Found a better component library than material ui and hyper ui
We have a problem we the current calendar, we can't style it. But shadcn/ui uses React DayPicker as its calendar. React DayPicker has all the accessibility we need for our problem. It has single date picks, disable dates by day of week. So, we can migrate to this so we can keep functionality while having better UI for our calendar.
This is because we do not need useSwr since most of our data is non-changing, or doesn't even change at all. Some components we have are only client side because of useSwr. useSwr is a powerful tool but it's overkill for what we are doing.
Found a better component library than material ui and hyper ui
This is because we do not need useSwr since most of our data is non-changing, or doesn't even change at all. Some components we have are only client side because of useSwr. useSwr is a powerful tool but it's overkill for what we are doing.
This video explains how to use skeleton in shadcn/ui -
The good thing about shadcn/ui is that we only need to install what we need. Just go to the components list and copy the npx add command.
at the time of writing, I think we only need Calendar and Skeleton.