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Python3 script to download books in PDF format
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BookmanifestURL attribute not present in content, download failing #103

Closed TheRabidWolverine closed 10 months ago

TheRabidWolverine commented 10 months ago

Around 10 hours ago, started seeing this error, where this particular line:

infos_url = "https:" + r.split('bookManifestUrl="')[1].split('"\n')[0]

started throwing exception. On debugging I found that the word "bookManifestUrl" is not present in the content fetched in the previous line any more:

r = session.get(url).text

Session login was successful as before, just this line is throwing error. Please help.

SImilar issue I think -

maximka1812 commented 10 months ago

Yep, all HTML changed, not one line.

Check <input class="js-ia-metadata" type="hidden" value='{ it seems like it is possible to rewrite stuff.

On my downloader version it needs more work, as I collect metadata to same into special PDF.

TheRabidWolverine commented 10 months ago

Yep, all HTML changed, not one line.

Check <input class="js-ia-metadata" type="hidden" value='{ it seems like it is possible to rewrite stuff.

On my downloader version it needs more work, as I collect metadata to same into special PDF.

Yeah, looks like, it was deployed around 12 hours back. Please help. :)

MiniGlome commented 10 months ago

Fixed with commit f68a668bed83bde73e1dd7b1001119d67f88484f