MissVeronica / um-happy-birthday

Extension to Ultimate Member for Birthday greeting emails and optional mobile SMS texts.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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UM Happy Birthday version 2.7.1

Extension to Ultimate Member for Birthday greeting emails and optional mobile SMS texts.

UM Settings -> Email -> Happy Birthday

  1. Enable/Disable - Enable this email notification
  2. Subject
  3. Email Content
  4. Valid UM email placeholders. https://docs.ultimatemember.com/article/1340-placeholders-for-email-templates
  5. Additional placeholders: {today}, {age}, {user_id}, {mobile_number}, {his_her}, {he_she}, {age_ordinal}
  6. For User Role dependant email content, use the "Email Parse Shortcode" plugin. https://github.com/MissVeronica/um-email-parse-shortcode

UM Settings -> Extensions -> Happy Birthday

Plugin version update check each 24 hours and the documentation link.

WP Cronjob

    • Activate the Happy Birthday WP Cronjob - Click to activate the Plugin's WP Cronjob
    • Send Happy Birthday greetings during this hour or later - Select the hour during the day when the Happy Birthday plugin first will try to send greetings to the User. New sending test each hour if plugin or email/WP-SMS been inactive. New sending test also during next hour if additional Account Status or Roles are selected or "Resend" is applied from the WP All Users page and UM Action dropdown.

      User selections

    • User Account statuses to include - Select the Account statuses to receive the Happy Birthday greeting
    • Priority User Roles to include - Select the Priority User Roles to receive the Happy Birthday greeting
    • Current old Users default consent is "No" - Select to include current old users without having selected "Yes" in Account page as accepting birthday greetings. - These old Users are displayed as "Default" and accept or reject in the Status count.

      Backend Celebrant lists

    • Select to show the User Celebrant list - Click to get a list of each Celebrant User name for the Celebrant listing at this page and UM Dashboard modal if activated.
    • Select Name in celebrant list - Select the User name for the Celebrant listing at this page and UM Dashboard modal if activated.
    • Activate the UM Dashboard modal - Click to activate the UM Dashboard modal for Happy Birthday.
    • Select the text color for "One celebrant today Thursday" - Enter the color for the number of celebrants today text either by the color name or HEX code. Default color is "green".
    • Past Celebrants to show - Select the number of past birthdays to show. Default is one day.
    • Upcoming Celebrants to show - Select the number of upcoming birthdays to show. Default is 6 days.

      Email greetings

    • Activate sending emails - Click to enable the WP Cronjob sending Happy Birthday emails.
    • Select email sending speed - Select which speed to send the greetings emails in number of emails sent per hour.
    • WP Mail or SMTP - Click if you are using WP Mail and not a SMTP transport service for your emails.
    • Select delay in seconds for WP Mail - Select the delay in seconds between each greetings email being sent via WP Mail.

      WP SMS text greetings - Optional

    • Activate sending WP SMS - Click to enable the WP Cronjob sending Happy Birthday mobile SMS text greeting instead of an email if User registered with Mobile number
    • Activate sending flash WP SMS - Click to enable the WP Cronjob sending Happy Birthday flash SMS text greeting
    • WP SMS text greeting - Enter your Happy Birthday SMS text greeting and you can use UM email placeholders and {today}, {age}, {user_id}, {mobile_number}

      Daily Admin summary email

    • Activate Admin info email - Click to enable the Admin info email sent after each batch of greetings emails.
    • Select info in Admin email - Select the information fields about the celebrant to include in the Admin info email.

      Members Directory for display of Celebrants

    • Select Members Directory form - Select the Members Directory form for display of celebrants.
    • URL to Members Directory page - Enter the URL to the Members Directory page for display of celebrants.

      User Account page setting

    • Allow users to enable/disable greetings - Click to allow Users to enable/disable greetings at their Account Privacy page.

