' as 'gpio.set_value' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.flash' as 'gpio.flash' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling gpio.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_change_on_rfid_scan
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_all
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_card_database
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_folder
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling sync_rfidcards.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   78:__init__.py        - jb.sync_rfidcards    - MainThread      - INFO     - Sync RFID cards deactivated
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards.SyncRfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.music_cover_art' as 'music_cover_art'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging MusicCoverArt.get_by_filename_as_base64
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling music_cover_art.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.music_cover_art.MusicCoverArt' as 'music_cover_art.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.misc' as 'misc'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.rpc_cmd_help' as 'misc.rpc_cmd_help' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_loaded_packages' as 'misc.get_all_loaded_packages' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_failed_packages' as 'misc.get_all_failed_packages' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_start_time' as 'misc.get_start_time' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_debug' as 'misc.get_log_debug' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_error' as 'misc.get_log_error' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_version' as 'misc.get_version' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_git_state' as 'misc.get_git_state' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.empty_rpc_call' as 'misc.empty_rpc_call' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling volume.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  456:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Audio sink is now 'Built-in speakers' :: 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.volume.PulseVolumeControl' as 'volume.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling jingle.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: jingle.play_startup(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling cards.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (cards) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/cards.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (cards) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[30], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   42:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Auto: 'wav' from ../../resources/audio/startupsound.wav.
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   50:__init__.py        - jb.alsaif            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Playing wave file
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling rfid.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (rfid) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/rfid.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (rfid) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  101:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - INFO     - For reader config key 'read_00': loading module 'generic_usb'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  116:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decoded removal action: player.ctrl.pause()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  139:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Start listening!
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling timers.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_shutdown: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_shutdown'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_stop_player: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_stop_player'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_fade_volume: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 1, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericMultiTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_fade_volume'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling host.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericEndlessTimerClass' as 'host.timer_temperature'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling gpio.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_loaded_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_failed_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  144:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loaded plugins: publishing, volume, jingle, jingle.alsawave, jingle.jinglemp3, player, cards, rfid, timers, host, bluetooth_audio_buttons, gpio, sync_rfidcards, music_cover_art, misc
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   67:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - Init RPC Server (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   75:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'inproc://JukeBoxRpcServer'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   81:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'tcp://*:5555'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   87:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'ws://*:5556'
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   92:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - All socket connections initialized
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  229:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Start-up time: 3192.420 ms
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -  104:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - RPC Servers started
09.12.2023 20:45:46 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - Start timer 'host.timer.cputemp in endless mode
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -   19:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Initializing reader 'Generic USB Reader' from '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/components/rfid/hardware/generic_usb/generic_usb.py'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -   20:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Reader object is <components.rfid.hardware.generic_usb.generic_usb.ReaderClass object at 0xa205bfb8> for reader config key 'read_00'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  144:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - WARNING  - Key 'key_capability' not given in configuration! Using default value: 'true'.
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  158:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Device list = [InputDevice('/dev/input/event3'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event2'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event1'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')]
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'generic ft5x06 (79)' at 'device /dev/input/event3, name "generic ft5x06 (79)", phys ""'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-1' at 'device /dev/input/event2, name "vc4-hdmi-1", phys "vc4-hdmi-1/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-0' at 'device /dev/input/event1, name "vc4-hdmi-0", phys "vc4-hdmi-0/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  164:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Device found. Opening device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:45:47 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[40], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:47:07 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  313:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - ERROR    -  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:47:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:47:45 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9c81965d-0d8a-45dd-9e91-f8049b150a37', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:46 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '9c81965d-0d8a-45dd-9e91-f8049b150a37'}
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '754dd968-db61-48c7-9e85-f5485c2c797b', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': '754dd968-db61-48c7-9e85-f5485c2c797b'}
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '16afcaa9-e6c0-4387-9ae3-ec1d3ecbad7c', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:47:48 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '16afcaa9-e6c0-4387-9ae3-ec1d3ecbad7c'}
09.12.2023 20:47:49 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'fd3340cf-500c-4368-aeb3-20aa4239a62d', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:47:49 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:47:49 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:49 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': 'fd3340cf-500c-4368-aeb3-20aa4239a62d'}
09.12.2023 20:47:51 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'dae064df-a367-496f-942c-9c1adb3d69b8', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:47:51 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:47:51 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:51 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'dae064df-a367-496f-942c-9c1adb3d69b8'}
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b53ee541-4a03-49dd-93f7-870747924e3c', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:47:53 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'b53ee541-4a03-49dd-93f7-870747924e3c'}
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b0f4e959-1b57-4d6c-813c-d9ace94d6b81', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:47:54 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'b0f4e959-1b57-4d6c-813c-d9ace94d6b81'}
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4303f60d-a371-437a-abc9-6c407c5433f1', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörbuch', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörbuch'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörspiele', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörspiele'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Weihnachstmusik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Weihnachstmusik'}], 'id': '4303f60d-a371-437a-abc9-6c407c5433f1'}
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:48:50 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:48:57 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f1e4df81-c5c2-42a7-9d88-a60fa024f0a1', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:48:57 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:48:57 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'f1e4df81-c5c2-42a7-9d88-a60fa024f0a1'}
09.12.2023 20:49:01 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:01 -  224:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Unknown card: '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:05 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e492f892-6768-461a-9779-6b83780d291e', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:05 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:05 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'e492f892-6768-461a-9779-6b83780d291e'}
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'fc90b405-1a42-4314-b9ba-6f63381967f3', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'fc90b405-1a42-4314-b9ba-6f63381967f3'}
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '52ea5333-e794-46f7-8bd0-0b8e8a1060c5', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:06 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '52ea5333-e794-46f7-8bd0-0b8e8a1060c5'}
09.12.2023 20:49:10 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:10 -  224:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Unknown card: '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'd4448a64-15a7-4b77-8235-f101561e113c', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'd4448a64-15a7-4b77-8235-f101561e113c'}
09.12.2023 20:49:16 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:16 -  224:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Unknown card: '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:17 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:17 -  224:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Unknown card: '0010837226'
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9ac5545f-4680-4144-96e5-6eb12389b2f8', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': '9ac5545f-4680-4144-96e5-6eb12389b2f8'}
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '8bdee60f-53b9-4f70-a30e-182a5be294e8', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '8bdee60f-53b9-4f70-a30e-182a5be294e8'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'cf8b3edf-bc0b-4d4a-bd11-f169d2d63e59', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5077, 'free': 21941}, 'id': 'cf8b3edf-bc0b-4d4a-bd11-f169d2d63e59'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9f7c243d-3927-426a-a1be-fd8499d9ff15', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '9f7c243d-3927-426a-a1be-fd8499d9ff15'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6191dad6-15cb-41c1-b24d-d543ac88825f', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '6191dad6-15cb-41c1-b24d-d543ac88825f'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'a56ca6c8-e562-464b-8e52-ab3dc3a98a69', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': 'a56ca6c8-e562-464b-8e52-ab3dc3a98a69'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '51fd749d-47f3-4b83-8cb5-b33f45241a6c', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': '51fd749d-47f3-4b83-8cb5-b33f45241a6c'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '609da35a-9d87-451b-8111-51b138cf1aed', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': '609da35a-9d87-451b-8111-51b138cf1aed'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '8ac1af60-12a7-4e2c-9615-a5d4d9e1545f', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': '8ac1af60-12a7-4e2c-9615-a5d4d9e1545f'}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '2e2c5f27-ff1e-4757-8951-c51eaccf5061', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:29 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '2e2c5f27-ff1e-4757-8951-c51eaccf5061'}
