Beginning custom GUI screen for mod configuration. Still missing a tiny bit of logic for UI state swapping but it works.
[x] Category screen.
[x] Scrolling titles.
[x] Video icon support.
[x] Create a full roster of icons/videos for the present categories.
[x] Config entries screen.
[x] Show entries' descriptions when hovered.
[x] Full entry icons should be replaced with foregrounds that automatically get outlined and rendered on top of a background. This should make their creation easier.
[ ] Create a full roster of icons for the present entries.
[x] Use a different icon for hovered entries which are missing an icon, so that it's not the same as the question mark used when nothing is hovered.
Actually just using randomized background is good enough for this.
[x] Make the present toggles actually use real values.
[x] Add a UI for floating point values and ranges.
[x] Get the search bar working.
[x] Put it into its own re-usable type.
[x] Make it persist between the two screens.
[x] Search must be done within all entries' names, keys, and their descriptions, in both English and the current language.
Implements #40
Beginning custom GUI screen for mod configuration. Still missing a tiny bit of logic for UI state swapping but it works.