Mohinta2892 / catena

Neuron Segmentation, Synaptic Partner Detection and Microtubule tracking for vEM with EM-2-EM translation. Codebase built upon Funke lab's algorithms.
7 stars 1 forks source link

LSD conda env installation not working #1

Closed Mohinta2892 closed 9 months ago

Mohinta2892 commented 9 months ago

The existing yaml file needed git repo paths for Funkelab packages that don't have PyPy pip releases:

 - funlib-learn-torch==0.1
 - funlib-segment==0.1

Solution: Added direct links to the git repos in an editable format.

There was an added error from a local package try-lsds==0.0.post1.dev1+g7fe96fc which could have propagated during the dev stage of pipeline. It was removed from the dependency list.


Tested on:

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release:    22.04
Codename:   jammy

Conda base version: conda 23.10.0