Moerill / token-mold

MIT License
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[FEATURE] Update for V12 Stable Update #204

Closed wonsnot closed 21 hours ago

wonsnot commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Foundry has updated to V12 stable and this module is listed as incompatible.

Describe the solution you'd like Update and test on Foundry V12

GomatiGit commented 3 months ago

I updated to version 12 too and need and update on this module

Deladriendil commented 3 months ago


Someone2345 commented 3 months ago

everytime you forget how useful a module is, until you update and find that it is incompatible and you suddenly miss the features you took for granted. +1 for v12 update please! (automatic HP rolling and adjactive on mobs is/was a stable for our games, it is a tough life without this!)

ThiefMaster commented 3 months ago

That's why you ideally don't upgrade you (production) foundry until your favorite modules are updated - or look into contributing to the module to get it ready faster if you have the skills to do so ;)

kajishun commented 3 months ago


BeardedGnome commented 3 months ago

I'll try to address v12 in my fork once I have a v12 server running.

BeardedGnome commented 3 months ago

V12 update - Fixed many of the warnings, but Foundry changed how dice are rolled and broke rolled health. Still investigating.

BenNelsonNeb commented 2 months ago

Love token mold, Hoping to get it working in v12 as well. Another vote!

BeardedGnome commented 2 months ago

I've rewritten the HP generation and will attempt to have something published (unofficial fork) by the end of the month.

BeardedGnome commented 2 months ago

I've published an unofficial fork that should fix the issue, please test the version that matches your Foundry install.

Foundry v11: Foundry v12:

tobjv commented 2 months ago

I've published an unofficial fork that should fix the issue, please test the version that matches your Foundry install.

Foundry v11: Foundry v12:

how does one use this exactly, I'm new to all this.

wonsnot commented 2 months ago

I've published an unofficial fork that should fix the issue, please test the version that matches your Foundry install. Foundry v11: Foundry v12:

how does one use this exactly, I'm new to all this.

This article explains how to install a new module by manifest URL.

wonsnot commented 2 months ago

I've published an unofficial fork that should fix the issue, please test the version that matches your Foundry install.

Foundry v11: Foundry v12:

Thanks! It seems to be working for me. I'll raise an issue over there if I run into any.

tobjv commented 2 months ago

works for me so far as well

kiloforce commented 1 month ago

Foundry v12:

This loaded and worked for me. Thanks.

ThiefMaster commented 1 month ago

With the v12 fork I get an error in a pf2e world when trying to open the Token Mold config dialog.

It's coming from this code:

const types = Actor.implementation.TYPES;
// FIXME: DAE throws on 'base' type
const shellMap = new Map( => [t, new Actor.implementation({ name: t, type: t })]), );
Error: An error occurred while rendering TokenMoldForm 27. PF2e System | Actor type base does not exist and actor module sub-types are not supported
    onError .../scripts/foundry.js:654
    render .../scripts/foundry.js:5794
    promise callback*render .../scripts/foundry.js:5792
    _renderActorDirectoryMenu .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:297
    _renderActorDirectoryMenu .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:291
    _hookActorDirectory .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:243
    initHooks .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:57
Caused by: Error: PF2e System | Actor type base does not exist and actor module sub-types are not supported
    ErrorPF2e .../systems/pf2e/pf2e.mjs:1
    construct .../systems/pf2e/pf2e.mjs:1608
    get _actorAttributes/shellMap< .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:1388
    get _actorAttributes .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:1388
    getData .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:1179
    _render .../scripts/foundry.js:5837
    _render .../scripts/foundry.js:6571
    render .../scripts/foundry.js:5792
    _renderActorDirectoryMenu .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:297
    _renderActorDirectoryMenu .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:291
    _hookActorDirectory .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:243
    initHooks .../modules/token-mold/scripts/token-mold.js:57
ThiefMaster commented 1 month ago
const types = Actor.implementation.TYPES.filter(x => x !== 'base');

Seems to be a good workaround for this error. Not sure if this breaks any functionality for the stat overlay, but when not using it it's certainly better than not being able to configure the module at all and at least during a quick test it seemed to offer all relevant attributes.

DanBonser commented 1 month ago

Foundry v12:

This 90% works for me. When I bring in new tokens that don't have vision already on them, its not overriding their vision to be on, although I have it selected. I'm having to go back and indivitually check every token to make sure vision is on. Beyond that, its working well.

mattimeo84 commented 1 month ago

IGNORE Added it and it works great. however, now i have no roll table of adjectives. is there a way to just load those?

Its there now, weird

BeardedGnome commented 1 month ago
const types = Actor.implementation.TYPES.filter(x => x !== 'base');

Seems to be a good workaround for this error. Not sure if this breaks any functionality for the stat overlay, but when not using it it's certainly better than not being able to configure the module at all and at least during a quick test it seemed to offer all relevant attributes.

You are correct. I need to filter out the 'base' type in a couple places in the code.

BeardedGnome commented 1 month ago

Foundry v12:

This 90% works for me. When I bring in new tokens that don't have vision already on them, its not overriding their vision to be on, although I have it selected. I'm having to go back and indivitually check every token to make sure vision is on. Beyond that, its working well.

I have no idea how vision works. I'll see if I can reproduce the issue. No ETA at this time.

