MinaSamir11 / react-native-in-app-review

The Google Play In-App Review API, App store rating API lets you prompt users to submit Play Store or App store ratings and reviews without the inconvenience of leaving your app or game.
MIT License
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android app-review appgallery appstore hms huawei huawei-appgallery in-app-comment in-app-review inappcomment ios playstore rating react-native react-native-in-app-review review review-api review-tools


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The Google Play In-App Review API, App Store rating API let you prompt users to submit Play Store or App Store ratings and reviews without the inconvenience of leaving your app or game.

react-native in-app-review, to rate on Play Store, and App Store, Generally, the in-app review flow (see figure 1 for Play Store, figure 2 for ios) can be triggered at any time throughout the user journey of your app. During the flow, the user has the ability to rate your app using the 1 to 5-star system and to add an optional comment for Play Store only. Once submitted, the review is sent to the Play Store or App Store and eventually displayed.

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iOS, android platform.

System Rating App Store API


Google Play In-App Review API


Huawei App Gallery In-App Comment API


Getting Started


If you use Expo to create a project, you can create a development build for your project using EAS Build or eject to the bare workflow.

Install React Native In App Review package

(A1) For The latest version and fixed issues and future releases do the following steps (Paid User):

The only thing a User has to do is to register here on https://www.paydevs.com and direct his package manager to our registry at https://npm.paydevs.com.

Using npm or pnpm this means:

npm set registry https://npm.paydevs.com/
npm login
npm update

And if you are using yarn:

yarn config set registry https://npm.paydevs.com/
yarn login
yarn upgrade

(A1.1)After you finished from sign-up in npm.paydevs, Go to PayDevs, react-native-in-app-review to complete the package installation steps.

(B1) Normal Installation (Free User), (latest version will be avaliable on the public registry after 10 days from releasing on PayDevs).

$ npm install react-native-in-app-review


$ yarn add react-native-in-app-review

Standard Method

React Native 0.60 and above

Linking is not required in React Native 0.60 and above.

Don't forget to run npx pod-install after that !

React Native 0.59 and below

Run react-native link react-native-in-app-review to link the react-native-in-app-review library. after following the instructions for your platform to link react-native-in-app-review into your project:

Manual Linking

iOS installation

iOS details ### Using [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org/) Add the following to your `Podfile` and run `pod install`: ```ruby pod 'react-native-in-app-review', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-in-app-review' ```

Android installation

Android details Run `react-native link react-native-in-app-review` to link the react-native-in-app-review library. #### **android/settings.gradle** ```gradle include ':react-native-in-app-review' project(':react-native-in-app-review').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-in-app-review/android') ``` #### **android/app/build.gradle** From version >= 5.0.0, you have to apply these changes: ```diff dependencies { ... + implementation project(':react-native-in-app-review') } ``` #### **android/gradle.properties** Migrating to AndroidX (needs version >= 5.0.0): ```gradle.properties android.useAndroidX=true android.enableJetifier=true ``` #### **Then, in android/app/src/main/java/your/package/MainApplication.java:** On top, where imports are: ```java import com.ibits.react_native_in_app_review.AppReviewPackage; ``` ```java @Override protected List getPackages() { return Arrays.asList( new MainReactPackage(), new AppReviewPackage() ); } ```


import InAppReview from 'react-native-in-app-review';
// This package is only available on android version >= 21 and iOS >= 10.3

// Give you result if version of device supported to rate app or not!

// trigger UI InAppreview
  .then((hasFlowFinishedSuccessfully) => {
    // when return true in android it means user finished or close review flow
    console.log('InAppReview in android', hasFlowFinishedSuccessfully);

    // when return true in ios it means review flow lanuched to user.
      'InAppReview in ios has launched successfully',

    // 1- you have option to do something ex: (navigate Home page) (in android).
    // 2- you have option to do something,
    // ex: (save date today to lanuch InAppReview after 15 days) (in android and ios).

    // 3- another option:
    if (hasFlowFinishedSuccessfully) {
      // do something for ios
      // do something for android

    // for android:
    // The flow has finished. The API does not indicate whether the user
    // reviewed or not, or even whether the review dialog was shown. Thus, no
    // matter the result, we continue our app flow.

    // for ios
    // the flow lanuched successfully, The API does not indicate whether the user
    // reviewed or not, or he/she closed flow yet as android, Thus, no
    // matter the result, we continue our app flow.
  .catch((error) => {
    //we continue our app flow.
    // we have some error could happen while lanuching InAppReview,
    // Check table for errors and code number that can return in catch.

Huawei In-App Comment (App Gallery Review)

Before You Start

// trigger UI in app comment to request review for App Gallery;
  .then((resultCode) => {
    // when return resultCode (102,103) in android it means Rating submitted or Comment submitted
    console.log('in app comment app gallery', resultCode);
  .catch((error) => {
    //we continue our app flow.
    // we have some error could happen while lanuching in app comment,
    // Check table for errors appears in app gallery and code number that can return in catch.

