Mooses2k / SecretHistories

First-person stealth/combat roguelite
14 stars 11 forks source link

Reliquary dungeon branch #636

Open Mooses2k opened 3 months ago

Mooses2k commented 3 months ago


Five floors, pentagonal taking up 11.7m square (8 tiles minus half wall thickness). Floor size decreases as go upwards like a ziggurat. No opponents, just traps, dread, and story. Bottom floor has secret entrance as kickable bricked up doorway Stairways on alternating sides, maybe two or three sides counterclockwise from landing. First floor: pit trap center, stone throne against far wall Second floor: Third floor: Fourth floor: False treasure: the object on the pedestal is either gold or just a regular rock, maybe titled Geode? (question-mark inclusive) :) The stairway up to the fifth floor is another kickable bricked up secret door. Fifth floor: High domed ceiling, pedestal in center holding the shard, surrounded by at least five mummies in various states of prayer or decrepitude.

Pitch scaling the gregorian chant: The playback speed of an audio is the Pitch Scale or pitch_scale in AudioStreamPlayer Changing the playback speed means also changing the pitch: Speeding up = Higher pitch (chipmunk-like) Slowing down = Lower pitch (demon-like) To counter this, you may wanna add a Pitch Shift effect to your audio bus.

For reliquary, a chest with a booby trap?

Ghost on one floor or maybe that effect near some eye art

Mummies should not ragdoll, they're stuck in their pose

The moment you kick down the doorway of the 4th floor of the reliquary or enter the stairway, the music quickly fades to silence.

How to cue player into finding the wall:

Smoke sometimes coming out of cultists' faces during ascent and they (sometimes?) don't have shotguns anymore?