Mincka / DMArchiver

A tool to archive the direct messages, images and videos from your private conversations on Twitter
GNU General Public License v3.0
222 stars 25 forks source link

"Connection reset by peer" probably caused by legacy TLS #67

Closed OrangeNote closed 4 years ago

OrangeNote commented 4 years ago

The latest macOS build from the project releases started giving "Connection reset by peer" a couple of days ago. I built dmarchiver by myself and the issue is gone now, but I don't know what deps I used to build it.

Anyway I think I discovered the cause of it and it's not just me.

Beginning July 25th 2019, all connections to the Twitter API (and all other Twitter domains) will require TLS 1.2 source: https://twittercommunity.com/t/removing-support-for-legacy-tls-versions-1-0-1-1-on-twitter/126648

de-integratie-specialisten commented 4 years ago

Would be great if someone updated the binary. I tried building in os/x but I'm not savvy enough with python building so couldn't get it to work.

ForbesLindesay commented 4 years ago

My lack of familiarity with Python made building this a pain, but I did eventually manage to produce a working binary:


Disclaimer: all I did was try to build the existing source form this repo. I haven't made any effort to verify that it is secure/safe to use.

de-integratie-specialisten commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Looks like it's working.

Mincka commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the troubleshooting and the binary. macos is really a pain to build proper binaries...

I finally manage myself to fix it and release an updated version: https://github.com/Mincka/DMArchiver/releases/download/0.2.5/dmarchiver-0.2.5-macos-x86-64-TLS-Fix.zip