09.12.2023 20:49:36 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b132df7c-6189-4e7d-9e9c-90a316a8859e', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'set_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {'max_volume': 75}}
09.12.2023 20:49:36 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={'max_volume': 75})
09.12.2023 20:49:36 -  553:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Set Max Volume = 75
09.12.2023 20:49:36 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': None, 'id': 'b132df7c-6189-4e7d-9e9c-90a316a8859e'}
09.12.2023 20:49:42 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'abbd2902-b15c-4e22-a5f9-b9cf44b82da7', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:49:42 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:49:42 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'abbd2902-b15c-4e22-a5f9-b9cf44b82da7'}
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:35 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:36 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:55:37 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:56:20 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'd7475008-5392-429a-987e-f5571f373b55', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:20 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:20 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': 'd7475008-5392-429a-987e-f5571f373b55'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'dbb9e706-d973-4187-9952-055bb27406f2', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5077, 'free': 21941}, 'id': 'dbb9e706-d973-4187-9952-055bb27406f2'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4ca23f2e-1a06-490a-b21a-04908be029f8', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '4ca23f2e-1a06-490a-b21a-04908be029f8'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9c0df54c-9e37-485e-895a-70b82b687b6f', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '9c0df54c-9e37-485e-895a-70b82b687b6f'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '42ed8262-7616-4c98-94ca-7c01cdb54d05', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '42ed8262-7616-4c98-94ca-7c01cdb54d05'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '52cb231a-c2b0-488b-bd9f-d76b299a2217', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': '52cb231a-c2b0-488b-bd9f-d76b299a2217'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '16c6ddfa-7574-46c8-a0ed-443e6471cb22', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': '16c6ddfa-7574-46c8-a0ed-443e6471cb22'}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '1b7cb77f-b216-46e5-a521-552c31b0afd6', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 75, 'id': '1b7cb77f-b216-46e5-a521-552c31b0afd6'}
09.12.2023 20:56:26 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'd6c13b10-64bc-40c9-9326-559bc89b7537', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:26 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:26 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': 'd6c13b10-64bc-40c9-9326-559bc89b7537'}
09.12.2023 20:56:33 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b2d17cf2-10be-48b1-8cbc-f41fbdf4a5da', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:33 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:33 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'b2d17cf2-10be-48b1-8cbc-f41fbdf4a5da'}
09.12.2023 20:56:34 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'a7b2f1ef-fa26-45a0-a6f5-b27ad1245926', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:56:34 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:56:34 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:34 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': 'a7b2f1ef-fa26-45a0-a6f5-b27ad1245926'}
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'fd905e4a-27ca-4f2c-890b-a583c5468fa1', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'fd905e4a-27ca-4f2c-890b-a583c5468fa1'}
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '127b610f-ed64-4277-a88c-70e20e89e3d5', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:35 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 75, 'id': '127b610f-ed64-4277-a88c-70e20e89e3d5'}
09.12.2023 20:56:39 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4e0703e3-e290-41b5-b4f6-02cdf1ce01ca', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:56:39 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:56:39 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:39 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '4e0703e3-e290-41b5-b4f6-02cdf1ce01ca'}
09.12.2023 20:56:40 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9f526b7b-7d67-4b31-9799-5d91ca5fdc37', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test', 'recursive': True}}
09.12.2023 20:56:40 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test', 'recursive': True})
09.12.2023 20:56:40 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'
09.12.2023 20:56:40 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:40 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': None, 'id': '9f526b7b-7d67-4b31-9799-5d91ca5fdc37'}
09.12.2023 20:56:41 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '60da4ec2-c368-4aa9-990c-95c27ee9ad97', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}}
09.12.2023 20:56:41 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'})
09.12.2023 20:56:41 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:41 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '60da4ec2-c368-4aa9-990c-95c27ee9ad97'}
09.12.2023 20:56:44 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b21ee7b6-bf54-4a2c-8d5a-c356cc44d7a6', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'list_albums', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:56:44 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.list_albums(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:56:44 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'b21ee7b6-bf54-4a2c-8d5a-c356cc44d7a6'}
09.12.2023 20:56:45 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'db143a19-6d38-45f1-b9a2-12453d86c5be', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:56:45 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:56:45 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:45 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': 'db143a19-6d38-45f1-b9a2-12453d86c5be'}
09.12.2023 20:56:48 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '8cdd0254-7af8-4a60-8a8f-d3c86d74cb68', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test', 'recursive': True}}
09.12.2023 20:56:48 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test', 'recursive': True})
09.12.2023 20:56:48 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'
09.12.2023 20:56:48 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:56:48 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': None, 'id': '8cdd0254-7af8-4a60-8a8f-d3c86d74cb68'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f0da7d05-cf62-43db-bab5-6f5625fc001d', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5079, 'free': 21939}, 'id': 'f0da7d05-cf62-43db-bab5-6f5625fc001d'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4b5b1eb8-6e30-4bac-a736-0a0007dd1e8d', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '4b5b1eb8-6e30-4bac-a736-0a0007dd1e8d'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '10e3d7a8-d8d3-4fbc-8016-da6884df5160', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '10e3d7a8-d8d3-4fbc-8016-da6884df5160'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e9117cb5-8264-4aac-87ac-0b4603751888', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': 'e9117cb5-8264-4aac-87ac-0b4603751888'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '41217b2e-baa1-4efd-934d-1d6d4630748b', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': '41217b2e-baa1-4efd-934d-1d6d4630748b'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '5100c914-883e-47c4-80ee-6b068ff37949', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': '5100c914-883e-47c4-80ee-6b068ff37949'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '45196c0f-15a1-45f8-9dd0-a3bc0f274662', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 75, 'id': '45196c0f-15a1-45f8-9dd0-a3bc0f274662'}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'ee24a478-e693-4784-b8f3-b34e38bb9fab', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
10.12.2023 09:04:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': 'ee24a478-e693-4784-b8f3-b34e38bb9fab'}
pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/errors.log
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  313:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - ERROR    -  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:49:19 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:55:09 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/errors.log.2
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  313:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - ERROR    -  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:30:06 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:08 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:09 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:45:27 -   88:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - ERROR    - Shutdown handler timed out after 10.0 s
09.12.2023 20:45:27 -   90:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - ERROR    - Active Threads = [<_MainThread(MainThread, started 3069602176)>, <PublishServer(PubServer, started daemon 3031430208)>, <Thread(ShutdownThread, started daemon 2743854144)>]
pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/app.log.2
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -   41:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Starting Jukebox Daemon (Version 3.3.0)
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -   44:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Git state: 042ed9ac [2023-12-08] Fix a few minor things  (HEAD, origin/future3/better-logging, future3/better-logging) [v3.3.0-23-g042ed9ac-dirty]
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (jukebox) Loading yaml file '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/settings/jukebox.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (jukebox) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -   53:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Welcome to Jukebox
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -   54:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Time of start: Sat Dec  9 20:28:51 2023
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.publishing' as 'publishing'
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.publishing.republish' as 'publishing.republish' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling publishing.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  229:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - PublishServer initialized (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
09.12.2023 20:28:51 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.volume' as 'volume'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.toggle_output
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_outputs
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_outputs
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.change_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_mute
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.mute
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_output
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_soft_max_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_soft_max_volume
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling volume.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  249:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - PulseMon        - INFO     - Start Pulse Monitor Thread
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  614:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Ignoring secondary audio output configuration because it is missing or incomplete
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  353:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Configured audio sinks: [PaSink(alias='Built-in speakers', pulse_sink_name='alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', volume_limit=100)]
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle' as 'jingle'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play' as 'jingle.play' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_startup' as 'jingle.play_startup' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_shutdown' as 'jingle.play_shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.alsawave' as 'jingle.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging AlsaWave.play
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.alsawave.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' and register as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'wav' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.jinglemp3' as 'jingle.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  347:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Auto-tagging all methods and functions of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.jinglemp3.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' and register as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'mp3' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.playermpd' as 'player'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.start
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.cancel
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.toggle
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.trigger
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.is_alive
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_timeout
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.set_timeout
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.publish
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_state
