Closed MuhammadTausif closed 3 days ago
class Solution:
# Function to find maximum
# product subarray
def maxProduct(self,arr):
# code here
max_product = arr[0]
min_product = arr[0]
result = arr[0]
# Traverse the array starting from the second element
for i in range(1, len(arr)):
num = arr[i]
# If the current number is negative, swap max and min
if num < 0:
max_product, min_product = min_product, max_product
# Update max_product and min_product
max_product = max(num, max_product * num)
min_product = min(num, min_product * num)
# Update the result
result = max(result, max_product)
return result
Maximum Product Subarray
Difficulty: Medium
Given an array arr[] that contains positive and negative integers (may contain 0 as well). Find the maximum product that we can get in a subarray of arr.
Note: It is guaranteed that the output fits in a 32-bit integer.