Error could happen and code number (Google play, App Store) Table

Error Name Code Number Description iOS Android
ERROR_DEVICE_VERSION 21 This Device not supported to launch InAppReview
GOOGLE_SERVICES_NOT_AVAILABLE 22 This Device doesn't support google play services
[DYNAMIC ERROR NAME] 23 Unexpected error occur may return different error from different user and device check code number to get discovered errors messages that could be happen.
ACTIVITY_DOESN'T_EXIST 24 Unexpected error occur while getting activity
SCENE_DOESN'T_EXIST 25 Unexpected error occur while getting scene

Error could happen and code number (App Gallery) Table

Error Name Code Number Description Android
ACTIVITY_DOESN'T_EXIST 24 Unexpected error occur while getting activity
Ensure that your app has been correctly released on AppGallery 101 Ensure that your app has been correctly released on AppGallery
check the HUAWEI ID sign-in status 104 check the HUAWEI ID sign-in status
The user does not meet the conditions for displaying the comment pop-up 105 The user does not meet the conditions for displaying the comment pop-up
The commenting function is disabled 106 The commenting function is disabled
The in-app commenting service is not supported. (Apps released in the Chinese mainland do not support this service.) 107 The in-app commenting service is not supported. (Apps released in the Chinese mainland do not support this service.)
The user canceled the comment. 108 The user canceled the comment.
in app comment Unknown error 0 Unknown Error

+ Android guidlelines and notes:

Read very well for (Google Play):

After publishing you app to test your integration in production or either internal test tracks or internal app sharing and prompt in app review flow you may face issue that not showing review popup after you followed all guidelines very well, Note that this issue was classified as google play api issue.

We found most probably solutions that may be successful to launch review popup:

When to request an in-app review

Follow these guidelines to help you decide when to request in-app reviews from users:


To provide a great user experience, Google Play enforces a quota on how often a user can be shown the review dialog. Because of this, calling a launchReviewFlow method might not always display a dialog. For example, you should not have a call-to-action option (such as a button) to trigger a review as a user might have already hit their quota and the flow won’t be shown, presenting a broken experience to the user.

Device requirements

In-app reviews only work on the following devices:

Please Note, To test your integration using the Google Play Store

Please Note, To test your integration using the App Gallery Store

Troubleshooting (Google Play):

As you integrate and test in-app reviews, you might run into some issues. The following table outlines the most common issues that can prevent the in-app review dialog from displaying in your app:

Issue Solution
Your app is not published yet in the Play Store. Your app doesn't have to be published to test, but your app's applicationID must be available at least in the internal testing track.
The user account can't review the app. Your app must be in the user's Google Play library. To add your app to the user's library, download your app from the Play Store using that user's account.
The primary account is not selected in the Play Store. When multiple accounts are available in the device, ensure that the primary account is the one selected in the Play Store.
The user account is protected (for example, with enterprise accounts). Use a Gmail account instead.
The user has already reviewed the app. Delete the review directly from Play Store.
The quota has been reached. Use an internal test track or internal app sharing.
There is an issue with the Google Play Store or Google Play Services on the device. This commonly occurs when the Play Store was sideloaded onto the device. Use a different device that has a valid version of the Play Store and Google Play Services.

Troubleshooting (App Gallery):

Device Restrictions

Application Restrictions Restrictions
Applicable scope The in-app comments function is available only for apps released on AppGallery outside the Chinese mainland.
Audiences - The in-app comment pop-up is displayed only for users who have signed in to AppGallery using HUAWEI IDs.
- The in-app comment pop-up is displayed only for users who have opened your app for 10 or more times within the last three months since you have called the in-app comments API
- If the user has submitted a rating and a comment for the current app version, the in-app comment pop-up will not be displayed for the user in this app version. The in-app comment pop-up will be displayed again only after the user updates the app to a later version, has not submitted a rating and a comment for more than a calendar year, and the preceding conditions for displaying the pop-up are met.
- If a user chooses not to receive any app comment notifications under Me > Settings on AppGallery, the pop-up will not be displayed for the user.

+ iOS Notes:

System Rating and Review Prompts

The system offers a consistent, nonintrusive way for apps to request ratings and reviews. To use this feature, you simply identify places in your app's user experience where it makes sense to ask for feedback. If the user hasn't already given feedback, the system displays an in-app prompt that asks for a rating and an optional written review. The user can supply feedback or dismiss the prompt with a single tap. (In Settings, the user can also opt out of receiving these rating prompts for all apps they have installed.) The system automatically limits the display of the prompt to three occurrences per app within a 365-day period.

When to request an in-app-review

Please Note, To test your integration using the App Store

How to test your code

Because it's a native module, you might need to mock this package to run your tests. Here is an example for Jest, adapt it to your needs :

// __mocks__/react-native-in-app-review.js

module.exports = {
  RequestInAppReview: jest.fn(),
  isAvailable: jest.fn(),
  // add more methods as needed

Or, if you have a Jest setup file:

// jest.setup.js

jest.mock('react-native-in-app-review', () => ({
  RequestInAppReview: jest.fn(),
  isAvailable: jest.fn(),

You might have to use the following value in your mock to resolve TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined:

RequestInAppReview: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
  return Promise.resolve();