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Tools Instrumentation with additional params #461

Closed betterthanever2 closed 1 month ago

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago


Hi. My first day working with Mirascope. I'm trying to adapt this guide: https://mirascope.io/docs/latest/cookbook/search_with_sources/

In this guide, function nimble_google_search has 1 param named query. When defining the call, it is listed under tools without indication of any params it takes. I'm pretty confused as to how the query is transferred from search function to the tool, since there is no mention of it whatsoever.

In my particular case, the search tool function takes more than 1 param. How do I feed those to the mechanism?

Is there a convention or any nuances as to the naming of these tools? I'm asking because right now I'm getting Pydantic error about a missing argument:

1 validation error for OpenAICallResponse
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'function': {'name': 'se...'}}, 'type': 'function'}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/missing

Although, the error response is not particularly clear due to cutting the name of the missing param, I did figure out that it's the name of the search function I'm using, search_the_web.

ALSO: It seems to me that in section Creating the first call, on the first line of the code block, it should be openai and not anthropic.

willbakst commented 1 month ago

ALSO: It seems to me that in section Creating the first call, on the first line of the code block, it should be openai and not anthropic.

Good catch! I'm noting to fix this as part of the next docs update coming soon.

I'm pretty confused as to how the query is transferred from search function to the tool, since there is no mention of it whatsoever.

In my particular case, the search tool function takes more than 1 param. How do I feed those to the mechanism?

The input argument to the function (in this case query) is included in the call as part of the tool schema. Simply adding new arguments to the function will provide those arguments as part of the tool schema to the call, so there's nothing else you should need to do here.

I'm realizing that the documentation is not particularly clear around what exactly is happening under the hood here. I've also noted this as part of our upcoming updates to ensure this is more clear.

Is there a convention or any nuances as to the naming of these tools?

There isn't any particular nuance to the naming, but there are two things you can do that we've found to help here:

  1. Update the main prompt to describe the tool with the name and exactly how to use it. Being explicit here can often help the LLM improve how it calls the tools.
  2. Insert errors back into the call and make the call again. This can enable the LLM to learn from the mistake and hopefully fix it and call the tool correctly on the next call. We have documentation on our tenacity integration that shows how to do this.

I'm asking because right now I'm getting Pydantic error about a missing argument:

It seems that what's missing is the original tool_call field of the tool. I'm not sure 100% what's going on here, it would be great if you could print the full original response (i.e. response.response) and share that here so we can have a better sense of what's happening.

Elimeleth commented 1 month ago

yesterday I saw myself face to face with this detail, being able to solve it in streaming mode (stream = True)

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

It seems that what's missing is the original tool_call field of the tool. I'm not sure 100% what's going on here, it would be great if you could print the full original response (i.e. response.response) and share that here so we can have a better sense of what's happening.

what is tool_call? The guide doesn't mention this param. I can see it in the API reference, but it's not clear how to use it.

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

@willbakst I tried adding tenacity as per your recommendation. Didn't seem to help

Previous Errors: [1 validation error for OpenAICallResponse
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'function': {'name': 'se...'}}, 'type': 'function'}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/missing]
Previous Errors: [1 validation error for OpenAICallResponse
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'function': {'name': 'se...'}}, 'type': 'function'}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/missing, 1 validation error for OpenAICallResponse
  Field required [type=missing, input_value={'function': {'name': 'se...'}}, 'type': 'function'}, input_type=dict]
    For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.8/v/missing]
RetryError[<Future at 0x170ed8dff50 state=finished raised ValidationError>]

I'm probably doing it wrong. This is my code:

    @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), after=collect_errors(ValidationError))
        model="gpt-4o-mini",  ## TODO make sure this is the right model
        call_params={"tool_choice": "required"}
        You are a an expert at finding information on the web.
        Use the `search_the_web_with_serper` function to find information on the web.
        Rewrite the search_query as needed to better find information on the web.

    def search(search_query: str, *, errors: list[ValidationError] | None = None) -> openai.OpenAIDynamicConfig:
        previous_errors = None
        if errors:
            previous_errors = f"Previous Errors: {errors}"
        return {"computed_fields": {"previous_errors": previous_errors}}

        Extract the search_query, results, and sources to answer the question based on the results.


    def extract(search_query: str, results: str): 

    def run(search_query: str):
        print(f"Running with search query: {search_query}")
        response = search(search_query)
        if tool := response.tool:
            output = tool.call()
            result = extract(search_query, output)
            return result

        res = run("In what year was the Alexandria library destroyed?")
    except Exception as e:

search_the_web_with_seprer function takes 5 arguments, I'm still not sure where they should be mentioned.