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.start
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.get_state
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:28:52 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_player_type_and_version
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update_wait
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.stop
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.pause
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.prev
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.next
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.seek
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.shuffle
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.rewind
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.toggle
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay_if_stopped
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.repeatmode
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_current_song
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.map_filename_to_playlist_pos
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.remove
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.move
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_single
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.resume
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_card
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_folder_content
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_folder
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_album
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.queue_load
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playerstatus
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playlistinfo
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_all_dirs
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_albums
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_song_by_artist_and_album
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_song_by_url
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling player.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  163:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Connected to MPD Version: 0.22.4
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  182:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Last Played Folder: /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.playermpd.PlayerMPD' as 'player.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.player            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - MPD music lib path = /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders; from /home/pi/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  650:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Change user rights for /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.cards' as 'cards'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.list_cards' as 'cards.list_cards' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.delete_card' as 'cards.delete_card' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card' as 'cards.register_card' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card_custom' as 'cards.register_card_custom' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.load_card_database' as 'cards.load_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.save_card_database' as 'cards.save_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.reader' as 'rfid'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.timers' as 'timers'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.hostif.linux' as 'host'
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - Start timer 'mpd.timer_status in endless mode
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.shutdown' as 'host.shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.reboot' as 'host.reboot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.jukebox_is_service' as 'host.jukebox_is_service' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.is_any_jukebox_service_active' as 'host.is_any_jukebox_service_active' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.restart_service' as 'host.restart_service' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_disk_usage' as 'host.get_disk_usage' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_cpu_temperature' as 'host.get_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.publish_cpu_temperature' as 'host.publish_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_ip_address' as 'host.get_ip_address' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.say_my_ip' as 'host.say_my_ip' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.wlan_disable_power_down' as 'host.wlan_disable_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_autohotspot_status' as 'host.get_autohotspot_status' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.stop_autohotspot' as 'host.stop_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.start_autohotspot' as 'host.start_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.hdmi_power_down' as 'host.hdmi_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_throttled' as 'host.get_throttled' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.rpi_initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:53 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling bluetooth_audio_buttons.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin' as 'gpio'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.on' as 'gpio.on' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.off' as 'gpio.off' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.set_value' as 'gpio.set_value' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.flash' as 'gpio.flash' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling gpio.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_change_on_rfid_scan
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_all
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_card_database
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_folder
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling sync_rfidcards.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -   78:__init__.py        - jb.sync_rfidcards    - MainThread      - INFO     - Sync RFID cards deactivated
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards.SyncRfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.music_cover_art' as 'music_cover_art'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging MusicCoverArt.get_by_filename_as_base64
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling music_cover_art.initialize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.music_cover_art.MusicCoverArt' as 'music_cover_art.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.misc' as 'misc'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.rpc_cmd_help' as 'misc.rpc_cmd_help' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_loaded_packages' as 'misc.get_all_loaded_packages' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_failed_packages' as 'misc.get_all_failed_packages' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_start_time' as 'misc.get_start_time' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_debug' as 'misc.get_log_debug' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_error' as 'misc.get_log_error' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_version' as 'misc.get_version' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_git_state' as 'misc.get_git_state' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.empty_rpc_call' as 'misc.empty_rpc_call' (<class 'function'>)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling volume.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  456:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Audio sink is now 'Built-in speakers' :: 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.volume.PulseVolumeControl' as 'volume.ctrl'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling jingle.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: jingle.play_startup(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling cards.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (cards) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/cards.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (cards) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[30], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -   42:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Auto: 'wav' from ../../resources/audio/startupsound.wav.
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling rfid.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (rfid) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/rfid.yaml'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -   50:__init__.py        - jb.alsaif            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Playing wave file
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (rfid) Replacing current config data
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  101:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - INFO     - For reader config key 'read_00': loading module 'generic_usb'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  116:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decoded removal action: player.ctrl.pause()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  139:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Start listening!
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling timers.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_shutdown: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_shutdown'
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_stop_player: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:54 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_stop_player'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_fade_volume: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 1, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericMultiTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_fade_volume'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling host.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericEndlessTimerClass' as 'host.timer_temperature'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling gpio.finalize()
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_loaded_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_failed_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  144:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loaded plugins: publishing, volume, jingle, jingle.alsawave, jingle.jinglemp3, player, cards, rfid, timers, host, bluetooth_audio_buttons, gpio, sync_rfidcards, music_cover_art, misc
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   67:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - Init RPC Server (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   75:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'inproc://JukeBoxRpcServer'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   81:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'tcp://*:5555'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   87:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'ws://*:5556'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   92:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - All socket connections initialized
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  229:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Start-up time: 3249.059 ms
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - Start timer 'host.timer.cputemp in endless mode
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  104:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - RPC Servers started
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   19:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Initializing reader 'Generic USB Reader' from '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/components/rfid/hardware/generic_usb/generic_usb.py'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -   20:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Reader object is <components.rfid.hardware.generic_usb.generic_usb.ReaderClass object at 0xa2059fa0> for reader config key 'read_00'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  144:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - WARNING  - Key 'key_capability' not given in configuration! Using default value: 'true'.
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  158:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Device list = [InputDevice('/dev/input/event2'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event1'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')]
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-1' at 'device /dev/input/event2, name "vc4-hdmi-1", phys "vc4-hdmi-1/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-0' at 'device /dev/input/event1, name "vc4-hdmi-0", phys "vc4-hdmi-0/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  164:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Device found. Opening device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[40], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4397243a-7935-4b17-9953-c5b800c86d54', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'playerstatus', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.playerstatus(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'repeat': '0', 'random': '0', 'single': '0', 'consume': '0', 'partition': 'default', 'playlist': '3', 'playlistlength': '0', 'mixrampdb': '0.000000', 'state': 'stop'}, 'id': '4397243a-7935-4b17-9953-c5b800c86d54'}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '7d00e683-5148-4e85-acaa-f672ec3bb086', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'playerstatus', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.playerstatus(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:28:55 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'repeat': '0', 'random': '0', 'single': '0', 'consume': '0', 'partition': 'default', 'playlist': '3', 'playlistlength': '0', 'mixrampdb': '0.000000', 'state': 'stop'}, 'id': '7d00e683-5148-4e85-acaa-f672ec3bb086'}
