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Anomaly: Distress Signal #264

Open Elimdur opened 7 years ago

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Happens at habitable planets. (The stranded story is a reference to one of our other anomalies)

Anomaly Category Description Title: Distress Signal Desc: We have received a short and continual transmission that [Scientistname] deems to be a distress signal. We should investigate this further.

Anomaly Title: Stranded Desc: Our away team found a crashlanded ship on the planet's surface. As the wreckage was already partially overgrown by the local flora our team was smitten with suprise when suddenly a single survivor greeted them. The survivor identifies himself as the former captain of the now derelict ship. They where send on a scientific mission to explore formerly unknown worlds and stellar mysteries. Their mission progressed well until they found a strange gravitational anomaly in an asteroid belt. According to the survivor it must have been some kind of unstable wormhole that pulled their ship out of normal space. When they regained consciousness their ship was disabled and adrift, slowly entering the atmosphere of a planet they had never seen before. They are not even sure to still be in the same galaxy as there are no known reference points to be found. Without any company aside from his loyal ai assistant he still managed to live off this alien world for more than two years. With little hope to ever return home again the survivor offers his service as a scientific officer in return for accommodation. response: Welcome aboard! (get scientist level 3 with two traits one is ai assistant) picture: GFX_evt_mem_wreckage_shelter (new pic)

hope someone has some more ideas.

maybe pirate traps, old ships that still send the signal but are just a wreckage without survivors.

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

As a variation on the pirate suggestion. Probably shouldn't fire for synth leaders, if possible, or it would be weird.

Missing in Action Our away team... simply did not return. [Science Officer] failed to maintain radio contact and his life signs vanished without a warning or explaination. Now we not only have to look for the distress beacon, but for the missing science officer as well.

Worrying Science officer is exiled. Spawn 2-star special project to look for the missing scientist

Completion - Kidnapped The second away team reports that they found their predecessors' shallow graves. Quick look suggests they were killed by modern long-range weaponry. However the science officer who led them is conspicuously absent. In a nearby cave they had found one of commercial distress beacons used to lure them here. Access to beacon's data cache revealed major illegal alterations as well as a recently added message: "To whom it might concern. Your scientist is alive and well, for now. If you would like to keep it this way, please follow our instructions and comply with our demands (see attachment). Surely, mighty [Empire Name] can afford to pay ransom for one of their fines minds."

Pay the ransom [Lose 500 energy and minerals, scientist is unexiled] Pay the ransom, but put a tracker on it [Lose 500 energy and minerals, go to Tracker events] Pay half of the ransom [Lose 250 of minerals and energy, got to Half Ransom events] Try tracking pirates on our own [Create special project on the planet, to track down pirates] Announce that we do not negotiate with kidnappers [Plot ends with scientist lost for good. Gain influence]

Tracker: Failure Chance 15%

Authorities on [Capital planet] were shocked to find a cargo container stealthily positioned on planet's orbit. Inside they found body of the scientist kidnapped earlier. Cause of death is yet to be determined, but preliminary analysis points towards our tracking device jammed down [his/her]. The message is clear.

Barbaric [Event ends]

Tracker: Success Chance 85%

Authorities on [Capital Planet] had detected and recovered a stasis pot, covertly placed in planet's low orbit. Inside they found the kidnapped scientist, unharmed. Looks like his kidnappers were satisfied with ransom. What's more is that our tracker is working and successfully sending us the location of a system from which lowlives are operating.

Time to pay them a visit [See pirate hunt section]

Half ransom: Half scientist Chance 50%

Today a small container was found in [Capital Planet]'s low orbit. Inside, carefully preserved, authorities had found a mutilated body of our kidnapped scientist, estimated to retain half of original mass. It appears, the kidnappers did not take kindly to those who try to bargain with them.

Barbaric [Chain ends]

Half Ransom: Scientist returned Chance 50%

Today an operational stasis pod was recovered from [Captail Planet]'s low orbit. Inside authorities had found unharmed kidnapped scientist. It appears, kidnappers were willing to accept lower price, preferring to not escalate conflict with our government.

