MoorsTech / Climate-Change-Adaptation-Lower-Saxony

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reproducibilty of input data #3

Open larsbuntemeyer opened 7 months ago

larsbuntemeyer commented 7 months ago

In the paper, you mention the processing of the input data from EURO-CORDEX regional climate model ensembles using, e.g., a bias correction and spatial averaging for the Uelzen region to arrive at the input tables you provide for the impact model:

A multi-model ensemble was used for each RCP scenario (Appendix A). The model was run with each ensemble, and the average of the outputs was taken as a result afterward. Monthly near-surface temperature (tas) and precipitation (pr) were directly taken from the ensemble members. Potential evapotranspiration (evaspsblpot) was calculated based on daily tas and maximum and minimum near-surface temperature (tasmax and tasmin) using the method by Hargreaves & Samani (1985) included in the python package xclim (Logan et al. 2021). Afterward, spatial averages over Uelzen were calculated using the pyweights function.

Is there any material, e.g., a code repository with scripts to also reproduce this? I am aware that you need a lot of input data from EURO-CORDEX, but it would be nice to also have this code available. This is probably less than an issue but more a recommendation for the future i guess...