09.12.2023 20:28:56 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '8b593484-6e21-4aab-9c7d-61cdcf289bf2', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'playerstatus', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:28:56 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.playerstatus(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:28:56 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'repeat': '0', 'random': '0', 'single': '0', 'consume': '0', 'partition': 'default', 'playlist': '3', 'playlistlength': '0', 'mixrampdb': '0.000000', 'state': 'stop'}, 'id': '8b593484-6e21-4aab-9c7d-61cdcf289bf2'}
09.12.2023 20:29:01 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '1bd1559d-771d-4d49-a217-99984ce05e4c', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:01 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:01 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': '1bd1559d-771d-4d49-a217-99984ce05e4c'}
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:03 -  313:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - ERROR    -  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b2fe8f8f-bd51-4ef7-86a9-1737871601e2', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'b2fe8f8f-bd51-4ef7-86a9-1737871601e2'}
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '84ce6b83-b954-43f5-b89a-a0576615842c', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '84ce6b83-b954-43f5-b89a-a0576615842c'}
09.12.2023 20:29:07 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9e86fd32-a456-4e55-b9c8-0e9782f8fe66', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:07 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:29:07 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:07 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '9e86fd32-a456-4e55-b9c8-0e9782f8fe66'}
09.12.2023 20:29:24 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6e624a1b-7923-4e8e-bff8-690b2d8464d9', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:24 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:24 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:24 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '6e624a1b-7923-4e8e-bff8-690b2d8464d9'}
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e1c8da18-807a-4da1-8dba-b9460133a393', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:26 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'e1c8da18-807a-4da1-8dba-b9460133a393'}
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'd7df7db5-c618-45ca-995a-86236bc50480', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'd7df7db5-c618-45ca-995a-86236bc50480'}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '7b44c39c-a2ef-46c6-b683-077b1e919e8f', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '7b44c39c-a2ef-46c6-b683-077b1e919e8f'}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f82f5928-3a05-433d-8689-1ac8a7949f54', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': 'f82f5928-3a05-433d-8689-1ac8a7949f54'}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '3fd1398b-fce7-4e20-9b62-5ce37f9deb4b', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '3fd1398b-fce7-4e20-9b62-5ce37f9deb4b'}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '1ec1a282-444b-4bd4-b3d3-85cdcc0772b8', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:28 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [], 'id': '1ec1a282-444b-4bd4-b3d3-85cdcc0772b8'}
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:39 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:43 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '95616c0b-817d-414d-aaeb-1455f79ed92a', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:43 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:43 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:43 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörbuch', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörbuch'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörspiele', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörspiele'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Weihnachstmusik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Weihnachstmusik'}], 'id': '95616c0b-817d-414d-aaeb-1455f79ed92a'}
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:29:44 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:46 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'd3baf6ec-2bf5-44e2-a097-124d73efb43e', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'd3baf6ec-2bf5-44e2-a097-124d73efb43e'}
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '28a59235-39dd-460a-ae92-ba17d1bdd9d1', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:47 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '28a59235-39dd-460a-ae92-ba17d1bdd9d1'}
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:50 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:29:51 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '477603a5-7ffc-4418-b726-0ef0d0e69564', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:51 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:51 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': '477603a5-7ffc-4418-b726-0ef0d0e69564'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '68a9b030-0238-4fc2-81b2-e0f86d8b17d7', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5005, 'free': 22013}, 'id': '68a9b030-0238-4fc2-81b2-e0f86d8b17d7'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '919b3850-ccc7-4536-ba9a-eb82205e2a41', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '919b3850-ccc7-4536-ba9a-eb82205e2a41'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'fcbc77f8-e899-45b2-9c2b-e58a306bc6b1', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': 'fcbc77f8-e899-45b2-9c2b-e58a306bc6b1'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b7578f8f-149b-4fed-be9f-bd978920dda8', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': 'b7578f8f-149b-4fed-be9f-bd978920dda8'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '17aa7979-0c23-4a7d-a296-b49f6725ea35', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': '17aa7979-0c23-4a7d-a296-b49f6725ea35'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '988df6cf-441b-4696-8f06-28942f0076bd', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': '988df6cf-441b-4696-8f06-28942f0076bd'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '82d697fb-ce1a-4bed-ad42-8bfea573844c', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '82d697fb-ce1a-4bed-ad42-8bfea573844c'}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '3898ec30-571c-460d-b84c-25b43b6eff50', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:29:53 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': '3898ec30-571c-460d-b84c-25b43b6eff50'}
09.12.2023 20:29:57 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '927ebb1b-b536-4c51-9756-3653985a8a07', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:57 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:29:57 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:57 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '927ebb1b-b536-4c51-9756-3653985a8a07'}
09.12.2023 20:29:59 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e89bc423-d0a9-4e44-a8d4-94571461236d', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:29:59 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:29:59 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:29:59 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörbuch', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörbuch'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörspiele', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörspiele'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Weihnachstmusik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Weihnachstmusik'}], 'id': 'e89bc423-d0a9-4e44-a8d4-94571461236d'}
09.12.2023 20:30:00 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '12907726-e720-4174-8ce8-47c2cbf31ef9', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:00 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'})
09.12.2023 20:30:00 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:30:00 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Adya', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Adya'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'andre', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Ballermann Countdown 2019 mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Ballermann Countdown 2019 mp3'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'country', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Der.Koenig.der.Loewen.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Der.Koenig.der.Loewen.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Die Eiskönigin 2 (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack Deluxe Edition)', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Die Eiskönigin 2 (Deutscher Original Film-Soundtrack Deluxe Edition)'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Jürgen von der Lippe - Alles was ich Liebe', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Jürgen von der Lippe - Alles was ich Liebe'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Kinder Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Rolf Zuckowski', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Rolf Zuckowski'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Schlager', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Schlager'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'The.Lion.King.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/The.Lion.King.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'The.Lion.King.Collection.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/The.Lion.King.Collection.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'USA Music', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/USA Music'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Various Artists', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Various Artists'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'Buddy, Voxxclub, Markus Becker - Der Wellerman Song (Geil Geil .mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Buddy, Voxxclub, Markus Becker - Der Wellerman Song (Geil Geil .mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'Justin Wellington - Iko Iko (Lyrics) (Tiktok Song) _ My best.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Justin Wellington - Iko Iko (Lyrics) (Tiktok Song) _ My best.mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'Leony - Faded love (lyrics) (128kbit_AAC).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Leony - Faded love (lyrics) (128kbit_AAC).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'Santiano, Nathan Evans - Wellerman (Lyric Video) (128kbit_AAC).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Santiano, Nathan Evans - Wellerman (Lyric Video) (128kbit_AAC).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'The Inner Light (orchestra version).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/The Inner Light (orchestra version).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': 'The Inner Light (solo version).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/The Inner Light (solo version).mp3'}], 'id': '12907726-e720-4174-8ce8-47c2cbf31ef9'}
09.12.2023 20:30:03 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b339dbbe-280c-45df-accc-c8ae4fafc6c5', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:03 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre'})
09.12.2023 20:30:03 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:30:03 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Der.Koenig.der.Loewen.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Der.Koenig.der.Loewen.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'The.Lion.King.-.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/The.Lion.King.-.OST.FLAC'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'The.Lion.King.Collection.OST.FLAC', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/The.Lion.King.Collection.OST.FLAC'}], 'id': 'b339dbbe-280c-45df-accc-c8ae4fafc6c5'}
09.12.2023 20:30:05 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'c931fbb4-906f-4639-9f4e-8d983d9b2567', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:05 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC'})
09.12.2023 20:30:05 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:30:05 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'file', 'name': '01 - Two Worlds.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/01 - Two Worlds.mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': "02 - You'll Be In My Heart.mp3", 'path': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/02 - You'll Be In My Heart.mp3"}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '03 - Son Of Man.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': "04 - Trashin' The Camp.mp3", 'path': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/04 - Trashin' The Camp.mp3"}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '05 - Strangers Like Me.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/05 - Strangers Like Me.mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '06 - Two Worlds Reprise.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/06 - Two Worlds Reprise.mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': "07 - Trashin' The Camp (Phil & N Sync Version).mp3", 'path': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/07 - Trashin' The Camp (Phil & N Sync Version).mp3"}, {'type': 'file', 'name': "08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3", 'path': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '10 - A Wondrous Place (Score).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/10 - A Wondrous Place (Score).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '11 - Moves Like An Ape, Looks Like A Man (Score).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/11 - Moves Like An Ape, Looks Like A Man (Score).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '12 - The Gorillas (Score).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/12 - The Gorillas (Score).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '13 - One Family (Score).mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/13 - One Family (Score).mp3'}, {'type': 'file', 'name': '14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'}], 'id': 'c931fbb4-906f-4639-9f4e-8d983d9b2567'}