Elimeleth commented 1 month ago

@betterthanever2 if you use it as a streaming it would not give you error

        model="gpt-4o-mini",  ## TODO make sure this is the right model
        stream=True, ##here
        call_params={"tool_choice": "required"}

stream = func(...args)
for _, tool in stream:
    if tool:
            o = tool.call()
betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

if you use it as a streaming it would not give you error

Well, I'm still getting an error, but a different one now:

'OpenAIStream' object has no attribute 'tool'

willbakst commented 1 month ago

what is tool_call? The guide doesn't mention this param. I can see it in the API reference, but it's not clear how to use it.

This is the original tool call we use to construct the tool instance. It looks like the tool call itself is missing.

I tried adding tenacity as per your recommendation. Didn't seem to help

  1. It looks like you've added {previous_errors} before the system message, which won't get parsed. You'll need to include it as part of the SYSTEM or USER message in the code you shared.
  2. This generally helps when there is an issue with the tool's arguments, but in this case since the tool call itself is missing it won't help and something else must be going on.

search_the_web_with_seprer function takes 5 arguments, I'm still not sure where they should be mentioned.

Can you share the function? They should just be mentioned as the arguments.

'OpenAIStream' object has no attribute 'tool'

The OpenAIStream object only returns tools as part of the stream, which you can access by iterating through the stream to get the (chunk, tool) tuple. The stream object itself does not have a tool attribute, so if you call stream.tool that will fail.

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

Can you share the function? They should just be mentioned as the arguments.

Here it is:

def search_the_web_with_serper(search_query: str, serper_api_key: str, jina_api_key: str, avoid_sources: list[str], top_n: int = 10):
    User Serper to retrieve top_n results for a given search query.
    1. Perform the search using Serper
    2. Filter out the results that are in the avoid_sources list
    3. For others, fetch content using Jina
    serper_url = "https://google.serper.dev/search"
    payload = json.dumps({
        "q": search_query,
        "location": "United States",
        "num": top_n
    headers = {
        'X-API-KEY': serper_api_key,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

    response = requests.request("POST", serper_url, headers=headers, data=payload)
    response_json = response.json()
    result = []
    for res in response_json.get("organic", []):
        if (any(source.lower().replace(" ", "_") in res.get("link").lower().replace("-", "_") for source in avoid_sources)) or \
            (any(source.lower() in res.get("title").lower() for source in avoid_sources)) or \
                (any(source.lower() in res.get("snippet").lower() for source in avoid_sources)):
            page_content = fetch_page_content_with_jina(res.get("link"), jina_api_key)
            if page_content:
                result.append({"url": res.get("link"), "content": page_content})
                print(f"Failed to fetch content for {res.get('link')}")
    return result

The OpenAIStream object only returns tools as part of the stream, which you can access by iterating through the stream to get the (chunk, tool) tuple. The stream object itself does not have a tool attribute, so if you call stream.tool that will fail.

Yeah, I eventually figured it out after @Elimeleth updated their recommendation. However, my internet connection is bad at the moment, so can't check, it keeps failing with connection error.

willbakst commented 1 month ago

Ok, first things first, I've identified a bug with calling tools and am working on a fix.

Separately, even after the fix is released, your search_the_web_with_search function will need fixing.

The idea with tools is that you are giving the LLM a tool that it can request that you call. When making this request, the LLM will provide every argument needed to call the function.

In your case, you're asking the LLM to generate e.g. serper_api_key, which is going to be garbage, so my guess is that there is some uncaught failure here causing the downstream issue you're facing.