Mrfikser commented 1 month ago

I've published an unofficial fork that should fix the issue, please test the version that matches your Foundry install.

Foundry v11: Foundry v12:

I really appreciate you doing this and it's made the module function for me. The one hangup that I've run into is that I can not get the settings to show up when I hit the gear icon in the actors tab. Could be a me problem, though.

ThiefMaster commented 1 month ago

No, it's a bug that's not been fixed yet. See my previous comment in here for a workaround (you can edit the installed module for this until there's a fixed release).

Mrfikser commented 1 month ago

I'm the type that will wait for a fix. Thanks.

BeardedGnome commented 1 month ago

@ThiefMaster - Try this release.


ThiefMaster commented 1 month ago

Thanks, works fine AFAICT.

Mrfikser commented 1 month ago

@ThiefMaster - Try this release.


I don't suppose there's a way to make this the official version in Foundry is there? I'm not asking you to take anything from the original author. It looks like it has been over a year since they've pushed an update out and it would be nice for those of us less inclined technical if something like that happened.

BeardedGnome commented 1 month ago

@ThiefMaster - Try this release. V12:

I don't suppose there's a way to make this the official version in Foundry is there? I'm not asking you to take anything from the original author. It looks like it has been over a year since they've pushed an update out and it would be nice for those of us less inclined technical if something like that happened.

I don't have any way of doing that. If one of the maintainers wants to review my pull requests, we can get master updated.

Mrfikser commented 1 month ago

@ThiefMaster - Try this release. V12:

I don't suppose there's a way to make this the official version in Foundry is there? I'm not asking you to take anything from the original author. It looks like it has been over a year since they've pushed an update out and it would be nice for those of us less inclined technical if something like that happened.

I don't have any way of doing that. If one of the maintainers wants to review my pull requests, we can get master updated.

I hope there's a way to make this happen. I'm using what you've given us, but it bugs me that it can't be updated elsewhere. Thanks for making this amazing mod continue working as Foundry updates.

kiloforce commented 1 month ago

I don't suppose there's a way to make this the official version in Foundry is there? I'm not asking you to take anything from the original author. It looks like it has been over a year since they've pushed an update out and it would be nice for those of us less inclined technical if something like that happened.

Fortunately, it was listed under the MIT license (

An abandoned project is left with really two options:

1) One could fork the project, create a new divergent project, and submit the divergent project to be listed on Foundry. This would be a good option if significant improvements were planned.

2) Alternatively, if only minor changes are needed, one could fork the project and make a case to the Foundry Project to update the listing and point to a new source link.

Foundry contact information can be found on the Module Packaging Guide:

Symon-S commented 3 weeks ago

@BeardedGnome Maybe you can ask Moerill if you could take over the project?

r-valyar commented 1 week ago

@BeardedGnome have you managed to talk with Moerill or decided to take over as alternative Fork?

Moerill commented 1 week ago

Heya, Should i add you as a maintainer @BeardedGnome ? I'm still of the whole foundry train and have no real time to validate anything, so i'm not touching it :see_no_evil:

Regarding the foundry package, @Geekswordsman currently has control over it afaik. (He also took care of this module for quite some time already after i left. So huge thanks to them! :heart_hands: But they seem to be taking (at least) a pause as well.

Alternatively, as already mentioned: The project is licensed under MIT, so whoever wants to, feel free to just take it and take matters in your own hands.

BeardedGnome commented 1 week ago

Hey @Moerill , thank you for joining the conversation. @Geekswordsman has been AFK so I guess if you don't mind me contributing you can add me. My fork continues to diverge from the baseline, at this point to bring my master over would be more of a rewrite than a merge.

As long as you're OK with that, I'll do what I can. I'm a C\C++ developer by trade, so using Javascript is quite a trip.

Edit: I'll have to create a new merge branch to bring over the latest and remove the changes that allowed me to publish from my fork.

Moerill commented 1 week ago

Sent you an invite! No worries about rewriting and so on. I wanted to completly rewrite the thing before i stopped anyway and i think there is also a branch of @Geekswordsman attempt of rewriting. If you need control over the foundry package though, you need to contact foundry staff.

This project kind of resembles my first steps in JavaScript (and properly building a project), so ... a lot to change and improve there :sweat_smile: Good luck ! And if you have some co-collaborators or so, feel free to leave me a message.. somewhere... i'll try to take a look from time to time :)

BeardedGnome commented 1 week ago

Thank you @Moerill . I'm out of town the next few days, but in the next few weeks I'll see about getting the official release updated.

Mrfikser commented 1 week ago

I'm very excited about this gang! Thanks to everyone making it happen.

wonsnot commented 6 days ago

@BeardedGnome @Moerill Thank you both for all the hard work you are doing to make/keep this module alive.

I think we can close this issue after the merge in favor of more targeted issues relevant to V12 support.

Once again thanks for all that you do.

BeardedGnome commented 3 days ago

I published my V11 update, just to test out the flow. Looks like I still need access to the Foundry page. I'll fire off an email to them.

BeardedGnome commented 21 hours ago

Foundry 11 version V2.21.0 and Foundry 12 version v2.22.2 now showing up on the official page. I'm closing this issue.

Open a new one if you notice something amiss.