09.12.2023 20:30:06 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e66ff920-6d15-4aed-a4d9-ee3ab1f822ae', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:06 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:06 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:06 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'e66ff920-6d15-4aed-a4d9-ee3ab1f822ae'}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6c411634-7a6b-45c4-bbad-db4f97f17f86', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '6c411634-7a6b-45c4-bbad-db4f97f17f86'}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e65ed8f9-b3ac-4d3e-9b45-170fe6e4d8de', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'e65ed8f9-b3ac-4d3e-9b45-170fe6e4d8de'}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '240a6282-7dc8-4206-8888-51a752f1d3bf', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:07 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '240a6282-7dc8-4206-8888-51a752f1d3bf'}
09.12.2023 20:30:08 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'a310a8c0-241c-496d-9c71-4d242839a4db', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:08 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:08 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'a310a8c0-241c-496d-9c71-4d242839a4db'}
09.12.2023 20:30:09 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'bcc107a5-b87a-448d-99a8-ee25d8c2bd78', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:09 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/03 - Son Of Man.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:09 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:09 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'bcc107a5-b87a-448d-99a8-ee25d8c2bd78'}
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4e8b7bbd-416b-4b94-bd4f-601cd9c8f17f', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"}}
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"})
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '4e8b7bbd-416b-4b94-bd4f-601cd9c8f17f'}
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '34a43e24-b3e8-4d99-aa47-de1ebb1000b2', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"}}
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"})
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:10 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '34a43e24-b3e8-4d99-aa47-de1ebb1000b2'}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f517ab11-043d-44be-bb83-582d2c0110f5', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"}}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': "/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/08 - You'll Be In My Heart (Phil Version).mp3"})
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'f517ab11-043d-44be-bb83-582d2c0110f5'}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6438d732-f3f9-439e-92e0-d7a80708def3', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '6438d732-f3f9-439e-92e0-d7a80708def3'}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '29be37dc-fa7b-4ba9-8549-614cb767d007', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '29be37dc-fa7b-4ba9-8549-614cb767d007'}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '08ef948c-b74e-4833-9a9d-50d73670820c', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/09 - Two Worlds (Phil Version).mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:11 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '08ef948c-b74e-4833-9a9d-50d73670820c'}
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '7a2e434e-431e-4540-8101-43f09f219e82', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '7a2e434e-431e-4540-8101-43f09f219e82'}
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '5e3000c0-aaf7-4518-864f-9cadb43f34c0', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': '5e3000c0-aaf7-4518-864f-9cadb43f34c0'}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'a706e430-fba6-4718-8d4d-b348ec1518f9', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_single', 'kwargs': {'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'}}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_single(args=(), kwargs={'song_url': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/andre/Tarzan.-.OST.FLAC/14 - Two Worlds Finale.mp3'})
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  137:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - ERROR    - Request {} got error: CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'error': {'code': -1, 'message': 'CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song'}, 'id': 'a706e430-fba6-4718-8d4d-b348ec1518f9'}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f83f6272-7c74-4c2c-81d5-5dec20f30296', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'f83f6272-7c74-4c2c-81d5-5dec20f30296'}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '84165eca-c774-470d-bfe4-0d1e42b8403d', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:30:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '84165eca-c774-470d-bfe4-0d1e42b8403d'}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '142b5633-68d0-4b54-aecb-b48d6e30de45', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5005, 'free': 22013}, 'id': '142b5633-68d0-4b54-aecb-b48d6e30de45'}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4df28902-61e3-4258-949b-9805c008cbf4', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '4df28902-61e3-4258-949b-9805c008cbf4'}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e361646f-94a2-4227-9c8f-ec503d52f1ad', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': 'e361646f-94a2-4227-9c8f-ec503d52f1ad'}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '7db7b834-ff5b-4a84-b2d7-d2f38e07d703', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '7db7b834-ff5b-4a84-b2d7-d2f38e07d703'}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'fe984ebc-7cdf-4c5d-80a2-ea159024e016', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:04 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': 'fe984ebc-7cdf-4c5d-80a2-ea159024e016'}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f4fd2cdd-2ea8-48aa-bb81-2cde44947dd0', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': 'f4fd2cdd-2ea8-48aa-bb81-2cde44947dd0'}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '1da9bc27-d000-4daa-b207-19596c25aa62', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '1da9bc27-d000-4daa-b207-19596c25aa62'}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f9677650-36cb-420d-bd4a-982766c83045', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:05 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': 'f9677650-36cb-420d-bd4a-982766c83045'}
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:32:45 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '3d48ea16-974c-45fd-a56f-ec401f95e90e', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': '3d48ea16-974c-45fd-a56f-ec401f95e90e'}
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'ad8e05e5-958e-43e7-9f46-2fb9eedb6254', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:49 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': 'ad8e05e5-958e-43e7-9f46-2fb9eedb6254'}
09.12.2023 20:32:52 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6683dbf9-83a0-488f-baee-80f3a20571fa', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:32:52 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:32:52 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:32:52 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '6683dbf9-83a0-488f-baee-80f3a20571fa'}
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'f76fab2a-7ddc-4b2e-8bba-edaa8a69a4b4', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'f76fab2a-7ddc-4b2e-8bba-edaa8a69a4b4'}
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '9a07e180-9257-4a59-a138-8d2111f253cb', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:32:54 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '9a07e180-9257-4a59-a138-8d2111f253cb'}
09.12.2023 20:35:42 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'cbcac837-b547-41f6-a7de-01742e96534f', 'package': 'cards', 'plugin': 'list_cards', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
09.12.2023 20:35:42 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: cards.list_cards(args=(), kwargs={})
09.12.2023 20:35:42 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'0010856981': {'func': "player.ctrl.play_folder('/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik')", 'description': 'Playback a music folder.', 'action': {'title': 'Play a folder URL triggered by card swipe', 'note': 'This function plays the content of a given folder URL', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'play_folder', 'args': ['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'], 'kwargs': None}, 'from_alias': 'play_folder'}}, 'id': 'cbcac837-b547-41f6-a7de-01742e96534f'}
09.12.2023 20:35:43 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '0f1c0f1f-1117-4660-a5cb-947c3530e140', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
09.12.2023 20:35:43 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
09.12.2023 20:35:43 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:35:43 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '0f1c0f1f-1117-4660-a5cb-947c3530e140'}
09.12.2023 20:35:45 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '66f48736-359e-48c8-ab2b-6537af1edb04', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
09.12.2023 20:35:45 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
09.12.2023 20:35:45 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
09.12.2023 20:37:52 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörbuch', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörbuch'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörspiele', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörspiele'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Weihnachstmusik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Weihnachstmusik'}], 'id': '66f48736-359e-48c8-ab2b-6537af1edb04'}
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:43:15 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
09.12.2023 20:45:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -   77:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Received signal 'SIGTERM'. Count = 1
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  102:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - ShutdownThread  - INFO     - Closing down JukeBox Jukebox
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -   97:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - ShutdownThread  - INFO     - Closing RPC Server
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.stop(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling sync_rfidcards.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  347:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - ShutdownThread  - INFO     - (sync_rfidcards) Not writing to file as data has unchanged status set (use only_if_changed=False to override)
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling gpio.plugin_atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling bluetooth_audio_buttons.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling host.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -   45:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Cancel timer 'host.timer.cputemp.
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling timers.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling rfid.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling cards.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  347:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - ShutdownThread  - INFO     - (cards) Not writing to file as data has unchanged status set (use only_if_changed=False to override)
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling player.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  202:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Exit routine of playermpd started
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -   45:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Cancel timer 'mpd.timer_status.
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  650:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Package closing atexit: calling jingle.atexit({'signal_id': 15})
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Calling: jingle.play_shutdown(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - ShutdownThread  - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs=None)
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -  215:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Raising StopIteration with keep_running = False
09.12.2023 20:45:17 -   26:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exiting
09.12.2023 20:45:18 -  237:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Stop listening!
09.12.2023 20:45:27 -   88:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - ERROR    - Shutdown handler timed out after 10.0 s
09.12.2023 20:45:27 -   90:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - ERROR    - Active Threads = [<_MainThread(MainThread, started 3069602176)>, <PublishServer(PubServer, started daemon 3031430208)>, <Thread(ShutdownThread, started daemon 2743854144)>]
09.12.2023 20:45:27 -   31:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Active Threads = [<_MainThread(MainThread, stopped 3069602176)>, <PublishServer(PubServer, started daemon 3031430208)>, <Thread(ShutdownThread, started daemon 2743854144)>]
pi@lilo:~ $ cat /etc/fstab
proc            /proc           proc    defaults          0       0
PARTUUID=3f6b43ad-01  /boot           vfat    defaults          0       2
PARTUUID=3f6b43ad-02  /               ext4    defaults,noatime  0       1
# a swapfile is not a swap partition, no line here
#   use  dphys-swapfile swap[on|off]  for that

