MrTornado24 / FENeRF

[CVPR 2022] FENeRF: Face Editing in Neural Radiance Fields
MIT License
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How to open .mrc file? #10

Closed ryanqiutu closed 2 years ago

ryanqiutu commented 2 years ago

Dear Author: Great work!!! But How can I open the .mrc file?

MrTornado24 commented 2 years ago

We visualize our .mrc shape files with UCSF Chimerax.

To visualize a shape in ChimeraX do the following:

  1. Import the .mrc file with File > Open
  2. Find the selected shape in the Volume Viewer tool
    1. The Volume Viewer tool is located under Tools > Volume Data > Volume Viewer
  3. Change volume type to "Surface"
  4. Change level set to about 30 (or other values depending on objects)
ryanqiutu commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot as the problem has troubled me for a long time!!!

ryanqiutu commented 2 years ago

One more question. Can I transfer the shape latent to segmap as input, just like SofGan?

MrTornado24 commented 2 years ago

I'm afraid not. The modulation methods in FENeRF and SofGAN are different.

ryanqiutu commented 2 years ago

Can we link the segmap and the modulation methods in FENeRF by adding an encoder which can transfer the segmap to a latent? If this succeeds, gan inversion and segmap editting will be simplier.

MrTornado24 commented 2 years ago

Great idea. It seems to be similar to our newest paper: IDE-3D accepted by SIGGRAPH Asia 2022. We will release its code and project page soon. Welcome to take a look.