MiriamLaw / AstrologyWebApp

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Create Other Controller Methods #5

Open MiriamLaw opened 5 hours ago

MiriamLaw commented 5 hours ago
MiriamLaw commented 5 hours ago

I will likely need an endpoint for the sun sign placards on the homepage. This could be a simple endpoint that fetches data about each sun sign, such as the name, date range, and a brief description for each sign. For example, you could create an endpoint like /sunsigns that returns the information for all 12 signs, which can then be displayed as placards on the homepage.

Here's a possible approach:

  1. Controller: Create an endpoint in your controller that returns the sun sign data
  2. Service Layer: Logic to fetch or calculate any data,
  3. View (Thymeleaf): The controller would pass this data to your view (using Thymeleaf) to render the placards

Example controller method:

public String getSunSigns(Model model) {
    // Assuming you have a service that provides the sun signs data
    List<SunSign> sunSigns = sunSignService.getAllSunSigns();
    model.addAttribute("sunSigns", sunSigns);
    return "homepage";

In your view (HTML/Thymeleaf), you can then loop over the sunSigns attribute to display them as placards.