MobileChromeApps / google-play-services

A Cordova plugin for Android that adds Google Play Services
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Pull Google Play Services from android-sdk #15

Closed rlepinski closed 4 years ago

rlepinski commented 9 years ago

Instead of packaging and distributing Google Play Services, you could pull them from the android-sdk directory. This has the advantage of not needing to update the module whenever a new version of GPS is released and it prevents you from distributing GPS (against the license).

Here is an example:

agrieve commented 9 years ago

To add to this:

We should just move to using these at some point in the future and deprecate this plugin.

rlepinski commented 9 years ago

The way I suggested would just be a stopgap solution for the licensing issue and keeping GPS up to date until we see full gradle support.

pkaul commented 9 years ago

Have a look at Altough not perfect yet (fails for newest Android SDK, requires installation of ANT, ...) it provides a first working sketch of the suggested solution.

rlepinski commented 9 years ago

The ant version that I linked to works as well. I am currently using in phonegap-ua-push. It uses the standard ant build system.