MistraModel / Mistra

Mistra - 1D model of the Marine Boundary Layer
GNU General Public License v2.0
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namelists and param #21

Open rs028 opened 5 years ago

rs028 commented 5 years ago

Some progress towards understanding the new features of the user interface (see #5).

The files in namelists/ are configuration files for each model run and apparently take the place of the src/istart file. ~However, istart still exists in src/ and it is not clear whether it is necessary or is completely superseded by implementation of the namelists.~

The files in param are executable scripts. The model runs after modifying the directories in the param/scripts that point to input and output directories for a model run, as well as the correct namelist configuration file.

@pb866 : can you try this, when you have some time, and see if it works for you as well? If you manage to compile first of course (see suggestion in #10).

Things to consider:

rs028 commented 2 years ago

At the end of the param_example script, the command mv fort.* *.out *.nc rst*.dat *.asc $OUTDIR returns a warning message:

mv: cannot stat 'fort.*': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat '*.asc': No such file or directory

The .asc files are from the nucleation module, not sure what should generate the fort. files.

As a temporary fix, the command has been changed to mv *.out *.nc rst*.dat $OUTDIR. This just means that, if generated, the files would remain where they are created, instead of being moved to the output subdirectory with all the other output files.