ModelChimp / modelchimp

Experiment tracking for machine and deep learning projects
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has wrong ownership #6

Open tdekelver opened 5 years ago

tdekelver commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to run the docker installation on windows and it gives me an error every time i want to start the docker, see here the full log:

$ bash Creating network "modelchimp_default" with the default driver Building web Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> d127eb960b39 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 1b02ef9d8fbc Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> 784ff82c5b00 Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> d864890d0a5c Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> Using cache ---> 5701b8f92922 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> 38281c757066 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> af486f650dfa Successfully built af486f650dfa Successfully tagged modelchimp_web:latest Building celery Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> d127eb960b39 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 1b02ef9d8fbc Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> 784ff82c5b00 Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> d864890d0a5c Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> Using cache ---> 5701b8f92922 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> 38281c757066 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> af486f650dfa Successfully built af486f650dfa Successfully tagged modelchimp_celery:latest Creating modelchimp_redis_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_db_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_web_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_celery_1 ... done Attaching to modelchimp_db_1, modelchimp_redis_1, modelchimp_web_1, modelchimp_celery_1 db_1 | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". db_1 | This user must also own the server process. db_1 | db_1 | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8". db_1 | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8". db_1 | The default text search configuration will be set to "english". db_1 | db_1 | Data page checksums are disabled. db_1 | db_1 | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok redis_1 | 1:C 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.750 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.750 # Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.750 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.752 Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.752 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. redis_1 | 1:M 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.752 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.753 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled. redis_1 | 1:M 29 Jan 2019 12:54:36.753 Ready to accept connections db_1 | creating subdirectories ... ok db_1 | selecting default max_connections ... 20 db_1 | selecting default shared_buffers ... 400kB db_1 | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix db_1 | creating configuration files ... ok db_1 | running bootstrap script ... 2019-01-29 12:54:38.177 UTC [77] FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" has wrong ownership db_1 | 2019-01-29 12:54:38.177 UTC [77] HINT: The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory. web_1 | line 3: $'\r': command not found : invalid line 4: set: - web_1 | set: usage: set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...] web_1 | line 5: $'\r': command not found web_1 | line 7: $'shift\r': command not found web_1 | line 9: $'\r': command not found db_1 | child process exited with exit code 1 db_1 | initdb: removing contents of data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data" web_1 | line 18: syntax error: unexpected end of file celery_1 | line 3: $'\r': command not found : invalid line 4: set: - celery_1 | set: usage: set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o option-name] [--] [arg ...] celery_1 | line 5: $'\r': command not found celery_1 | line 7: $'shift\r': command not found celery_1 | line 9: $'\r': command not found celery_1 | line 18: syntax error: unexpected end of file modelchimp_celery_1 exited with code 2 Stopping modelchimp_web_1 ... done Stopping modelchimp_redis_1 ... done Stopping modelchimp_db_1 ... done Aborting on container exit...

samzer commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Looking into it.

samzer commented 5 years ago

Could you delete the existing modelchimp folder in your local system and do a fresh clone. Execute the following within the modelchimp folder

cp .\.env-dev .\.env .\docker-windows.bat

tdekelver commented 5 years ago

Hello Thanks for this update, but I'm still getting some errors at the end when he wants to start modelchimp_redis_1 and modelchimp_db_1:


$>docker volume create --name postgres-data -d local postgres-data

$>docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build --abort-on-container-exit Building web Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Running in 8cd5760e4c63 Removing intermediate container 8cd5760e4c63 ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Running in f07a572c3a71 Collecting setuptools Downloading (575kB) Installing collected packages: setuptools Found existing installation: setuptools 40.6.2 Uninstalling setuptools-40.6.2: Successfully uninstalled setuptools-40.6.2 Successfully installed setuptools-40.8.0 You are using pip version 18.1, however version 19.0.2 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. Removing intermediate container f07a572c3a71 ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Running in dd4d7c7fbebf Collecting boto3==1.7.65 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (128kB) Collecting celery==4.2.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (401kB) Collecting channels-redis==2.2.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting Django==2.1.3 (from -r requirements.txt (line 4)) Downloading (7.3MB) Collecting django-allauth==0.36.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (487kB) Collecting django-compressor==2.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) Downloading (118kB) Collecting django-htmlmin==0.10.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 7)) Downloading Collecting django-storages==1.7.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 8)) Downloading (44kB) Collecting djangorestframework==3.8.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 9)) Downloading (923kB) Collecting furl==1.0.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 10)) Downloading (40kB) Collecting future==0.16.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 11)) Downloading (824kB) Collecting jsmin==2.2.2 (from -r requirements.txt (line 12)) Downloading Collecting Pillow==5.0.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 13)) Downloading (5.9MB) Collecting psycopg2== (from -r requirements.txt (line 14)) Downloading (2.6MB) Collecting Pygments==2.2.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 15)) Downloading (841kB) Collecting python-decouple==3.1 (from -r requirements.txt (line 16)) Downloading Collecting redis==2.10.6 (from -r requirements.txt (line 17)) Downloading (64kB) Collecting s3transfer<0.2.0,>=0.1.10 (from boto3==1.7.65->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (59kB) Collecting jmespath<1.0.0,>=0.7.1 (from boto3==1.7.65->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading Collecting botocore<1.11.0,>=1.10.65 (from boto3==1.7.65->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (4.5MB) Collecting kombu<5.0,>=4.2.0 (from celery==4.2.0->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (183kB) Collecting pytz>dev (from celery==4.2.0->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (510kB) Collecting billiard<3.6.0,>= (from celery==4.2.0->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (150kB) Collecting channels~=2.0 (from channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting msgpack~=0.5.0 (from channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (315kB) Collecting aioredis~=1.0 (from channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (63kB) Collecting asgiref~=2.1 (from channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting python3-openid>=3.0.8 (from django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (130kB) Collecting requests-oauthlib>=0.3.0 (from django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading Collecting requests (from django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (57kB) Collecting rjsmin==1.0.12 (from django-compressor==2.2->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) Downloading (446kB) Collecting django-appconf>=1.0 (from django-compressor==2.2->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) Downloading Collecting rcssmin==1.0.6 (from django-compressor==2.2->-r requirements.txt (line 6)) Downloading (582kB) Collecting html5lib (from django-htmlmin==0.10.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) Downloading (117kB) Collecting beautifulsoup4 (from django-htmlmin==0.10.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) Downloading (94kB) Collecting six>=1.8.0 (from furl==1.0.1->-r requirements.txt (line 10)) Downloading Collecting orderedmultidict>=0.7.8 (from furl==1.0.1->-r requirements.txt (line 10)) Downloading Collecting python-dateutil<3.0.0,>=2.1; python_version >= "2.7" (from botocore<1.11.0,>=1.10.65->boto3==1.7.65->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (226kB) Collecting docutils>=0.10 (from botocore<1.11.0,>=1.10.65->boto3==1.7.65->-r requirements.txt (line 1)) Downloading (543kB) Collecting amqp<3.0,>=2.4.0 (from kombu<5.0,>=4.2.0->celery==4.2.0->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading (49kB) Collecting daphne~=2.2 (from channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting hiredis (from aioredis~=1.