Multibit-Legacy / multibit-hd

Deprecated Bitcoin Wallet
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Balance tranforms to Unconfirmed Transaction #862

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

After the update a couple days ago, my wallet balance transformed itself to an Unconfirmed Transaction.

I already try to "Repair Wallet" 5 times and reinstalled the client but it doesn't change anything. There are no open transaction and all have 50+ Confirmation.

If i try to sent a payment, it tells me that i don't have enough funds available.

The Network is fully synced and there are no outstanding blocks.

Please someone find me a solution as losing your Bitcoin's after using your wallet is very disappointing.

Best Regards.


blksith0 commented 7 years ago

The issue persists. Is there an agreed upon best solution?

jhaand commented 7 years ago

The solution that worked for me was to downgrade to MultibitHD 0.1.1 and then transfer everything to a different wallet. In my case Electrum.

See also the discussion I started on Reddit.

XENON3 commented 7 years ago

you just have to wait, terrible learning lesson that cost me tons of $$$ because I was not able to move my funds around and do what i need to do on time. Send higher fees next time. still shame on the devs for allowing this to happen with their software. don't allow the user to send BTC with insufficient fees or at least show a warning

On Sun, Feb 19, 2017 at 5:04 AM, jhaand wrote:

The solution that worked for me was to downgrade to MultibitHD 0.1.1 and then transfer everything to a different wallet. In my case Electrum.

See also the discussion I started on Reddit. has_serious_issues_with_the_wallet/

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hujohnson commented 7 years ago

XENON3 I sympathize with your problem, but your post might confuse the issue under discussion here. We are not talking about transactions lost in limbo because of low fees. We are talking about previously confirmed transactions being erroneously shown as unconfirmed.

jhaand commented 7 years ago

XENON3: The transactions in the wallet were confirmed a month ago. The last transaction is even from a 2 months ago. A month ago everything was fine.

Now all transactions were suddenly "Unconfirmed" while those transactions have been in the blockchain since forever. Also there was no way to get them confirmed again for Multibit.

This is not about transactions not confirming because the mempool is too high. This is not able to spend money because the bitcoin wallet has lost it's internal bookkeeping and can't recover.

sumomaster commented 7 years ago

This seemed to coincide with a blockchain traffic jam the other day. I had 4k in confirmed transactions reverse to unconfirmed and no fixes I have tried from the above have worked, though I have a few more to try. I suppose that doing the Empty Wallet function will not send over the unconfirmed funds. Anyone know? I also use Electrum and was thinking of moving it all over.

jhaand commented 7 years ago

sumomaster: You mean that the 4k isn't back in the wallet? Did you check the transaction on

Did you rebuild the wallet with 0.1.1?

Empty wallet only helps with calculating the total amount to transfer. You can increase the fee in Multibit to a more workable value. Check to see much is needed.

sumomaster commented 7 years ago

The 4k was confirmed once. Then recently went to unconfirmed for some reason.

I can see it as unconfirmed in my wallet (was confirmed long ago).

I did not rebuild the wallet but plan to try that.

Increasing the fee is good for when you are wanting fast confirmations. But, my confirmations already happened. The problem is they are not being picked up by Multibit HD.

Fixing the wallet does not work.

sumomaster commented 7 years ago

Most of the transactions not confirmed are OLD going right back to when I first opened the wallet. Newer transactions are fine. The 4k is showing unconfirmed.

I will try the older 0.1.1 version and see if that works.

jhaand commented 7 years ago

sumomaster: Please inform us if the 0.1.1 fix helps. That way we know if this workaround works every time.

blksith0 commented 7 years ago

I was able to fix it by: quitting multibit, renaming the mbhd-xxxx folder in %appdata%\MultiBitHD (or delete it), then starting multibit again and re-creating the wallet from the key phrase.

sumomaster commented 7 years ago

I tried the above but it did not work.

This is what KeepKey support said:

It sounds like your wallet may have a bug that is causing a communication error between your wallet and the blockchain. Have you tried: Repairing your wallet (YES) Deleting Multibit directories and recovering in a fresh Multibit download (YES) Recovering in an older version of Multibit HD (I WILL TRY THIS)

stefan00001 commented 7 years ago

i have only make an account here to wrote this words: FUCK YOU MULTIBIT!!! (sorry for my bad englisch)

sumomaster commented 7 years ago

I managed to recover it by:

  1. Removing MBHD from my system
  2. Installed an older version multibit-hd-windows-x64-0.1.1
  3. Put in my key words
  4. Let it sync and presto, all my Bitcoin is back.