//\040Music/ /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/ cifs auto,user,users,_netdev,credentials=/home/pi/.smbcredentials 0 0
AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago
09.12.2023 20:47:40 -  313:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - ERROR    -  FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik'
09.12.2023 20:48:53 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/Kinder Musik/01 - Alle Vöglein sind schon da.mp3

The card is recognized correctly, so the rfid reader works. But the files are not found. Im not sure if the spaces in the path and name in combination with the mountpoint causing this issue. Can you make a simple test with a file without any spaces in the path and name?

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

Or maybe there is a problem with the rights. Some time ago i tested a mountpoint for a synchronisation feature

For that i used an fstab entry like this (don't now which settings are maybe unneeded):

//nas-source /dest-on-phonie cifs username=<nas-username>,password=<nas-userpass>,iocharset=utf8,uid=pi,gid=pi,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,vers=3.1.1,nofail,noauto,x-systemd.automount
ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Okay. It looks like your are right. I changed the fstab. After reboot a few seconds a song could be played. Scanning the card leads in stopping musik. Maybe the whitespace in the path is a problem. Also i had to change me raspberry to UTF8

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Change the path to another directory - nothing happend. No playing musik. Only stops the play.

AlvinSchiller commented 9 months ago

Ok i need the logfiles again to come any further. Can you restart the pi and start your described usecase. After that please get the files app.log and errors.logand post it.

Can you also post the outcome of ls -la /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud ?

pabera commented 9 months ago

Independent from @AlvinSchiller's request, I did a test installation on a Pi 4

Here was my set up

  1. Using a 32bit Bullseye Debian
  2. To cope with the 64bit issue at the beginning, I ran echo "arm_64bit=0" | sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt && sudo reboot before the installation
  3. I installed the default settings, for RFID reader (Neuftech), I installed #1 (General Reader)
  4. I used a Samba share to transfer data to my Phoniebox, preferably through Windows Explorer or Mac Finder. There is no issue with

Scanning the card leads in stopping musik.

It might actually be a problem if the files are not located on the Pi. Before trying to mount network devices, I would try to get the Jukebox to work properly. So copy files to your box, a few folders and files and then give it a try.

Also i had to change me raspberry to UTF8

This is not a requirement for Phoniebox!

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago
pi@lilo:~ $ ls -la /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud
insgesamt 4
drwxrwx--- 2 pi pi    0 21. Aug 15:35 .
drwxrwxrwx 4 pi pi 4096  9. Dez 20:04 ..
drwxrwx--- 2 pi pi    0 24. Dez 2022  Hörbuch
drwxrwx--- 2 pi pi    0 20. Aug 2021  Hörspiele
drwxrwx--- 2 pi pi    0 29. Jan 2023  Musik
drwxrwx--- 2 pi pi    0 27. Nov 20:13 Weihnachstmusik


pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/app.log
11.12.2023 21:18:40 -   41:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Starting Jukebox Daemon (Version 3.3.0)
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -   44:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Git state: 042ed9ac [2023-12-08] Fix a few minor things  (HEAD, origin/future3/better-logging, future3/better-logging) [v3.3.0-23-g042ed9ac-dirty]
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (jukebox) Loading yaml file '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/settings/jukebox.yaml'
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (jukebox) Replacing current config data
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -   53:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Welcome to Jukebox
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -   54:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Time of start: Mon Dec 11 21:18:40 2023
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.publishing' as 'publishing'
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.publishing.republish' as 'publishing.republish' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling publishing.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  229:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - PublishServer initialized (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
11.12.2023 21:18:41 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.volume' as 'volume'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.toggle_output
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_outputs
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.publish_outputs
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.change_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_mute
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.mute
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_output
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.set_soft_max_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PulseVolumeControl.get_soft_max_volume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling volume.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  249:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - PulseMon        - INFO     - Start Pulse Monitor Thread
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  614:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Ignoring secondary audio output configuration because it is missing or incomplete
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  353:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Configured audio sinks: [PaSink(alias='Built-in speakers', pulse_sink_name='alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', volume_limit=100)]
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle' as 'jingle'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play' as 'jingle.play' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_startup' as 'jingle.play_startup' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.jingle.play_shutdown' as 'jingle.play_shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.alsawave' as 'jingle.alsawave'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging AlsaWave.play
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.alsawave'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.alsawave.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' and register as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.alsawave.AlsaWave' as 'jingle.alsawave.alsawave'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'wav' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.jingle.jinglemp3' as 'jingle.jinglemp3'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  321:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decorating class components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play for auto-assignment into package 'jingle.jinglemp3'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  347:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Auto-tagging all methods and functions of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling jingle.jinglemp3.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  340:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Instantiating decorated class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' and register as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.jingle.jinglemp3.JingleMp3Play' as 'jingle.jinglemp3.jinglemp3'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Register 'mp3' in <class 'components.jingle.JingleFactory'>.
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.playermpd' as 'player'
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.start
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.cancel
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.toggle
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.trigger
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.is_alive
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_timeout
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.set_timeout
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.publish
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericTimerClass.get_state
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.start
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging GenericMultiTimerClass.get_state
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_player_type_and_version
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.update_wait
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.stop
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.pause
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.prev
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.next
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.seek
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.shuffle
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.rewind
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.toggle
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.replay_if_stopped
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.repeatmode
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_current_song
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.map_filename_to_playlist_pos
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.remove
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.move
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_single
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.resume
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_card
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_folder_content
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_folder
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.play_album
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.queue_load
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playerstatus
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.playlistinfo
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_all_dirs
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_albums
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.list_song_by_artist_and_album
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging PlayerMPD.get_song_by_url
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling player.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  163:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Connected to MPD Version: 0.22.4
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  182:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Last Played Folder: /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test
11.12.2023 21:25:48 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - mpd.timer_status: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 0.25, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.playermpd.PlayerMPD' as 'player.ctrl'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -   24:__init__.py        - jb.player            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - MPD music lib path = /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders; from /home/pi/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  650:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - MainThread      - INFO     - Change user rights for /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - mpd.timer_status - DEBUG    - Start timer 'mpd.timer_status in endless mode
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
11.12.2023 21:25:49 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.cards' as 'cards'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.list_cards' as 'cards.list_cards' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.delete_card' as 'cards.delete_card' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card' as 'cards.register_card' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.register_card_custom' as 'cards.register_card_custom' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.load_card_database' as 'cards.load_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.rfid.cards.save_card_database' as 'cards.save_card_database' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.rfid.reader' as 'rfid'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.timers' as 'timers'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.hostif.linux' as 'host'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.shutdown' as 'host.shutdown' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.reboot' as 'host.reboot' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.jukebox_is_service' as 'host.jukebox_is_service' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.is_any_jukebox_service_active' as 'host.is_any_jukebox_service_active' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.restart_service' as 'host.restart_service' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_disk_usage' as 'host.get_disk_usage' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_cpu_temperature' as 'host.get_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.publish_cpu_temperature' as 'host.publish_cpu_temperature' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_ip_address' as 'host.get_ip_address' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.say_my_ip' as 'host.say_my_ip' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.wlan_disable_power_down' as 'host.wlan_disable_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_autohotspot_status' as 'host.get_autohotspot_status' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.stop_autohotspot' as 'host.stop_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.start_autohotspot' as 'host.start_autohotspot' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.hdmi_power_down' as 'host.hdmi_power_down' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.hostif.linux.get_throttled' as 'host.get_throttled' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling host.rpi_initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons'
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.controls.bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' as 'bluetooth_audio_buttons.activate' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling bluetooth_audio_buttons.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:07 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin' as 'gpio'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.on' as 'gpio.on' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.off' as 'gpio.off' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.set_value' as 'gpio.set_value' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.gpio.gpioz.plugin.flash' as 'gpio.flash' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling gpio.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_change_on_rfid_scan
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_all
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_card_database
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging SyncRfidcards.sync_folder
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling sync_rfidcards.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   78:__init__.py        - jb.sync_rfidcards    - MainThread      - INFO     - Sync RFID cards deactivated
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.synchronisation.rfidcards.SyncRfidcards' as 'sync_rfidcards.ctrl'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.music_cover_art' as 'music_cover_art'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  464:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Tagging MusicCoverArt.get_by_filename_as_base64
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  574:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load initializer: calling music_cover_art.initialize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.music_cover_art.MusicCoverArt' as 'music_cover_art.ctrl'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  549:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loading plugin 'components.misc' as 'misc'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.rpc_cmd_help' as 'misc.rpc_cmd_help' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_loaded_packages' as 'misc.get_all_loaded_packages' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_all_failed_packages' as 'misc.get_all_failed_packages' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_start_time' as 'misc.get_start_time' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_debug' as 'misc.get_log_debug' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_log_error' as 'misc.get_log_error' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_version' as 'misc.get_version' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.get_git_state' as 'misc.get_git_state' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  281:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting function 'components.misc.empty_rpc_call' as 'misc.empty_rpc_call' (<class 'function'>)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling volume.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  456:__init__.py        - jb.pulse             - MainThread      - INFO     - Audio sink is now 'Built-in speakers' :: 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'components.volume.PulseVolumeControl' as 'volume.ctrl'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling jingle.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: jingle.play_startup(args=(), kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling cards.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (cards) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/cards.yaml'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (cards) Replacing current config data
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[30], kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   42:__init__.py        - jb.jingle            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Auto: 'wav' from ../../resources/audio/startupsound.wav.
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling rfid.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  317:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - INFO     - (rfid) Loading yaml file '../../shared/settings/rfid.yaml'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   50:__init__.py        - jb.alsaif            - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Playing wave file
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  230:cfghandler.py      - jb.cfghandler        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - (rfid) Replacing current config data
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  101:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - INFO     - For reader config key 'read_00': loading module 'generic_usb'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  116:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Decoded removal action: player.ctrl.pause()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  139:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Start listening!
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling timers.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_shutdown: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_shutdown'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_stop_player: State = {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_stop_player'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - timers.timer_fade_volume: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 1, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericMultiTimerClass' as 'timers.timer_fade_volume'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling host.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  293:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Enlisting an instance of class 'jukebox.multitimer.GenericEndlessTimerClass' as 'host.timer_temperature'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  202:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - host.timer.cputemp: State = {'enabled': True, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 10, 'type': 'GenericEndlessTimerClass'}
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  624:plugs.py           - jb.plugin            - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Package load finalizer: calling gpio.finalize()
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_loaded_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: misc.get_all_failed_packages(args=(), kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  144:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Loaded plugins: publishing, volume, jingle, jingle.alsawave, jingle.jinglemp3, player, cards, rfid, timers, host, bluetooth_audio_buttons, gpio, sync_rfidcards, music_cover_art, misc
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   67:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - Init RPC Server (Pyzmq version: 25.1.2; ZMQ version: 4.3.5; has draft API: True)
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   75:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'inproc://JukeBoxRpcServer'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   81:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'tcp://*:5555'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   87:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Connected to address 'ws://*:5556'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   92:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - All socket connections initialized
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  229:daemon.py          - jb.daemon            - MainThread      - INFO     - Start-up time: 446876.338 ms
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  104:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - INFO     - RPC Servers started
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   79:multitimer.py      - jb.multitimers       - host.timer.cputemp - DEBUG    - Start timer 'host.timer.cputemp in endless mode
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   19:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Initializing reader 'Generic USB Reader' from '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/src/jukebox/components/rfid/hardware/generic_usb/generic_usb.py'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -   20:readerbase.py      - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Reader object is <components.rfid.hardware.generic_usb.generic_usb.ReaderClass object at 0xa2070178> for reader config key 'read_00'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  144:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - WARNING  - Key 'key_capability' not given in configuration! Using default value: 'true'.
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  158:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Device list = [InputDevice('/dev/input/event3'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event2'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event1'), InputDevice('/dev/input/event0')]
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'generic ft5x06 (79)' at 'device /dev/input/event3, name "generic ft5x06 (79)", phys ""'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-1' at 'device /dev/input/event2, name "vc4-hdmi-1", phys "vc4-hdmi-1/input0"'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'vc4-hdmi-0' at 'device /dev/input/event1, name "vc4-hdmi-0", phys "vc4-hdmi-0/input0"'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  160:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Inspecting device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
11.12.2023 21:26:08 -  164:generic_usb.py     - jb.rfid.usb(read_00) - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Device found. Opening device 'HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard' at 'device /dev/input/event0, name "HXGCoLtd HIDKeys Keyboard", phys "usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4/input0"'
11.12.2023 21:26:09 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - StartJingle     - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.set_volume(args=[40], kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  267:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - Un-subscription received
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'batt_status'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.plugins.loaded'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.started_at'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'core.version'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.temperature.cpu'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'host.timer.cputemp'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'playerstatus'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'rfid.card_id'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  264:server.py          - jb.pub.server        - PubServer       - INFO     - New subscription for topic b'volume.level'
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '0c7678f3-b790-4ed7-8d85-bd3d9bb2608c', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': '0c7678f3-b790-4ed7-8d85-bd3d9bb2608c'}
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4bba7358-be99-4408-bec1-3c92cb169c38', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:10 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '4bba7358-be99-4408-bec1-3c92cb169c38'}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6883e2de-99f8-4019-b188-51cdbc1773d7', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_disk_usage', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_disk_usage(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'total': 28222, 'used': 5147, 'free': 21871}, 'id': '6883e2de-99f8-4019-b188-51cdbc1773d7'}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '90642956-fef3-4182-ad25-8f86452dbb55', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_ip_address', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_ip_address(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': '', 'id': '90642956-fef3-4182-ad25-8f86452dbb55'}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '8f334971-fb12-4727-be2b-bc34478b9feb', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_shutdown', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_shutdown.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '8f334971-fb12-4727-be2b-bc34478b9feb'}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '41516bba-75a6-4fdd-9351-9060a651fad4', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_stop_player', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_stop_player.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:12 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'remaining_seconds': 0, 'wait_seconds': 3600, 'type': 'GenericTimerClass'}, 'id': '41516bba-75a6-4fdd-9351-9060a651fad4'}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'b1aeefaf-b576-41e1-b201-2c12fd8867c3', 'package': 'timers', 'plugin': 'timer_fade_volume', 'method': 'get_state', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: timers.timer_fade_volume.get_state(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'enabled': False, 'wait_seconds_per_iteration': 900, 'iterations': 10, 'type': 'GenericMultiTimerClass'}, 'id': 'b1aeefaf-b576-41e1-b201-2c12fd8867c3'}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '5591f148-e20a-4dd1-8f20-ddb7a4472291', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_outputs', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_outputs(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': {'active_alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'active_sink': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'sink_list': [{'alias': 'Built-in speakers', 'pulse_sink_name': 'alsa_output.platform-bcm2835_audio.analog-stereo', 'volume_limit': 100}]}, 'id': '5591f148-e20a-4dd1-8f20-ddb7a4472291'}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'e0544f74-11c2-4bf4-8d04-d23c9553b4c6', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': 'e0544f74-11c2-4bf4-8d04-d23c9553b4c6'}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'a1b226e8-3938-4015-a5c6-5896a06ad4ab', 'package': 'host', 'plugin': 'get_autohotspot_status', 'method': None, 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: host.get_autohotspot_status(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:13 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 'not-installed', 'id': 'a1b226e8-3938-4015-a5c6-5896a06ad4ab'}
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country'], kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country'
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country/Brothers Osborne - It Ainât My Fault (Official Music Video) (128kbit_AAC).m4a
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4ff3266d-34fc-40f1-b840-d97c1d5d2261', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': '4ff3266d-34fc-40f1-b840-d97c1d5d2261'}
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '6893d95b-dc41-451b-80d2-946210cb1927', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:20 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '6893d95b-dc41-451b-80d2-946210cb1927'}
11.12.2023 21:26:24 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '4e11782e-24c9-45b9-a18e-1e849e6c784b', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': './'}}
11.12.2023 21:26:24 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': './'})
11.12.2023 21:26:24 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
11.12.2023 21:26:24 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'test', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/test'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'wdmycloud', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}], 'id': '4e11782e-24c9-45b9-a18e-1e849e6c784b'}
11.12.2023 21:26:25 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '2e4d0caf-7053-401e-af21-e33dca9de77c', 'package': 'player', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_folder_content', 'kwargs': {'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'}}
11.12.2023 21:26:25 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.get_folder_content(args=(), kwargs={'folder': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud'})
11.12.2023 21:26:25 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
11.12.2023 21:26:25 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': [{'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörbuch', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörbuch'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Hörspiele', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Hörspiele'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Musik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik'}, {'type': 'directory', 'name': 'Weihnachstmusik', 'path': '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Weihnachstmusik'}], 'id': '2e4d0caf-7053-401e-af21-e33dca9de77c'}
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': 'c5fd5701-b485-43b7-ab23-bbc8291c63da', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 40, 'id': 'c5fd5701-b485-43b7-ab23-bbc8291c63da'}
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  114:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Request: {'id': '020c8095-f598-4595-8c22-fa47fb0c8608', 'package': 'volume', 'plugin': 'ctrl', 'method': 'get_soft_max_volume', 'kwargs': {}}
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Calling: volume.ctrl.get_soft_max_volume(args=(), kwargs={})
11.12.2023 21:26:27 -  154:server.py          - jb.rpc.server        - MainThread      - DEBUG    - Sending response: {'result': 70, 'id': '020c8095-f598-4595-8c22-fa47fb0c8608'}
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  175:__init__.py        - jb.rfid(read_00)     - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Received card id = '0010856981'
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  699:plugs.py           - jb.plugin.call       - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Calling: player.ctrl.play_folder(args=['/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country'], kwargs=None)
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  492:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - INFO     - Play folder: '/home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country'
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  199:playlistgenerator.py - jb.plgen             - read_00Thread   - DEBUG    - Exclusion regex: '.*\.((zip)|(xcf)|(py)|(db)|(png)|(jpg)|(conf)|(yaml)|(json)|(.*~)|(.*#))$'
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country/Brothers Osborne - It Ainât My Fault (Official Music Video) (128kbit_AAC).m4a


