Mottie / Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard using jQuery ~
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Accepted method is fired when the keyboard is initialised #805

Open grouser opened 3 years ago

grouser commented 3 years ago

For some reason, the accepted method is fired once the keyboard is loaded, so if I write something in the accepted method, it's called just when the page is loaded.

var keyboard_options = {
      // set this to ISO 639-1 language code to override language set by
      // the layout:
      // language defaults to ["en"] if not found
      language: ['love'],
      rtl: false,

      // *** choose layout & positioning ***
      // choose from 'qwerty', 'alpha',
      // 'international', 'dvorak', 'num' or
      // 'custom' (to use the customLayout below)
      layout: 'custom',
      customLayout: {
        'normal': [
                '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
                '{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\',
                'a s d f g h j k l ; \' {accept}',
                '{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}',
            'shift': [
                '` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}',
                '{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { & |',
                'A S D F G H J K L : " {accept}',
                '{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}',
      // Used by jQuery UI position utility
      position: {
      // null = attach to input/textarea;
      // use $(sel) to attach elsewhere
      of: $(".keyboardDiv"),
      my: 'center top',
      at: 'center top',
      // used when "usePreview" is false
      at2: 'center bottom',
      collision: 'flipfit flipfit'

      // allow jQuery position utility to reposition the keyboard on
      // window resize
      reposition: true,

      // true: preview added above keyboard;
      // false: original input/textarea used
      usePreview: false,

      // if true, the keyboard will always be visible
      alwaysOpen: true,

      // give the preview initial focus when the keyboard
      // becomes visible
      initialFocus: true,
      // Avoid focusing the input the keyboard is attached to
      noFocus: false,

      // if true, keyboard will remain open even if
      // the input loses focus.
      stayOpen: false,

      // Prevents the keyboard from closing when the user clicks or
      // presses outside the keyboard. The `autoAccept` option must
      // also be set to true when this option is true or changes are lost
      userClosed: false,

      // if true, keyboard will not close if you press escape.
      ignoreEsc: false,

      // *** change keyboard language & look ***
      display: {
        'meta1': '\u2666', // Diamond
        'meta2': '\u2665', // Heart

        // check mark (accept)
        'a': '\u2714:Accept (Shift-Enter)',
        'accept': 'OK:Accept (Shift-Enter)',
        'alt': 'AltGr:Alternate Graphemes',
        // Left arrow (same as &larr;)
        'b': '\u2190:Backspace',
        'bksp': 'Bksp:Backspace',
        // big X, close/cancel
        'c': '\u2716:Cancel (Esc)',
        'cancel': 'Cancel:Cancel (Esc)',
        // clear num pad
        'clear': 'C:Clear',
        'combo': '\u00f6:Toggle Combo Keys',
        // num pad decimal '.' (US) & ',' (EU)
        'dec': '.:Decimal',
        // down, then left arrow - enter symbol
        'e': '\u21b5:Enter',
        'empty': '\u00a0', // &nbsp;
        'enter': 'Enter:Enter',
        // left arrow (move caret)
        'left': '\u2190',
        // caps lock
        'lock': '\u21ea Lock:Caps Lock',
        'next': 'Next \u21e8',
        'prev': '\u21e6 Prev',
        // right arrow (move caret)
        'right': '\u2192',
        // thick hollow up arrow
        's': '\u21e7:Shift',
        'shift': 'Shift:Shift',
        // +/- sign for num pad
        'sign': '\u00b1:Change Sign',
        'space': 'SPACE:Space',
        // right arrow to bar
        // \u21b9 is the true tab symbol
        't': '\u21e5:Tab',
        'tab': '\u21e5 Tab:Tab',
        // replaced by an image
        'toggle': ' ',

        // added to titles of keys
        // accept key status when acceptValid:true
        'valid': 'valid',
        'invalid': 'invalid',
        // combo key states
        'active': 'active',
        'disabled': 'disabled'


      // Message added to the key title while hovering,
      // if the mousewheel plugin exists
      wheelMessage: 'Use mousewheel to see other keys',

      css: {
        // input & preview
        input: 'ui-widget-content ui-corner-all',
        // keyboard container
        container: 'ui-widget-content ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix',
        // keyboard container extra class (same as container, but separate)
        popup: '',
        // default state
        buttonDefault: 'ui-state-default ui-corner-all',
        // hovered button
        buttonHover: 'ui-state-hover',
        // Action keys (e.g. Accept, Cancel, Tab, etc);
        // this replaces "actionClass" option
        buttonAction: 'ui-state-active',
        // Active keys
        // (e.g. shift down, meta keyset active, combo keys active)
        buttonActive: 'ui-state-active',
        // used when disabling the decimal button {dec}
        // when a decimal exists in the input area
        buttonDisabled: 'ui-state-disabled',
        // {empty} button class name
        buttonEmpty: 'ui-keyboard-empty'

      // *** Useability ***
      // Auto-accept content when clicking outside the
      // keyboard (popup will close)
      autoAccept: true,
      // Auto-accept content even if the user presses escape
      // (only works if `autoAccept` is `true`)
      autoAcceptOnEsc: false,

