MillersvilleCS / MoleculeFlashcardsAndroid

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Title Screen bitmap too large for some devices #4

Closed saschlac closed 10 years ago

saschlac commented 10 years ago

I'm testing the flashcard game on a Samsung Galaxy Player 4.0 running CM11 (one of our test devices). I'm getting an error with respect to the beaker graphic on the login/title page:

OpenGLRenderer: Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (2250x1125, max=2048x2048)

CMahaff commented 10 years ago

I had this issue earlier this week. I lowered the resolution of the header image to fix it. I guess I'll start supplying an even lower res version for older devices.

Still unsure why Android scales the image larger than it starts out for screens that are smaller than the entire image. Strange.

I'll let you know when I've got a new build to test it with - there's no real way to tell if I've gotten it to work otherwise, without having the device.

saschlac commented 10 years ago

SHA: ac5e002 fixed issue #4.