pi@lilo:~ $ cat RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/logs/errors.log
11.12.2023 21:26:18 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country/Brothers Osborne - It Ainât My Fault (Official Music Video) (128kbit_AAC).m4a
11.12.2023 21:26:29 -  502:__init__.py        - jb.PlayerMPD         - read_00Thread   - ERROR    - CommandError: [50@0] {addid} No such song at uri /home/pi/RPi-Jukebox-RFID/shared/audiofolders/wdmycloud/Musik/country/Brothers Osborne - It Ainât My Fault (Official Music Video) (128kbit_AAC).m4a
s-martin commented 9 months ago


a special char problem? Did you try to rename the file or test other files?

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago


Thanks for the detailed way. I did the same wihthout gpio. The RPi finds in the webapp always the directories. And my problem is i thought maybe a problem with the whitespace. But if i choose a song - also with whitechar - and click them to play, it plays. grafik grafik

And then, if i choose another song - it stops. grafik grafik

I like a really good problem and a big cup of coffee. But I have no idea where i can start.

ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago


a special char problem? Did you try to rename the file or test other files?

yes. I used files with specialchars and without

pabera commented 9 months ago

I am sure it's related to those special chars somehow. I would recommend to join our chat. There, we can help you better on the dedicated problem.


ASchmidt84 commented 9 months ago

Hi Sorry for my delay. The last week were heavy on duty. Now I found the first time to look again. First thing. Merry christmas to all!

So far. I was always hanging in special chars. I thought it was changed with my command to UTF-8 but it wasnt! After sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales all worked fine!!!

Now I am only faced with the problem to start with the screen on the webplayer. I will asked and look in the chat :)