      // Prevents direct input in the preview window when true
      lockInput: false,

      // Prevent keys not in the displayed keyboard from being
      // typed in
      restrictInput: false,
      // Additional allowed characters while restrictInput is true
      restrictInclude: '', // e.g. 'a b foo \ud83d\ude38'

      // Check input against validate function, if valid the
      // accept button is clickable; if invalid, the accept
      // button is disabled.
      acceptValid: true,
      // Auto-accept when input is valid; requires `acceptValid`
      // set `true` & validate callback
      autoAcceptOnValid: false,

      // if acceptValid is true & the validate function returns
      // a false, this option will cancel a keyboard close only
      // after the accept button is pressed
      cancelClose: true,

      // tab to go to next, shift-tab for previous
      // (default behavior)
      tabNavigation: true,

      // enter for next input; shift-enter accepts content &
      // goes to next shift + "enterMod" + enter ("enterMod"
      // is the alt as set below) will accept content and go
      // to previous in a textarea
      enterNavigation: true,
      // mod key options: 'ctrlKey', 'shiftKey', 'altKey',
      // 'metaKey' (MAC only)
      // alt-enter to go to previous;
      // shift-alt-enter to accept & go to previous
      enterMod: 'altKey',

      // if true, the next button will stop on the last
      // keyboard input/textarea; prev button stops at first
      // if false, the next button will wrap to target the
      // first input/textarea; prev will go to the last
      stopAtEnd: true,

      // Set this to append the keyboard immediately after the
      // input/textarea it is attached to. This option works
      // best when the input container doesn't have a set width
      // and when the "tabNavigation" option is true
      appendLocally: false,
      // When appendLocally is false, the keyboard will be appended
      // to this object
      appendTo: 'body',

      // If false, the shift key will remain active until the
      // next key is (mouse) clicked on; if true it will stay
      // active until pressed again
      stickyShift: true,

      // Prevent pasting content into the area
      preventPaste: false,

      // caret places at the end of any text
      caretToEnd: false,

      // caret stays this many pixels from the edge of the input
      // while scrolling left/right; use "c" or "center" to center
      // the caret while scrolling
      scrollAdjustment: 10,

      // Set the max number of characters allowed in the input,
      // setting it to false disables this option
      maxLength: false,
      // allow inserting characters @ caret when maxLength is set
      maxInsert: true,

      // Mouse repeat delay - when clicking/touching a virtual
      // keyboard key, after this delay the key will start
      // repeating
      repeatDelay: 500,

      // Mouse repeat rate - after the repeatDelay, this is the
      // rate (characters per second) at which the key is
      // repeated. Added to simulate holding down a real keyboard
      // key and having it repeat. I haven't calculated the upper
      // limit of this rate, but it is limited to how fast the
      // javascript can process the keys. And for me, in Firefox,
      // it's around 20.
      repeatRate: 20,

      // resets the keyboard to the default keyset when visible
      resetDefault: false,

      // Event (namespaced) on the input to reveal the keyboard.
      // To disable it, just set it to ''.
      openOn: 'focus',

      // Event (namepaced) for when the character is added to the
      // input (clicking on the keyboard)
      keyBinding: 'mousedown touchstart',

      // enable/disable mousewheel functionality
      // enabling still depends on the mousewheel plugin
      useWheel: true,

      // combos (emulate dead keys)
      // if user inputs `a the script converts it to à,
      // ^o becomes ô, etc.
      useCombos: false,
      // if you add a new combo, you will need to update the
      // regex below
      combos: {
        // uncomment out the next line, then read the Combos
        //Regex section below


      // *** Methods ***
      // Callbacks - attach a function to any of these
      // callbacks as desired
      initialized: function(e, keyboard, el) {
      beforeVisible: function(e, keyboard, el) {
      visible: function(e, keyboard, el) {
          if ($.keyboard.caret(keyboard.$preview).start === 0) {
      beforeInsert: function(e, keyboard, el, textToAdd) { return textToAdd; },
      change: function(e, kb, el) {
          var caret = $.keyboard.caret(kb.$preview),
          end = caret.end - 2 >= 0 ? caret.end - 2 : caret.end;
            str = kb.$preview.val().substring(end, caret.end);
            if (!/shift|lock/i.test(kb.last.key)) {
                kb.shiftActive = ( === "vehicle_reg" || caret.start === 0 || str.substr(str.length - 1) == ' ');
      beforeClose: function(e, keyboard, el, accepted) {
        /*  var inputs = $(":input:not([type=hidden])");
          var len = inputs.length - 1;
          var indx = inputs.index(el);
          var topPadding = 80;
         $(window).scrollTop(inputs.eq(indx).offset().top - topPadding);
          var n = indx + 1;
          if (n > len) {
      accepted: function(e, keyboard, el) {
          return true;
      canceled: function(e, keyboard, el) {

      restricted: function(e, keyboard, el) {},
      hidden: function(e, keyboard, el) {


      // called instead of base.switchInput
      // Go to next or prev inputs
      // goToNext = true, then go to next input;
      //   if false go to prev
      // isAccepted is from autoAccept option or
      //   true if user presses shift-enter

      validate: function(keyboard, value, isClosing) {
        return true;


      showTyping: true,
      delay: 250
Mottie commented 3 years ago

Hi @grouser!

The problem is the keyboard.close() within the beforeVisible callback... when I comment it out, the accepted callback isn't logging - demo