MiraWaNeko / DiscordIntegration

Communicate between Minecraft and Discord
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can I make messages from discord be prefixed with [Discord]? #209

Closed vizthex123 closed 3 years ago

vizthex123 commented 3 years ago

Title. I can't find anything about it on the wiki and don't want to risk breaking things by trying it on my own.

SizableShrimp commented 3 years ago

Yes, this is possible. I admit the wiki isn't up to where it should be right now so it may be hard to find this option. It is named chatMessage under channel options. See below for an example config that I personally use.

    "channels": {
      "generic": {
        "commandPrefix": "!",
        "canExecuteCommands": false,
        "stripMinecraftCodes": true,
        "allowDMCommands": true,
        "relayChat": true,
        "messages": {
          "chatMessage": "&9[Discord] &r&9{USER} &r&8» &r&9{MESSAGE}"
vizthex123 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, glad I got a quick response.