Mudpuppy12 / ansible-aresmush

Ansible installer for aresmush
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Ansible plays to install aresmush in a Virtual Box and Vagrant. If you don't want to use vagrant, you can use the playbooks under /src with ansible on the local box.


Make sure you have installed on your host pc:

Clone this repo to your host and run the following command from the directory you downloaded the repo.

$ vagrant up

Then follow the directions under configuing ares.


Vagrant will create the virtual box machine and auto-configure the installation of ares. It will take some time when the playbooks run and complete. Go get a soda.

Configuring ares

Once vagrant is finished, ssh into the virtal machine and run the setup command as the ares user

vagrant ssh

# Then when inside the virutal machine your the vagrant user, become ares

vagrant@aresmush:~$ sudo su - ares

# As the ares user run setup script

ares@aresmush:~$ cd /vagrant/
ares@aresmush:~$ ./

Answer the questions for the configuration scripts. Use for your hostname. All the rest of the questions can be default.

Start up the game server

Once configured start up the game simply with the following commands:

ares@aresmush:~$ cd /home/ares/aresmush
ares@aresmush:~$ bin/startares

You should now be able to access your test server/web from your host machine using http://localhost:8080 to get to the web portal and game by telnet 4201