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (49kB) Collecting async-timeout (from aioredis~=1.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting defusedxml (from python3-openid>=3.0.8->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading Collecting oauthlib>=3.0.0 (from requests-oauthlib>=0.3.0->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (142kB) Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 (from requests->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (58kB) Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 (from requests->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (133kB) Collecting urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 (from requests->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (118kB) Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests->django-allauth==0.36.0->-r requirements.txt (line 5)) Downloading (154kB) Collecting webencodings (from html5lib->django-htmlmin==0.10.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) Downloading Collecting soupsieve>=1.2 (from beautifulsoup4->django-htmlmin==0.10.0->-r requirements.txt (line 7)) Downloading Collecting vine>=1.1.3 (from amqp<3.0,>=2.4.0->kombu<5.0,>=4.2.0->celery==4.2.0->-r requirements.txt (line 2)) Downloading Collecting twisted>=18.7 (from daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (3.1MB) Collecting autobahn>=0.18 (from daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (302kB) Collecting zope.interface>=4.4.2 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (167kB) Collecting constantly>=15.1 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting incremental>=16.10.1 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting Automat>=0.3.0 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting hyperlink>=17.1.1 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting PyHamcrest>=1.9.0 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading (52kB) Collecting attrs>=17.4.0 (from twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Collecting txaio>=18.8.1 (from autobahn>=0.18->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) Downloading Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages (from zope.interface>=4.4.2->twisted>=18.7->daphne~=2.2->channels~=2.0->channels-redis==2.2.1->-r requirements.txt (line 3)) (40.8.0) Building wheels for collected packages: django-allauth, furl, future, jsmin, python-decouple, billiard, rjsmin, rcssmin, twisted Running bdist_wheel for django-allauth: started Running bdist_wheel for django-allauth: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/3c/60/b8/ac2407548aa38ce19641ca46ad7b54bb6df23b778cf2841a6f Running bdist_wheel for furl: started Running bdist_wheel for furl: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/81/96/a3/3e7c8b902cdde764ef601f6912f58b46e9b15924f96bc74acc Running bdist_wheel for future: started Running bdist_wheel for future: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/bf/c9/a3/c538d90ef17cf7823fa51fc701a7a7a910a80f6a405bf15b1a Running bdist_wheel for jsmin: started Running bdist_wheel for jsmin: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/64/f4/de/9667d84f759289edf5442220997c6d4334637a6bb2a7b90f73 Running bdist_wheel for python-decouple: started Running bdist_wheel for python-decouple: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/0f/ee/80/75b684060dc6ecc5a28c07b75ef4063f378aff1a37556f342a Running bdist_wheel for billiard: started Running bdist_wheel for billiard: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/b8/72/0e/39ecdedc4cfc45b693a623732e40dbd4cff5ea5e11775ee591 Running bdist_wheel for rjsmin: started Running bdist_wheel for rjsmin: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/1f/c9/1f/e8622dd72620386db2ac3553529ec62b5aedb16bf0651b8cad Running bdist_wheel for rcssmin: started Running bdist_wheel for rcssmin: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/f5/82/85/01af385ab989b89e49bbe1d23047a8766ad43e1ebdad5084ed Running bdist_wheel for twisted: started Running bdist_wheel for twisted: finished with status 'done' Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/57/2e/89/11ba83bc08ac30a5e3a6005f0310c78d231b96a270def88ca0 Successfully built django-allauth furl future jsmin python-decouple billiard rjsmin rcssmin twisted Installing collected packages: jmespath, six, python-dateutil, docutils, botocore, s3transfer, boto3, vine, amqp, kombu, pytz, billiard, celery, Django, async-timeout, asgiref, zope.interface, constantly, incremental, attrs, Automat, idna, hyperlink, PyHamcrest, twisted, txaio, autobahn, daphne, channels, msgpack, hiredis, aioredis, channels-redis, defusedxml, python3-openid, chardet, urllib3, certifi, requests, oauthlib, requests-oauthlib, django-allauth, rjsmin, django-appconf, rcssmin, django-compressor, webencodings, html5lib, soupsieve, beautifulsoup4, django-htmlmin, django-storages, djangorestframework, orderedmultidict, furl, future, jsmin, Pillow, psycopg2, Pygments, python-decouple, redis