Since we now have the Automatic1111User role set up with the ability to start, stop, and reboot EC2 instances by themselves, we could implement a cost savings mechanism by having idle EC2 instances automatically turned off. If they find that a server is turned off, they can turn them back on as needed. This is an issue with EC2, not ECS which can autoscale.
This would require stable DNS names not IP address that change over time.
Since we now have the Automatic1111User role set up with the ability to start, stop, and reboot EC2 instances by themselves, we could implement a cost savings mechanism by having idle EC2 instances automatically turned off. If they find that a server is turned off, they can turn them back on as needed. This is an issue with EC2, not ECS which can autoscale.
This would require stable DNS names not IP address that change over time.