MozillaFestival / open-leaders-6

Project tracking repo for Mozilla Open Leader 6
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Web Literacy for the Deaf #85

Open itzelmv opened 6 years ago

itzelmv commented 6 years ago
@itzelmv Project Lead: Itzel Moreno Vite

Mentor: Mónica Bonilla

Welcome to OL6, Cohort A! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over the next few weeks as you start Open Leadership Training :tada:.

Before Week 1 (Sept 11): Your first mentorship call

Before Week 2 (Sept 18): First Cohort Call (Open by Design)

Before Week 3 (Sept 25): Mentorship call

Before Week 4 (Oct 2): Cohort Call (Build for Understanding)

This issue is here to help you keep track of work during the first month of the program. Please refer to the OL6 Syllabus for more detailed weekly notes and assignments past week 4.

itzelmv commented 6 years ago

Hello! I am so happy to be part of this amazing project that promotes the access of internet benefits for the deaf communities. Thank you so much to Monzilla Fest Team and my mentor Monica Bonilla for their support to the project. I also want to thank to Mario García, from Monzilla Mexico for encouraged and guided me to apply to Monzilla Fest Open Leaders.

itzelmv commented 5 years ago


Vision statement 1:

We are working with the community and partners to build a platform where three workshops are developed and translated into Mexican Sign Lnguage: entrepreneurship, Deaf leadership & assertive decisions and a biology content workshop.

Vision statement 2:

These workshops must be supported by using digital images, recorded videos and some digital exercises that deaf users must resonate like ethic, logic and environment problems. So that the deaf users can exponentiate their visual and pragmatic skills by interacting with this platform.

Vision statement 3:

We are especially interested to approach the community of deaf women so that they learn to do something different like self esteem.


Reflective questions should be included in order to achieve greater clarity of vision. We appreciate all the opinions. For instance: If you couldn't listen, what would be your proposal for surfing? If you are a foreigner and you are in a country with a completely different root language that you do not understand. They propose a platform for you to learn more about this language that you should also know because it is the requirement for the job you are looking for and to adapt to life in this country. You need to know it because you want to continue studying, improve your self-esteem since you are so far from home that you feel without belonging. You want to know more to self-employment because, as a consequence, you face unemployment. What would you like and what would you consider that you should include this platform so that you get better at these basic competencies that you need?

itzelmv commented 5 years ago


itzelmv commented 5 years ago

This is our draft README!

itzelmv commented 5 years ago


Project mission & summary

We are an international community who is developing a platform for the Deaf where three workshops are developed and translated into Mexican Sign Language: entrepreneurship, Deaf leadership & assertive decisions and a biology content workshop. Our mission is to facilitate the training and empowerment of the Deaf. by this platform.

Our goal is to appreciate and accommodate our many cultural practices, attitudes and beliefs. We are open to learning from diversity. In principle, the learning environment of deaf people is visual. Consequently, visual technology is one of the solutions to improve the training of the deaf and promote access to technical learning. To approach this technical learning for the Deaf. is the target in this inclusive project.


Design a platform related to digital Inclusion and openness.


1.1. Understanding

·     Content focus: workshops designed to Deaf Community    
** Community interactions or   Learning trough use: This platform must be built by multidisciplinary interaction. Every step has  to be proved with a Deaf user or Deaf mate in the Project  because we have to asure that the content is understandable to Deaf Community.   ·         Storytelling** Telling you the story is so important to make community in our project. We want to build open community: hello, welcome, we are forming a group of people to design workshops on the Web for the Deaf. people to have more tools for self-employment by generating a business, tools of interpersonal and interpersonal communication and Biology content. So, if you're on the web, join us!


The information is visual and digital. Its content is the explanation of activities and attitudes so necessary for the deaf as it is what does it mean to communicate empathically? What does it means the limits in a relationship? How can I build an orchard in the garden or in the community to sell or eat its products? Does someone explain me what menopause means? How does the brain work? What does the synapse mean? Why is a person depressed? The content is creative information explained to the Deaf.

