MovingBlocks / Terasology

Terasology - open source voxel world
Apache License 2.0
3.64k stars 1.32k forks source link

Crash when pressing CTRL #5224

Open Khaled-Dridi opened 3 months ago

Khaled-Dridi commented 3 months ago

General Info

Terasology Launcher Version: 4.8.0 Terasology Version: 5.3.0 Operating System: 10 x64 Onboard / Dedicated Graphics: Nvidia RTX 2060 Java Version: 17.0.10

i pressed Lctrl

i was exploring the map and then i pressed Lctrl

the game crashed and i was kicked out

A clear and concise description of what didn't match your expectations, a.k.a. the crash or malfunction you faced.

How to reproduce

Select Terasology version '5.3.0' Start Terasology make a map press Lctrl

Log details

Terasology-init.log Terasology-menu.log Terasology-Game_1.log




dont press Lctrl

Additional Infos / Context

i did it again and it gave me this Terasology-Game_1.log Terasology-init.log Terasology-menu.log image

i searched in the inputs and i don't have a key bind that has Lctrl in it

Cervator commented 3 months ago

Interesting bug report, thank you for the details! It looks like you ran the game with GooeysQuests active, I'm not sure how well maintained that is. Does it also happen in plain Core gameplay?

CTRL is used for crouching or descending when flying or swimming, both of which are pretty rarely used and possibly buggy. This will need a bit of looking into

soloturn commented 3 months ago

on linux, java21, develop version at #1b480337c i configured "show mouse" on LCTRL. but when pressing RCTRL it crashes. the game is saved though, so not super tragic:

10:50:20.744 [main] WARN  o.t.engine.core.internal.TimeBase - Delta too great (1495), capping to 1000
10:50:30.960 [main] ERROR o.t.engine.core.TerasologyEngine - Uncaught exception, attempting clean game shutdown
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: moduleName must not be null or empty
    at org.terasology.gestalt.assets.ResourceUrn.<init>(
    at org.terasology.gestalt.assets.ResourceUrn.<init>(
    at org.terasology.engine.rendering.nui.internal.NUIManagerInternal.bindEvent(
    at org.terasology.engine.rendering.nui.internal.NUIManagerInternalMethodAccess.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at org.terasology.engine.entitySystem.event.internal.EventSystemImpl$ByteCodeEventHandlerInfo.invoke(
    at org.terasology.engine.entitySystem.event.internal.EventSystemImpl.sendConsumableEvent(
    at org.terasology.engine.entitySystem.event.internal.EventSystemImpl.send(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.bootstrap.eventSystem.AbstractEventSystemDecorator.send(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.bootstrap.eventSystem.AbstractEventSystemDecorator.send(
    at org.terasology.engine.recording.RecordingEventSystemDecorator.send(
    at org.terasology.engine.entitySystem.entity.internal.BaseEntityRef.send(
    at org.terasology.engine.input.internal.BindableButtonImpl.updateBindState(
    at org.terasology.engine.input.InputSystem.updateBindState(
    at org.terasology.engine.input.InputSystem.processKeyboardInput(
    at org.terasology.engine.input.InputSystem.update(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.modes.StateIngame.handleInput(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.subsystem.lwjgl.LwjglInput.postUpdate(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.TerasologyEngine.tick(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.TerasologyEngine.mainLoop(
    at org.terasology.engine.core.TerasologyEngine.runMain(
    at picocli.CommandLine.executeUserObject(
    at picocli.CommandLine.access$1200(
    at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.executeUserObjectOfLastSubcommandWithSameParent(
    at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
    at picocli.CommandLine$RunLast.handle(
    at picocli.CommandLine$AbstractParseResultHandler.execute(
    at picocli.CommandLine.execute(
    at org.terasology.engine.Terasology.main(
10:50:30.966 [main] INFO  o.t.engine.core.TerasologyEngine - Shutting down Terasology...
Khaled-Dridi commented 2 months ago

Interesting bug report, thank you for the details! It looks like you ran the game with GooeysQuests active, I'm not sure how well maintained that is. Does it also happen in plain Core gameplay?

CTRL is used for crouching or descending when flying or swimming, both of which are pretty rarely used and possibly buggy. This will need a bit of looking into

hello Cervator as you can see here i did not bind my CTRL button to any input image

Khaled-Dridi commented 2 months ago

Interesting bug report, thank you for the details! It looks like you ran the game with GooeysQuests active, I'm not sure how well maintained that is. Does it also happen in plain Core gameplay?

CTRL is used for crouching or descending when flying or swimming, both of which are pretty rarely used and possibly buggy. This will need a bit of looking into

hii again i tried to reproduce it in other mods and it crashed again so i don't think that the problem is the mod

Terasology-Game.log [Terasology-init.log]( Terasology-menu.log this is a video showing the mode and what the game does when i press the CTRL