Successfully installed Automat-0.7.0 Django-2.1.3 Pillow-5.0.0 PyHamcrest-1.9.0 Pygments-2.2.0 aioredis-1.2.0 amqp-2.4.1 asgiref-2.3.2 async-timeout-3.0.1 attrs-18.2.0 autobahn-19.1.1 beautifulsoup4-4.7.1 billiard- boto3-1.7.65 botocore-1.10.84 celery-4.2.0 certifi-2018.11.29 channels-2.1.7 channels-redis-2.2.1 chardet-3.0.4 constantly-15.1.0 daphne-2.2.5 defusedxml-0.5.0 django-allauth-0.36.0 django-appconf-1.0.2 django-compressor-2.2 django-htmlmin-0.10.0 django-storages-1.7.1 djangorestframework-3.8.2 docutils-0.14 furl-1.0.1 future-0.16.0 hiredis-1.0.0 html5lib-1.0.1 hyperlink-18.0.0 idna-2.8 incremental-17.5.0 jmespath-0.9.3 jsmin-2.2.2 kombu-4.3.0 msgpack-0.5.6 oauthlib-3.0.1 orderedmultidict-1.0 psycopg2- python-dateutil-2.8.0 python-decouple-3.1 python3-openid-3.1.0 pytz-2018.9 rcssmin-1.0.6 redis-2.10.6 requests-2.21.0 requests-oauthlib-1.2.0 rjsmin-1.0.12 s3transfer-0.1.13 six-1.12.0 soupsieve-1.7.3 twisted-18.9.0 txaio-18.8.1 urllib3-1.24.1 vine-1.2.0 webencodings-0.5.1 zope.interface-4.6.0 You are using pip version 18.1, however version 19.0.2 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. Removing intermediate container dd4d7c7fbebf ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> b7ca5ca29ad9 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Running in 0c47e3e9dbfd Get:1 stretch/updates InRelease [94.3 kB] Get:2 stretch/updates/main amd64 Packages [475 kB] Ign:3 stretch InRelease Get:4 stretch-updates InRelease [91.0 kB] Get:5 stretch Release [118 kB] Get:6 stretch Release.gpg [2434 B] Get:7 stretch-updates/main amd64 Packages [7748 B] Get:8 stretch/main amd64 Packages [7090 kB] Fetched 7878 kB in 4s (1658 kB/s) Reading package lists... Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... The following additional packages will be installed: distro-info-data lsb-release postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-client-common Suggested packages: lsb postgresql-9.6 postgresql-doc-9.6 The following NEW packages will be installed: distro-info-data lsb-release postgresql-client postgresql-client-9.6 postgresql-client-common 0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 26 not upgraded. Need to get 1447 kB of archives. After this operation, 6078 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 stretch/main amd64 distro-info-data all 0.36 [5810 B] Get:2 stretch/main amd64 lsb-release all 9.20161125 [27.1 kB] Get:3 stretch/main amd64 postgresql-client-common all 181+deb9u2 [79.2 kB] Get:4 stretch/main amd64 postgresql-client-9.6 amd64 9.6.10-0+deb9u1 [1279 kB] Get:5 stretch/main amd64 postgresql-client all 9.6+181+deb9u2 [55.8 kB] debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed Fetched 1447 kB in 0s (2099 kB/s) Selecting previously unselected package distro-info-data. (Reading database ... 30223 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../distro-info-data_0.36_all.deb ... Unpacking distro-info-data (0.36) ... Selecting previously unselected package lsb-release. Preparing to unpack .../lsb-release_9.20161125_all.deb ... Unpacking lsb-release (9.20161125) ... Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-common. Preparing to unpack .../postgresql-client-common_181+deb9u2_all.deb ... Unpacking postgresql-client-common (181+deb9u2) ... Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client-9.6. Preparing to unpack .../postgresql-client-9.6_9.6.10-0+deb9u1_amd64.deb ... Unpacking postgresql-client-9.6 (9.6.10-0+deb9u1) ... Selecting previously unselected package postgresql-client. Preparing to unpack .../postgresql-client_9.6+181+deb9u2_all.deb ... Unpacking postgresql-client (9.6+181+deb9u2) ... Setting up distro-info-data (0.36) ... Setting up lsb-release (9.20161125) ... Setting up postgresql-client-common (181+deb9u2) ... Setting up postgresql-client-9.6 (9.6.10-0+deb9u1) ... update-alternatives: using /usr/share/postgresql/9.6/man/man1/psql.1.gz to provide /usr/share/man/man1/psql.1.gz (psql.1.gz) in auto mode Setting up postgresql-client (9.6+181+deb9u2) ... Removing intermediate container 0c47e3e9dbfd ---> 0044df579ab7 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Running in 243f55745217 Removing intermediate container 243f55745217 ---> 2b811a8ab770 Successfully built 2b811a8ab770 Successfully tagged modelchimp_web:latest Building celery Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b7ca5ca29ad9 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> 0044df579ab7 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> 2b811a8ab770 Successfully built 2b811a8ab770 Successfully tagged modelchimp_celery:latest Starting modelchimp_redis_1 ... error Recreating modelchimp_db_1 ...