      Birthday Celebration icons

    • Birthday Celebration icon - Click to enable a Birthday Celebration icon at the User Profile page after the Celebrant's name.
    • Select Birthday Celebration icon - Default Birthday Celebration icon is "A Cake with three Candles". Current Birthday Celebration icons with a simulation of current Title text settings for your Profile: As Celebrant: - As Profile Viewer:
    • Birthday Celebration icon color - Enter the color for the Birthday Celebration icon either by the color name or HEX code. Default color is "white". W3Schools HTML Color Groups
    • Birthday Celebration icon size - Enter the size value in pixels for the Birthday Celebration icon, default value is 40.
    • Birthday Celebration icon title text and border color - Enter the text and border color for the Birthday Celebration icon title either by the color name or HEX code. Default color is "black".
    • Birthday Celebration icon title size and font - Enter the text size in pixels and font name for the Birthday Celebration icon title text. Default text size and font name "20px arial"
    • Title text Birthday Celebration icon for the Celebrant - Enter the title text and placeholders when the Celebrant hover the Birthday Celebration icon. Default title text: "Congratulations to you {display_name} on your {age_ordinal} birthday. Greetings from the {site_name} team."
    • Title text Birthday Celebration icon for a Profile Viewer - Enter the title text and placeholders when a Profile visitor hover the Birthday Celebration icon. Default title text: "{display_name} is celebrating {his_her} {age_ordinal} birthday today."
    • Title text Birthday Celebration box horizontal position - Enter the title text box horizontal position to the left or right as negative or positiv pixels numbers. Default value is 0.
    • Title text Birthday Celebration box width - Enter the title text box width in pixels. Default value is 300.

UM Dashboard

  1. Button: Restart Plugin WP Cronjob - Press this button if you want to have the Plugin WP Cronjob to be scheduled at 5 minutes past the hour.

WP All Users

  1. WP All Users list page with todays celebrants and their birthdates in a sortable column.
  2. "Resend" function in "Bulk actions" with support for multiple User "Resend".
  3. Todays celebrants page link from "Ultimate Member" in WP backend left column.
  4. For additional User columns use this plugin https://github.com/MissVeronica/um-additional-user-columns

User Account Page - Privacy

  1. Do you want to receive birthday greetings? - Enable/Disable birthday greetings via email or SMS text message inclusive a Celebration icon at the Profile page

User Registration Page

  1. "Happy Birthday greetings consent" field from UM Predefined fields

UM Predefined Form Builder fields

  1. Happy Birthday last greeted
  2. Happy Birthday last greeted status
  3. Happy Birthday last greeted error
  4. Happy Birthday greetings consent

Options WP SMS

  1. Requires the "WP SMS – Messaging, SMS & MMS Notifications, 2FA & OTP for WordPress" plugin
  2. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-sms/
  3. In addition to this "WP SMS" plugin you need a local SMS gateway provider ( approx 300 supported by the "WP SMS" plugin ), which will charge you per SMS sent.
  4. Failure to send SMS text greeting will send email greeting instead.

Members Directory

  1. Create a separate Members Directory for displaying Celebrants today and in the delta interval +14/-14 days with the URL .../um-happy-birthday/?delta=-1
  2. Add your Members Directory shortcode to the WP page with the slug um-happy-birthday
  3. The plugin is creating links from the Celebrant summary modal in UM Dashboard and Plugin settings.
  4. Supports the [birthdays_today] shortcode.
  5. Current version of Happy Birthday is not supporting usage of UM Setting->Advanced->Features - "Custom usermeta table"

WP Appearance -> Menus

  1. Add the Members Directory links to the menu choices like .../um-happy-birthday/ for today's birthdays


  1. [birthdays_today] or [birthdays_today]enter link text here[/birthdays_today] for use in User Profile pages
  2. Creates a link to the Birtdays Directory page for current day with the default text "Happy Birthdays today"
  3. Restriction: Link is only displayed at current User's own Profile page i.e. not displayed when visiting other Profiles.
  4. The shortcode can be used independent of WP CronJob sending email or SMS greetings or not.