Welcome back [Scientist is unexiled]

Tracking down the pirates If player chooses to track down pirates, he's receiving a timed special project on planet's surface.

Our forensic team on the planet had meticulously analysed abduction site. Pirates used this place for some time now, usually preying on small commercial ships, operating on a ship hidden planetside, but this time they apparently decided to move, fearing retaliation. They exercised a risky manoeuvre of going into an emergency jump from planet's atmosphere to evade detection and it worked, as conventional sensors failed to pick them up. However, at the same time they unwittingly exposed themselves to a different type of tracking, leaving traces all over planet's atmosphere and solid surface. It shouldn't be a problem to pinpoint their destination system.

Time to pay them a visit [See pirate hunt section]

Tracking down the pirates failed Another unlikely possibility

Our forensic team regrets to inform that no useful evidence could be recovered from the pirate's base of operation. They appear to have executed an extremely risky FTL jump from the atmosphere, but where and how could not be determined

Shame [Even chain ends, scientist is lost]

Pirate hunt Whenever player had paid the ransom with tracker or tracked them on the planet's surface, a powerful battleship is spawned in a system where no planet is colonized. Maybe a new system spawned. Marker shows to the system.

Once player arrived, they need to fight the ship. On ship's defeat, one of the following outcomes can happen:

Ship simply destroyed - scientist inside

With pirate ship vaporised, so were our hopes to rescue the hostage. Going through debris we had found several surviving containers of valuable equipment pirates had stolen over the years. More importantly, we had sent a message to the galaxy.

[Not pacifist]We do not negotiate with criminals [Get 100 of minerals and energy, some influence, admiral gets trait "aggressive negotiator" - +5% fire rate] [Pacifist]What a senseless waste of life [Get 100 of minerals and energy]

Ship simply destroyed - scientist previously ransomed

With destroying the pirates' ship, we had made clear what happens to those who try to ransom us. From the debris we had recovered vast amount of valuables, most of which we paid them originally ourselves.

[Not pacifist] Justice is unavoidable [Get 600 of minerals and energy, some influence] [Pacifist] At least they won't threaten others [Get 600 of minerals and energy]

Ship disabled - scientist inside With her vital systems disabled, pirate ship is drifting aimlessly through space. It is now time to mount a rescue operation and board the ship searching for the missing scientist.

Prepare the boarding party [Spawn timed special project for a troop transport to board the disabled ship, if timer runs out, ship self-destructs] [Militarist or collectivist] Finish the job and destroy the ship [happens the same as if ship was originally destroyed]

Ship disabled - scientist is already ransomed We had successfully disabled the outlaws' ship and its now drifts helplessly through space. Perhaps we should board it?

Prepare the boarding party [Spawn timed special project for a troop transport to board the disabled ship, if timer runs out, ship self-destructs] Finish the job and destroy the ship [happens the same as if ship was originally destroyed]

Boarding the ship - scientist rescued Probability 40%

Despite desperate resistance from the pirate crew, our troops had breached their defences and secure the vessels. Inside one of the compartments they have found stasis pod where the kidnapped scientist was kept. He seems unharmed. The boarding party also find several crates of valuable equipment, likely loot from other operations. As they were leaving the vessel, the damaged structure had given in, destroying the ship.

Good job [Scientist is rescued, get 200 minerals and energy]

Boarding the ship - scientist found dead Probability 50%

Despite their best efforts, our troops were not able to reach the kidnapped scientist in time. As they made their way through the ship, they had found a stasis pod with a body inside. It appears, pirates turned off life support systems inside the pod after we attacked them. However, the ship itself is in adequate condition and can be reclaimed to our fleet. Additionally, its cargo hold contains some worthwhile objects.

What a shame [Get 200 minerals and energy. Battleship is taken over by the player. If possible, name ship after the scientist]

Boarding the ship - scientist is already ransomed Probability 60%

As our troops made their way through the ship, they have encountered desperate resistance, but it was not enough to stop them. The ship itself is beyond repair and had to be scuttled, however they did find some valuables, including our own ransom inside the cargo hold.

