Minitour / AZTabBarController

A custom tab bar controller for iOS written in Swift 4.2
MIT License
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highlightColor does not change color of tab title text #41

Closed ProbablyFaiz closed 5 years ago

ProbablyFaiz commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-08-13 at 1 24 47 pm

In this case, my highlighted tab uses an inverted color scheme compared to the other tabs. To do this, I changed highlightColor to the light blue color you see in the picture. However, this does not change the title text of that tab, so it still displays light blue and therefore does not show up.

ProbablyFaiz commented 6 years ago

Update: I was able to implement at least a patchwork fix by adding this to the end of the for loop in the customizeButtons method that is located in AZTabBarController.swift: if (isHighlighted) { button.setTitleColor(highlightColor, for: []) }

The issue is still worth fixing, but I'll leave this here in case anyone is having a similar issue in the interim.

Minitour commented 6 years ago

@Faiz-Surani, I did not take that into consideration when I implemented the title label. I will fix this in the next release. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.