MovingBlocks / TerasologyLauncher

Terasology Launcher is the official launcher for the open source game Terasology.
Apache License 2.0
154 stars 76 forks source link

Clean up release packages #492

Closed skaldarnar closed 4 years ago

skaldarnar commented 4 years ago

Currently all packages mostly contain the same files, especially .exe are present also in MacOS and *nix packages.

The bundled files should be specific to the target platform to avoid confusion when extracting and starting the launcher.

Closes #387

skaldarnar commented 4 years ago

We have the following .desktop file described in our wiki. Consider to ship this as TerasologyLauncher.desktop in the launcher directory for Linux. Some distributions, e.g., Ubuntu, now let you start the launcher by double-clicking the file.

This was originally provided by @BenjaminAmos.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sh -c 'bash "$(dirname "%k")"/bin/TerasologyLauncher'
Name=Terasology Launcher
Comment=This is the Terasology Launcher
GenericName[en_GB]=Game Launcher

See also

jdrueckert commented 4 years ago

516 nicely cleaned up the release packages.

Remaining todo is the .desktop file for linux. At the moment, this is not so easy. In the future, especially with #520 it should come more or less for free.