[Not pacifist] Justice is unavoidable [Get 700 of minerals and energy, some influence] [Pacifist] At least they won't threaten others [Get 700 of minerals and energy]

Boarding the ship - scientist is already ransomed, recover ship Probability 30%

Our troops had successfully overcame pirate resistance and secured the vessel. Despite damage, its main systems are not beyond recovery and can be brought online and added to our own fleet. In addition, valuable items, including ransom we paid them, had been recovered from the cargo hold.

Great job [Get 700 minerals and energy. Battleship is taken over by the player.]

Additional possibilities Two additional possibilities could improve the quest.

I do not know if those can be done, so coders please comment.

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Colony ship crash site

Following distress beacon had led [Scientist name] to an amazing discovery. It appears, it belongs to one of the colony ships, launched from our homeworld before even proper planetary unification by one of the splinter factions. Its primitve drive was uncontrollable and the ship was believed to be destroyed, however it's clearly not the case. Closer examination is required.

Spawn level-1 special project to examine the crash site

Crash site - no survivors [Science officer] regrets to inform that [he/she] did not find any survivors on site. Substantial damage to the ship's systems left its passengers unable to fend for survivors and soon all of them succumbed to harsh planetary conditions.

Another white spot in our history filled [Xenophobe or collectivist] Serves them right for splitting from us Get small amount of society research

Crash site - failed colony While examining the crash site, [Science Officer] discovered ruins of a medium-sized town surrounding the crash site. It appears survivors of the crash successfully managed to gain a foothold on the planet, but were ultimately unable to build a sustainable society. A few generations later combination of famine, epidemic and civil strife had torn settlement apart, ruined the infrastructure and decimated it population. Survivors dispersed into the wilds and died out soon.

Now they no longer forgotten [Collectivist/Xenophobe] This wouldn't have happened if they just fell in line Gain large amount of society research

Crash site - thriving settlement Inspection of the crash site revealed a small, but thriving settlement populated by descendants of original crash survivors. [Science Officer] had taken it to [himself/herself] to meet local leaders and introduce him. Although lacking in advancing technology or scientific knowledge, they were glad to learn more about our civilization. Even though they are not ready or willing to return to the fold, their way of life provided us with valuable insight into civilization development.

So, this is what happened to them? [Collectivist/Xenophobe] They will be dealt with in due time [Materialist] [SpeciesAdjective] ingenuity always persevere [Spiritualist] Providence had protected them Planet gains "Lost colony" modifier +4 society output

[Fanatic xenophile, at least some kind of purge is allowed] When nature fails, we step in. Get rid of the deviants [See colony destruction]

Colony destruction Issue a special project for troop transport to remove the lost colony.

On success: Our troops had successfully executed a cleansing operation. Primitive technology of the colonists was no match for our advanced weaponry. Every single one of them was rounded up and executed, their houses and belonging burnt.

Good riddance [Gain influence]

Colonizing the lost colony planet Soon after establishing our colony, the colonists were approached by the delegates of primitive survivors. With their small numbers and primitive technology, they admitted to stand no chance to oppose our will and submit to our authority, humbly asking only to be allowed to continue their way of life.

Blocked for fanatic collectivists and fanatic xenophobes

Allow them to keep their way of life [Xenophile] It would be crime to extinguish this unique culture [Regular xenophobe] They can keep to themselves, but we'll keep an eye on them [Materialist] The unwashed fools can keep their "way of life" for now Modifier is replaced by a permanent tile blocker "Primitive town" giving adjusted tiles +1 society. Additional events can happen later, see below

Blocked for fanatic individualist /egalitarian

Demand their reintegration [Materialist] Technological advancement is not optional [Xenophobe] All [Species] should stick together, it's not up to debate Planet gets an extra pop and a special building "Primitive town" - +1 food/minerals. Pop gets "Forced reintegration" modifier - -20% happiness, -25% energy output -50% science output for random time between 3 and 10 years.