What about the gifting?

The gifting among community interactions  must be to get identity by this group. Have your name in the web page, receive discounts and preference of some stores that we are going to make the deal with. Belong to a  great Monzilla’s Project. The Deaf Community also provides recognition and a sense of belonging to whom helps them. This is the value of the exchange, the common interest of the network, is the  community welfare and achieving a more sustainable community by the media of internet creativity.      

What about the Governance Focus?

We believe that the governance's approach of the project  must be democratic, with opportunities for all to belong and participate. We believe in an inclusive approach where all people with different characteristics can take part in the workshops  

What about the  community interactions or   creating together?

We need to create together each step of the platform, comparing with deaf participants participants if the information is understandable to them, what they consider could be added. We need to take into account the variants of the deaf in countries with less development in education. Some do not have access to the language, their sign system has deficiencies. Then, it is needed to support the platform with many interactive images, videos where the image is more than the word. That is why we need to create each step together, have fun together and plan this long-term impact .

### 2. BUILD FOR·       

  Communication about the website, in the platform,   awareness campaigns about the deaf culture on the platform, awareness campaigns about the education and work needs of the deaf on the platform and communication about the workshops .

  What about Maintenance:

The platform must be updated continuously. The creative force of the community needs to  generate  new innovations in regard of Deaf. needing.


What about the Project managment:

We must answer the following questions: How will the platform be created, how will the videos be created for the workshops? Where will they be filmed? Who will upload this content? Who will participate? It is necessary to have a management and supervision of the data within the project. There will be a designated person competent to take custody of the data of the project, its use and the security policies that they have with the rights of the authorship, not replication without the consent of the community, personal data protection will be the link between the technology of Information and sales as an organization.

Milestone: Develop

Develop website

Develop platform

Develop takeaway resource.

Source 5 laptops.


Organise volunteers.

Run sessions on Saturday 27th Oct 2018.

Run sessions on Sunday 28th Oct 2018.

Milestone: Build Platform

Gallery of contributed workshops for the platform

How can you get involved?

You can get involved by helping to develop the workshops. Dev or Publisher can contribute with the workshops by supporting a high resolution video camera. They can contribute by supporting the recognized users of the platform to carry out business practices and leadership in internationally recognized companies. Supporting us to implement digital content in a community or school where deaf students can establish their business project and bureau of companies that buy the products and services. As a platform that we will design, we commit ourselves to obtain the accreditation of socially responsible companies to the contributors. All this information and experiences will be uploaded to our digital platform.

itzelmv commented 5 years ago

Proposal session

Please have a look of it in order to get more ideas about the way to do it

State the frame and goals for the session to the group

Time: 3 minutes. Good afternoon I’m Itzel Moreno and this is Web literacy for the Deaf., The primary space of this session is web literacy and the secondary space is openness. Why? • Deaf people primarily use the visual channel for their communication and learning. This is due to a bio linguistic programming. This implies challenges to achieve the equal access of the deaf to education. More than five percent of the world's population, that is, around 360 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss, according to data from the World Health Organization (WHO). Although this is worldwide, Mexico is not the exception since more than seven million people have some type of disability. Of which, 33.5 percent have limitations to listen, according to the National Survey of Demographic Dynamics 2014 (Enadid), conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).In Mexico this framework is so worrisome. 86% of the deaf Mexicans do not access the school even with hearing aids supports (these figures are based on 3-24 years old grange). Moreover, only the 14% of the Mexican deaf workforce legally works (these figures are based on 22-63 years old grange).

2.### 5 minutes: Invite each participant to say (quickly, in one sentence) their name and what they hope to get out of the session.