For things like API keys, my recommendation would be to set them in your environment and load them with os directly inside of the function rather than passing them in as arguments.

For other arguments that you may want to set more dynamically (including API keys and such if you desire), you can use BaseToolKit and dynamic tools to access those arguments as state of the toolkit through self. Here is an example:

from mirascope.core import BaseToolKit, openai, prompt_template, toolkit_tool

class BookTools(BaseToolKit):
    reading_level: str

    def format_book(self, title: str, author: str) -> str:
        """Returns a book's title and author nicely formatted."""
        return f"{title} by {author}"

@openai.call("gpt-4o-mini", call_params={"tool_choice": "required"})
@prompt_template("Recommend a {genre} book")
def recommend_book(genre: str, reading_level: str) -> openai.OpenAIDynamicConfig:
    toolkit = BookTools(reading_level=reading_level)
    return {"tools": toolkit.create_tools()}

response = recommend_book("fantasy", "beginner")
assert (tool := response.tool) is not None
betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

For things like API keys, my recommendation would be to set them in your environment and load them with os directly inside of the function rather than passing them in as arguments.

Oh, I've seen such statements in the docs. Now I see there is a reason why it's done like that.

The tool function in this example returns a string, and I've seen somewhere in the docs that tools must return strings... Would the following implementation work?

class SearchTools(BaseToolKit):
    def search_the_web_with_serper(search_query: str, top_n: int = 10):
        User Serper to retrieve top_n results for a given search query.
        1. Perform the search using Serper
        2. Filter out the results that are in the avoid_sources list
        3. For others, fetch content using Jina  ## NOTE as of moment writing this, Serper has recently launched method for fetching content of a page, but it is in beta, and doesn't fetch everything
        serper_api_key = os.getenv("SERPER_API_KEY")
        jina_api_key = os.getenv("JINA_API_KEY")
        avoid_sources = ["source.com", "anothersource.xyz"]

        serper_url = "https://google.serper.dev/search"

        payload = json.dumps({
            "q": search_query,
            "location": "United States",
            "num": top_n
        headers = {
            'X-API-KEY': serper_api_key,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        response = requests.request("POST", serper_url, headers=headers, data=payload)
        response_json = response.json()
        result = []
        for res in response_json.get("organic", []):
            if (any(source.lower().replace(" ", "_") in res.get("link").lower().replace("-", "_") for source in avoid_sources)) or \
                (any(source.lower() in res.get("title").lower() for source in avoid_sources)) or \
                    (any(source.lower() in res.get("snippet").lower() for source in avoid_sources)):
                page_content = fetch_page_content_with_jina(res.get("link"), jina_api_key)
                if page_content:
                    result.append({"url": res.get("link"), "content": page_content})
                    print(f"Failed to fetch content for {res.get('link')}")
        return result
willbakst commented 1 month ago

Ok the fix for this has been released in v1.1.1

I'll mark this issue as closed, but feel free to reopen it if you're still running into issues.

willbakst commented 1 month ago

Sorry I didn't notice your response, so reopening and removing bug label.

Would the following implementation work?

For your implementation, you don't need to use BaseToolKit since you aren't using self anywhere. The point of BaseToolKit is to give the toolkit tools access to the state of the toolkit.

The tool function in this example returns a string, and I've seen somewhere in the docs that tools must return strings...

Technically the tool does not have to return a string if you're just calling the tool. The reason we mention returning a string is for reinserting the tool call back into the history (where the message needs the tool output to be a string).

In your case you're just passing the results to another call where the input to your extraction call can be whatever you'd like (so long as the __str__ method works on it, as we'll call str(var) when formatting the prompt template)