For fanatic xenophobe, at least some kind of purge must be allowed

The isolation could have corrupted them. They need to be removed [Gain influnce, no further effect]

Primitive way of life died out Could fire 15-50 years from colonization. Likelihood of this path is increased with materialist or collectivist governing ethos OK, so my basic idea about probability - each outcome has base probability 2 and adds 1 for each point invested in the related ethos. It seems more reasonable to me, unless I don't understand something So, for example spiritualist, fanatic xenophobe should have 44% of nothing, 33% of primitivism and 22% of re-integration. Seems like reasonable spread, right?

Formerly colony ship survivors, now primitives could not compete with our modern way of life. Their elders spoke of corruption and seduction of progress' false promises, but they have lost battle for popular hearts and minds. More and more primitivists had migrated away from their homes looking for better life and now primitivism community is all but extinct

They made their choice [Xenophile] Destruction of another culture is always a tragedy [Xenophobe] They know where they belong [Materialist] They were bound to see the light eventually The tile blocker is removed and nothing else happens

Primitive way of life spreads further Could fire 10-30 years from colonization. Likelihood is increased with spiritualist or xenophile governing ethos

From a fad to a full-blown way of life, primitivism has spread through [Colony Name]. Population is enamoured with simple way of life, manual labour and asceticism of the original colonists. Many of our citizens drop out of education and tradition workforce in order to pursue more agrarian, down-to-earth way of life learned from the primitivists.

If this is what they want... [Xenophile] We all could learn from each others [Xenophobe] We should have nipped this idiocy in the bud when we had a chance [Materialist] Backwater morons [Spiritualist] Perhaps this is the way to enlightenment? Colony gains "Primitivist culture" modifier: +5% food, +5% happiness, -10% minerals, -10% energy, +25% society

Isolation continues This is not something that is shown, but it blocks other options and is more likely to happen when governing ethos is xenophobe.

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Rock thrashers

According to [Science officer], the beacon is located deep underground and is constantly on the move. This is highly unusual and requires a closer look

Issue a level 3 special project for the scientist

On completion Deep scans revealed a tunnel network spanning incredible distances around the site. While navigating the tunnels, science team eventually located remains of a gigantic beast. Living underground, it travels considerable distances by eating its way through rocks and soil and occasionally resurface to hunt and absorb solar light for sustenance. It appears it has swallowed a small commercial ship that landed on the planet but its digestive system was maladapted to diet of refined metal and space-age plastic, causing it to get stuck in creature's body and eventually causing death by bowel obstruction.

We should keep this in mind [Xenophile] A magnificent beast [Xenophobe] Horrifying

Add "Rock thrashers" modifier to the planet: "The planet's teeming with giant worm-like creatures constantly moving underground and making special considerations necessary where setting up buildings. Their bodies and tunnels are also treasure troves of rare minerals left behind [+15% minerals +15% building cost -5% habitability]

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

I will code them, starting with the smaller anomalies. :)

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

@Elimdur or @ViolentBeetle , could one of you come with a generic failure text for when the anomaly is failed please ?

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Failure [Science officer] regrets to inform that [he/she] was not able to pinpoint the location of the distress signal before it went silent. Attempts to find distress site by other means revealed nothing out of ordinary.

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

@ViolentBeetle : for you Rock Thrashers variation, what kind of special project do you want ? Time or cost ? And if cost, which research field ?

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Relatively short time. Probably a month.

I must admit that I never quite figured out the absolute numbers in Stellaris.

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

For the stranded scientist: If you choose to let him on the planet (which option i would give to all ethics except xenophile and peaceful) you get a project on the planet to observe how he dies out there when the project is finished you get a random story (you did not have already) about what happened or about how he died. If he did survive you get another project with the same random end. If that guy makes it through the fith round he will be taken off the planet as the audience of the live show became attached to him so they forced the government to take him in as a celebrity.

for the surviving stories: let him fight monsters barehanded and eat their testicles afterwards while the beast is still bleeding, don´t forget to let him dring his own you know when he is out of water otherwise it wouldn´t be bear grylls.

