MrTigreroux / TigerReports

Spigot plugin to manage player reports.
16 stars 17 forks source link

edit messages #141

Closed DanRubMaster closed 1 year ago

DanRubMaster commented 1 year ago

Hey, I've had a problem with this thing for a while now and I don't know what to do about it, the point is that the text of some items in the report menu cannot be changed for a mysterious reason, do you know how to fix it? To be precise, for example, the item "flind and steel - the report delete" and "feather - to cancel process details" And i have one more question, how can i in "In-progress-detailed" in do that in "&7(&bName&7)" would be only the players name and not the prefix bc its weird when it says like "in process (Owner DanRub)" i just want "in process (DanRub)"

MrTigreroux commented 1 year ago

Hello, for your first issue, try to restart your server (not just reload). Somes messages are indeed not updated after a simple reload. For your other question, you can disable the Config: DisplayNameForStaff setting in config.yml file (don't forget to save and reload with /reports reload command).

DanRubMaster commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for such a quick reply, I have three more things, first, is somehow possible for a certain player to have access the details of a report that is already being proccessed by someone else without seeing the advanced report data? I tried playing around differently with permissions but the result was still that he could either do both or neither, I couldn't find it anywhere in the config either from what I looked, but I could have missed it. Second one, I think I ran into a bug that I managed to fix. In punishing player when I wrote "/reports punish (player) (time)" the player was punished, however it didn't write what we would imagine, here I attach a screen how it looks like. image I managed to fix it by putting "Target" instead of "Reporter" and everything seems to be working. I'm just writing this for you to see if it's really a mistake or if it's somewhere on my side. Third one in "Reports-notification" There is "Waiting" placeholder or what is it, and every time when it send the notification it says "There are currently 3 signalements waiting" but i need to "singalements" to change to something but I can't find it anywhere, some help? Anyway, it's a fantastic plugin, I'll definitely rate it 5 stars on spigot

MrTigreroux commented 1 year ago

Hello, I'm not sure to understand your first point, but if you are talking about a scenario where a player with tigerreports.staff.advanced permission that put a report as "in progress" while another staff player (tigerreports.staff) had the interface for that report opened, then yes that later player shouldn't be able (from what I remember) to edit the report anymore since he isn't the staff who put the report as "in progress" and he hasn't the tigerreports.staff.advanced permission. I don't remember if the interface is automatically closed for that player, but in any case what matters is that he cannot edit the report anymore. For your second point, yes indeed it's an oversight in the default english messages, thank you for reporting it. For the last one, the messages used here are Words: Report-type(s) (here) at the end of the file. It's not really clear I admit it. Thank you for your nice feedback :)

DanRubMaster commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you for reply. One suggestion came to my mind, since I plan to give rewards to the helpers who will have the most work done per month, it would be good if you could add something like /processed reset for players who have permission staff, so that I can set it as a command, what is automatically executed at the beginning of each month and it resets the number of processed reports for all helpers. Hope its understandable :D

MrTigreroux commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for the suggestion but for me it's too specific. There is no real good reason to loose statistics of a player. Here you just want to do that to see statistics by month, but you can already do that by writting the statistics of your staff in a file every month, and do the substraction with the previous month. Or you can also manually reduce the statistics in the menu of a player to set it to 0. If you really want that, just do a plugin that will execute an SQL query to delete the statistics that you want to delete every month. I prefer not to add that kind of specific feature in the plugin, because it would make it really more difficult to maintain and ensure good performances. After that, you would want a leaderboard, detailled statistics like 3 reports / week, 25% true reports, 75% false.., But you will probably be the only one to use them, but every user will have this feature, unused, consuming memory and time execution (for database queries). And it would take me time to maintain it, reducing my time to update the core features of the plugin.