Translations & Text changes

  1. Use the "Loco Translate" plugin.
  2. https://wordpress.org/plugins/loco-translate/
  3. For a few changes of text use the "Say What?" plugin with text domain happy-birthday
  4. https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/


Birthday Celebration Icon

Code snippet: add_filter( 'happy_birthday_icons', 'happy_birthday_icons_star', 10, 1 ); function happy_birthday_icons_star( $array ) { $array['fas fa-face-surprise'] = 'Face surprise solid'; $array['far fa-face-surprise'] = 'Face surprise regular'; return $array; } Install by adding the code snippet to your active theme's functions.php file or use the "Code Snippets" Plugin


$his_her = apply_filters( 'happy_birthday_his_her', $his_her, $gender, $user_id ); $he_she = apply_filters( 'happy_birthday_he_she', $he_she, $gender, $user_id );


  1. Version 2.0.0 Github update status is checked once each day.
  2. Version 2.1.0 Code improvements

    Version 2.2.0

  3. UM predefined Form Builder field checkbox: Happy Birthday greetings consent, meta_key: um_birthday_greetings_consent, value: current date if accepted otherwise empty
  4. User Registration consent updates the Account page Birthday greetings Privacy setting which User can edit later
  5. Consent Status counts for the site added to the Modal and plugin Settings.
  6. Old Users without a Registration consent can either be set to "Yes" or "No" for the Privacy default value in Account page.
  7. Account page privacy settings only displayed for Users selected by their User role.

    Version 2.3.0

  8. Birthday Cake with Candles at the celebrants Profile pages after Profile user name
  9. Display of Birthday Cake with Candles disabled for Accounts denying Birthday greetings emails.

    Version 2.4.0

  10. New Shortcode for User display of today's birthdays.

    Version 2.4.1

  11. Code improvement version update text

    Version 2.5.0

  12. Update of the "Birthday Celebration icon" feature with a selection of 40+ additional free WP icons from "Font Awesome".
  13. Filter hook "happy_birthday_icons" for custom addition of "Font Awesome" free WP icons.
  14. Code improvements

    Version 2.5.1

  15. Select the text color for "One celebrant today Thursday"
  16. Code improvements

    Version 2.6.0

  17. Settings of past and upcoming days with Celebrants to show ( max 14 days ) and table formatting of Celebrants.
  18. Birthday Celebration icon title text and border color
  19. Birthday Celebration icon title size and font
  20. Title text Birthday Celebration icon for the Celebrant
  21. Title text Birthday Celebration icon for a Profile Viewer
  22. Title text Birthday Celebration box horizontal position
  23. Title text Birthday Celebration box width
  24. Current Birthday Celebration icons with a simulation of current Title text, width and position settings for your Profile
  25. Additional gender ( male/female ) and age dependent placeholders with filters for other gender names: {his_her}, {he_she}, {age_ordinal}
  26. Delta interval +14/-14 days with the URL .../um-happy-birthday/?delta=-1
  27. UM Dashboard button: Restart Plugin WP Cronjob
  28. Code improvements

    Version 2.7.0

  29. Support for UM 2.8.7 with new functions.
  30. Plugin will execute version 2.6.0 for pre versions of UM 2.8.7
  31. WP All Users list page with todays celebrants and their birthdates in a sortable column.
  32. "Resend" function moved to "Bulk actions" with support for multiple User "Resend".
  33. Todays celebrants page link from "Ultimate Member" in WP backend left column.
  34. Happy Birthday link in backend page header removed.

    Version 2.7.1

  35. Update for conflict in UM Bulk User Actions and Admin notices.


  1. WP Cron: https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/cron/
  2. Font Awesome: https://docs.fontawesome.com/web/add-icons/how-to
  3. "Code Snippets" Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/code-snippets/

Installation & Updates

  1. Install or Update by downloading the plugin ZIP file at the green Code button.
  2. Install as a new WP Plugin Upload in WordPress -> Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin.
  3. Activate the Plugin: Ultimate Member - Happy Birthday.