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago


Ok, how about this:

class SearchTools(BaseToolKit):
    search_query: str
    top_n: int = 10
    serper_api_key: str = os.getenv("SERPER_API_KEY")
    jina_api_key: str = os.getenv("JINA_API_KEY")   

    def search_the_web_with_serper(self):
        User Serper to retrieve top_n results for a given search query.
        1. Perform the search using Serper
        2. Filter out the results that are in the avoid_sources list
        3. For others, fetch content using Jina  ## NOTE as of moment writing this, Serper has recently launched method for fetching content of a page, but it is in beta, and doesn't fetch everything
        avoid_sources = ["wikipedia"]

        serper_url = "https://google.serper.dev/search"

        payload = json.dumps({
            "q": self.search_query,
            "location": "United States",
            "num": self.top_n
        headers = {
            'X-API-KEY': self.serper_api_key,
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

        response = requests.request("POST", serper_url, headers=headers, data=payload)
        response_json = response.json()
        result = []
        for res in response_json.get("organic", []):
            if (any(source.lower().replace(" ", "_") in res.get("link").lower().replace("-", "_") for source in avoid_sources)) or \
                (any(source.lower() in res.get("title").lower() for source in avoid_sources)) or \
                    (any(source.lower() in res.get("snippet").lower() for source in avoid_sources)):
                page_content = fetch_page_content_with_jina(res.get("link"), self.jina_api_key)
                if page_content:
                    result.append({"url": res.get("link"), "content": page_content})
                    print(f"Failed to fetch content for {res.get('link')}")
        return result

And then

@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), after=collect_errors(ValidationError))
        model="gpt-4o-mini",  ## TODO make sure this is the right model
        call_params={"tool_choice": "required"})

        You are a an expert at finding information on the web.
        Use the `search_the_web_with_serper` function to find information on the web.
        Rewrite the search_query as needed to better find information on the web.
        Take into account previous errors, if any: {previous_errors}

    def search(search_query: str, *, errors: list[ValidationError] | None = None) -> openai.OpenAIDynamicConfig:
        toolkit = SearchTools(search_query=search_query, top_n=15)
        previous_errors = None
        if errors:
            previous_errors = f"Previous Errors: {errors}"
        return {"computed_fields": {"previous_errors": previous_errors}, "tools": toolkit.create_tools()}
willbakst commented 1 month ago

@betterthanever2 this is closer but may not actually be what you want.

By putting search_query as state of the toolkit and setting it based on the user's actual query, you're removing the LLM's ability to potentially update the search query to something better. If you include search_query as an argument of the tool then the LLM can provide it, and tool.call() will use the search_query provided by the LLM. This may be 1:1 with the user's query, but it may also be updated.

An explicit example would be if you include the current date and time in the system prompt and then the user asks "recent LLM-related news" where the LLM may decide to update the search query to "news about large language models august 29th"

If you always want a 1:1 mapping, then the way you have it is totally fine.

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

@betterthanever2 this is closer but may not actually be what you want.

By putting search_query as state of the toolkit and setting it based on the user's actual query, you're removing the LLM's ability to potentially update the search query to something better. If you include search_query as an argument of the tool then the LLM can provide it, and tool.call() will use the search_query provided by the LLM. This may be 1:1 with the user's query, but it may also be updated.

An explicit example would be if you include the current date and time in the system prompt and then the user asks "recent LLM-related news" where the LLM may decide to update the search query to "news about large language models august 29th"

If you always want a 1:1 mapping, then the way you have it is totally fine.

Thank you. This makes sense.

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago

@willbakst Here's a question: suppose, I want to instruct the agent to extract pieces of data, and return it in structured format - what do I need to change in the code above? I did the following:

This doesn't seem to be enough, because I'm getting Pydantic's validation error about missing details field.

willbakst commented 1 month ago

@betterthanever2 unfortunately OpenAI can't handle dict types when using tools, so you'll need to set json_mode=True.

You can find the full list of identified support for tools and JSON mode across all providers here

betterthanever2 commented 1 month ago


Hmm, indicating json_mode=True gave me pretty much what I wanted. Nothing unfortunate about that :) Is the difference that for other models you don't need to set the json mode?

Anyway, thank you so much for your kind explanations! I really like the library so far.

willbakst commented 1 month ago

Is the difference that for other models you don't need to set the json mode?

yeah, some models support dict type arguments when using tools. For response_model this isn't too big of a deal since you can set json_mode=True, but when you want to use tools for tools it matters

Anyway, thank you so much for your kind explanations! I really like the library so far.

Always happy to help! So glad you're liking the library so far :)