ERROR: for modelchimp_redis_1 Cannot start service redis: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_redis_1 (33807c6801f0acdb9e78806dae66076151ca8c518cd9fa56cc0b6edf1d83178b): ErrorRecreating modelchimp_db_1 ... error

ERROR: for modelchimp_db_1 Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_db_1 (a1e0f28d522921d6856033bfbd4b5fa34a294b6cf86dc3557d8fab5a1c2e2ed1): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for redis Cannot start service redis: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_redis_1 (33807c6801f0acdb9e78806dae66076151ca8c518cd9fa56cc0b6edf1d83178b): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for db Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_db_1 (a1e0f28d522921d6856033bfbd4b5fa34a294b6cf86dc3557d8fab5a1c2e2ed1): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

samzer commented 5 years ago

Removing the containers that have been built with the following commands might solve the issue.

This link has information on the commands, you'll have to modify it to corresponding windows version

After the above steps are done, execute the .\docker-windows.bat and let me know if it works.

P.S I'm on a mac and don't have a windows machine readily with me due to which its difficult to reproduce this.

tdekelver commented 5 years ago

Thanks I did remove all the dockers I had and ran it again But now it seems to not find the file (altough it is in the folder) See the log:

$>docker volume create --name postgres-data -d local postgres-data

$>docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build --abort-on-container-exit Building web Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b7ca5ca29ad9 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> 0044df579ab7 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> 2b811a8ab770 Successfully built 2b811a8ab770 Successfully tagged modelchimp_web:latest Building celery Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/9 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/9 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/9 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/9 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/9 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/9 : ADD . /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b7ca5ca29ad9 Step 8/9 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> 0044df579ab7 Step 9/9 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> 2b811a8ab770 Successfully built 2b811a8ab770 Successfully tagged modelchimp_celery:latest Creating modelchimp_redis_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_db_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_web_1 ... done Creating modelchimp_celery_1 ... done Attaching to modelchimp_db_1, modelchimp_redis_1, modelchimp_web_1, modelchimp_celery_1 db_1 | The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". db_1 | This user must also own the server process. db_1 | db_1 | The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8". db_1 | The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8". db_1 | The default text search configuration will be set to "english". db_1 | db_1 | Data page checksums are disabled. db_1 | db_1 | fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok db_1 | creating subdirectories ... ok db_1 | selecting default max_connections ... 100 db_1 | selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB redis_1 | 1:C 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.434 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.434 # Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.434 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.443 Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.443 # WARNING: The TCP backlog setting of 511 cannot be enforced because /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn is set to the lower value of 128. redis_1 | 1:M 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.443 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.443 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled. redis_1 | 1:M 11 Feb 2019 16:48:37.443 Ready to accept connections db_1 | selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix db_1 | creating configuration files ... ok db_1 | running bootstrap script ... ok db_1 | performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok web_1 | bash: No such file or directory celery_1 | bash: No such file or directory db_1 | syncing data to disk ... ok db_1 | db_1 | Success. You can now start the database server using: db_1 | db_1 | pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start db_1 | db_1 | db_1 | WARNING: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections db_1 | You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or db_1 | --auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb. db_1 | **** db_1 | WARNING: No password has been set for the database. db_1 | This will allow anyone with access to the db_1 | Postgres port to access your database. In db_1 | Docker's default configuration, this is db_1 | effectively any other container on the same db_1 | system. db_1 | db_1 | Use "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password" to set db_1 | it in "docker run". db_1 | **** modelchimp_celery_1 exited with code 127 Aborting on container exit... Stopping modelchimp_web_1 ... done Stopping modelchimp_redis_1 ... done Stopping modelchimp_db_1 ... done

samzer commented 5 years ago

Hmm...not sure why that is happening. I tried it on my friend's window machine and its working.

Could you comment out the Line 7 in Dockerfile and run it again #ADD . /code/

tdekelver commented 5 years ago

Still have the same problem even with commenting out the line 7

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build --abort-on-container-exit Building web Step 1/8 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/8 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/8 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/8 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/8 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/8 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/8 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> ffdf030a5363 Step 8/8 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> 25917ca4adbd Successfully built 25917ca4adbd Successfully tagged modelchimp_web:latest Building celery Step 1/8 : FROM python:3.6.7-stretch ---> 1ec4d11819ad Step 2/8 : ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ---> Using cache ---> 1ca747b25fa0 Step 3/8 : ADD requirements.txt /code/ ---> Using cache ---> b61897bd34b0 Step 4/8 : WORKDIR /code ---> Using cache ---> 4c03c287815d Step 5/8 : RUN pip install --upgrade setuptools ---> Using cache ---> f655c407a59a Step 6/8 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt ---> Using cache ---> b45071749a34 Step 7/8 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y postgresql-client ---> Using cache ---> ffdf030a5363 Step 8/8 : EXPOSE 8000 ---> Using cache ---> 25917ca4adbd Successfully built 25917ca4adbd Successfully tagged modelchimp_celery:latest Starting modelchimp_db_1 ... error Starting modelchimp_redis_1 ...

ERROR: for modelchimp_db_1 Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_db_1 (3913c789ca6e6ae8d5e61924d0c998a0671120992b182fdd1ae0ed3f1b5dced1): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/Starting modelchimp_redis_1 ... error

ERROR: for modelchimp_redis_1 Cannot start service redis: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_redis_1 (a7e8755820f61f54c96177e5f9bf2d841ecfaf9dcc27db8f0dd18159fb1f93b5): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for db Cannot start service db: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_db_1 (3913c789ca6e6ae8d5e61924d0c998a0671120992b182fdd1ae0ed3f1b5dced1): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error

ERROR: for redis Cannot start service redis: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint modelchimp_redis_1 (a7e8755820f61f54c96177e5f9bf2d841ecfaf9dcc27db8f0dd18159fb1f93b5): Error starting userland proxy: mkdir /port/tcp: input/output error ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

samzer commented 5 years ago

This is a docker error caused by the stray containers again. You'll have to do the container removal that you did earlier which eliminates this error.

After this, if there is still an error then you can ping me individually in slack and we can get on skype/hangout to see what's going on