At the end, if he survives, he should be made governor.

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

I'm missing a text for the Rock Thrashers special project. If one of you could come with something, that would be great. :) Edit : Same goes for the special projects of the other variations (Colony Ship crash site and pirates).

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Follow the signal

We are picking a distress beacon signal that is moving under the planet's surface. We need to chase it down and determine what is moving it.

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

If planet is colonized before project is finished Soon after finishing the colony

Something is moving beneath the [Planet]'s surface. This creature, called "rock thrasher" by the colonists is capable of travelling great distances by eating its way through the rocks. Unfortunately, this time it has eaten through our own infrastructure, causing considerable damage where it came close to the surface.

Now we know [The same effect + random building damaged]

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

Projects for kidnapped chain

Missing in action We had lost contact with our science team investigating distress signal from [Planet]'s surface. We should dispatch another team to find out what happened to them

Tracking down the pirates We will need to dispatch a forensic team to study the kidnapping site. Chances are, we would be able to track down their movement.

Time out for this project We waited too long to study the crime scene. Any traces we could have found have without a doubt eroded.

Board the pirate ship With pirate ship disabled, we should be able to dispatch a hostage rescue team and return our kidnapped science officer.

Time out It appears pirates have activated ship's self-destruct sequence, blowing the vessel, themselves and our science officer to dust.

ViolentBeetle commented 7 years ago

For the lost colony

Examine the crash site Somebody has already been to this planet. We should study the situation closer to find out what happened to them.

Colony destruction The lost colony from our past must be allowed to make mockery of our empire. We should dispatch troops to remove them.

Lost colony modifier description This planet holds remnants of previous less than successful colonization attempt. What they lack in tools, they make up with ingenuity and developed survival skills.

ThePrettiestIncubus commented 7 years ago

Did some proof reading and shortening, as requested.

Our away team found a ship that had crash landed on the planet's surface. As the wreckage was already partially overgrown by the local flora our team was surprised when a single survivor greeted them.

The survivor identifies himself as the former captain of the now derelict ship. They were sent on a scientific mission to explore formerly unknown worlds and stellar mysteries. Their mission progressed well until a strange gravitational anomaly in an asteroid belt. According to the survivor it was some kind of unstable wormhole that pulled their ship out of normal space. When they regained consciousness the ship was disabled and adrift, entering the atmosphere of an unknown planet. They were not even sure it was the same galaxy as there are no known reference points to be found. With no company aside from his loyal ai assistant the sole survivor has still managed to survive for two years.

With little hope of ever returning home again the survivor offers his service as an officer in return for accommodation.

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

Bear Grylls survivor stories:

1 A storm hit his wreckage shelter leaving it uninhabitable and forcing him to seek refuge in nearby cavesystems were he encounteres big wormlike creatures which try to eat him. He manages to skewer one of them with makeshift pole he took with him from the wreckage. Luckily for him the death of their fellow made the other worms scatter and flee. Not having eaten anything for days he then proceeded to eat the slain beast raw.

2 The region had been turned into a swampland by a violent storm. Within days there were swarms of insectlike creatures everywhere. A particular nasty one managed to sting him right into his face letting it swell up to nearly twice the size. Almost suffocating he used his last stimpack. After that he completely covered himself in mud to prevent further stings.

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

Nice first stories. However, I'm not sure I will keep the connection between them as I made the event so that it shuffles the three stories to show you one at random. This way, it doesn't feel like you always see the same thing in the same order. It's just the same thing. :P

However, if you prefer to have a connection between them all, I will change this behavior. :)

Elimdur commented 7 years ago

nah its ok i will just have to rewrite something

Tuttu commented 7 years ago

This time, we found him in a desert area far from his shelter. Temperature were really high in this particular region and both water and vegetation were completely absent. Even at night, the climate seemed hard to support for him so much that he quickly ran out of water as his reserves were disappearing into thin air. After two long days without drinking, he finally resolved himself to drink his own piss to survive which, oddly enough, allowed to join a more mild region.