  1. Activity of Reading by images

We want you to get involved in Deaf. communication, thinking and identity. Images are mandatory to approach knowledge. So, the next activity is a small part of the work of a colleague, Eduardo Ramos from Mexico. He has developed a program of reading in images for the Deaf. This program has been carried out at the Public Library José Vasconcelos of the State of Hidalgo, México.

After activity

  1. What was your experience during the activity? Try to communicate your mate how did you feel without worlds. Please use your hands, gestures and affectivity.

  2. Based on your experience, what do you think could be some challenges utilizing data to contribute to Deaf. education and workforce? Please generate questions about achieving data literacy, putting each item on a separate sticky note.


This activity allows to experiment to make the experience of accessing the internet a little more real with the lack of any sensitive experience. It also allows to experiment the different forms of learning in a literal, referential and critical frame. We point out that to contribute with Deaf Communities is always possible in a multidisciplinary way, CoWorking, adding efforts and points of view of all parts.

4.### 10 minutes: (Discussion)

Please put the sticky notes on a wall and organize the questions on the sticky notes into related clusters. For instance: If you couldn't see how you would access the Internet? If you couldn't listen, what would be your proposal for surfing? If you are a foreigner and you are in a country with a completely different root language that you do not understand. They propose a platform for you to learn more about this language that you should also know because it is the requirement for the job you are looking for and to adapt to life in this country. You need to know it because you want to continue studying, improve your self-esteem since you are so far from home that you feel without belonging. You want to know more to self-employment because, as a consequence, you face unemployment. What would you like and what would you consider that you should include this platform so that you get better at these basic competencies that you need? Now, identify themes or hot spots. Let’s have large group discussion about what is on the sticky notes and any insights that you have as a result of looking at them.

5### . 10 minutes: (Input) I will share my own experience working on data literacy projects and lessons learned.

During my PhD I was in the APRELS laboratory of the University of Barcelona, and among other activities, I dedicated myself to research how to improve reading and writing in Deaf communities. APRELS developed a platform, Sign Me and participated with other European countries keeping ongoing this platform. This was a very important experience for me because it allowed me to observe that the internet is a highly powerful and effective means to support the learning and empowerment of deaf communities. Also, based on my experience with the Deaf Communities of Latin America, it is a need to empower these communities personally and economically through starting a business, encouraging them with assertive communication and also biology content because this is a handicap: here is almost anything explained for the Deaf. So, we are working with the community and partners to build a platform where three workshops are developed and translated into Mexican sign language: entrepreneurship, Deaf leadership & assertive decisions and a biology content workshop. These workshops must be supported by using digital images, recorded videos and some digital exercises that deaf users must resonate like ethic, logic and environment problems. So that the deaf users can exponentiate their visual and pragmatic skills by interacting with this platform. We are especially interested to approach the community of deaf women so that they learn to do something different like autoesthemm by these contents . In the other hand, this year I participated in the first citizen laboratory titled Diversity as entrepreneurship at Yucatan, Mexico. The group was conformed by eight members with expertise in different areas. We designed the first activity that serve to manage the concept of number in Sign Language. The target was to create a system of educational interaction as a pedagogical tool that allows deaf students access to the contents of aircraft and current programs through the Mexican Sign Language (LSM). We organize our work in four stages and in last stage, we designed the prototype using the software agent cubes online. The results were positive, so this first prototype was generated but the program presented certain limitations at the time of adaptation to the Deaf Community, for example, when giving the instructions for the Deaf. The instructions were in written Spanish, and Sign Language were not included. Some Deaf. users did not approach the instructions.

  1. 15 minutes: (Deepening)

    Please split into groups of four, select relevant clusters and brainstorm answers and solutions to the challenges.

  2. 5 minutes: (Synthesis) In working groups , please report back on significant best practices in a popcorn format, compile these on flip chart paper

  3. Last 3 minutes: (Synthesis) I Will summarize the session, review what participants achieved, and identify any next steps.

itzelmv commented 5 years ago

Thanks of Mozilla Open Leaders, we have build up our web site!