I also heard you can input your 12 key words into Electrum and restore your Bitcoin right in the new wallet.

Hope that helps.

raresoft commented 7 years ago

I had this issue I am a developer and use fiddler alot the issue was fiddlers certificate causing some sort of conflict.

I disabled fiddler from sniffing https traffic then repaired my wallet. Works fine now , I may of had fiddler open when I initially ran multibit I cant remember now.

If you use fiddler or any other mitm https sniffer give that a shot.

walkjivefly commented 7 years ago

I've never even heard of fiddler let alone used it. It may have contributed to the problem for @raresoft but it certainly didn't for me.

The problem is unrelated to the transaction fee unless MBHD re-evaluates every transaction in the blockchain and gets upset if it finds a historical transaction with what it now considers to be a slightly stingy fee.

I haven't looked at the source, have no desire to do so. Whatever the problem is it is obscure and doesn't happen very often but it is real and it does happen. That the developers of a wallet whose target audience is "international mainstream" closed the issue because there is a recovery fudge (which may or may not work eventually) rather than track down and fix the problem should tell potential users all they need to know about whether or not to trust their bitcoins to this wallet.

TL;DR - use a different wallet

dandv commented 7 years ago

Installed MBHD, and my first transaction into the new wallet confirmed 2 weeks ago with 1000+ confirmations. Still, my entire balance shows "unconfirmed". Sad to see this issue hasn't been fixed, a year later.


I also heard you can input your 12 key words into Electrum and restore your Bitcoin right in the new wallet.

Importing the seed words into Electrum didn't recover the balance. Repairing the wallet solved the problem.

sblay09 commented 7 years ago

i have the same problem its been a day and there is no confirmation on my bitcoin wallet. i have repaired it over 10 times still the same . it also taking long for blockchain to just confirm one transaction. sd

NTmm102 commented 7 years ago

I have this problem, cannot move btc out, same message as others - help for a newbie pls?

alstef commented 7 years ago

Have this problem also, previously confirmed transactions now show as unconfirmed. Searching for another wallet... Why is this a closed issue?

dandv commented 7 years ago

Just realized that my wallet's funds were Unconfirmed again. I've moved all my BTC elsewhere, and unfortunately I'm done with Multibit HD.

If anyone can suggest a good multi-currency desktop wallet, I'm all ears.

GregEremeev commented 7 years ago

My MultiBit client has the same bug. MacOS 10.12.4

mhouriet commented 7 years ago

Why is this issue closed? It seems many people are still hit with this bug.

It happened to me today. Doing a wallet repair fixed the problem, for me, this time. However, no offense but it would bring some more confidence if the developers were showing some kind of concern about it.

EDIT: nope. I did not even quit the process and 3 hours later, same problem occurred. Never had any issue with 0.4.1, upgraded to 0.5.1 last week, then hell broke loose. Sad.

dandv commented 7 years ago

I've switched back to MultiBit Classic. Much better multi-wallet UI.

senarvi commented 7 years ago

I saw this problem. Part of my balance was unconfirmed. Tried repairing the wallet, but after that all of my balance was unconfirmed. Deleting the application data and restoring the wallet helped.

starrychloe commented 7 years ago

Have this problem too. Haven't sent any transactions for months. Have a few open pending requests though. The network was fully synched, with 10 peers. Left app open for a few days. All of my balance went to 'unconfirmed'. WTF?

Multibit HD 0.5.1

XENON3 commented 7 years ago

folks, when are you all going to learn to use another wallet?

On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 11:22 AM, starrychloe wrote:

Have this problem too. Haven't sent any transactions for months. Have a few open pending requests though. The network was fully synched, with 10 peers. Left app open for a few days. All of my balance went to 'unconfirmed'. WTF?

Multibit HD 0.5.1

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GregEremeev commented 7 years ago

@XENON3 Which wallet can you suggest and why?

frvge commented 7 years ago

Is there a secure way to download an installer for v0.1.1? (edit: found it at )

edit2: multibit v0.1.1 has helped. I still have a bit on Unconfirmed, but the main part is a lot better.

XENON3 commented 7 years ago

I learned something in life. I do not recommend any wallets or any trading or investment advice. It's just not necessary.

On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 7:38 AM, Grigorii Eremeev wrote:

@XENON3 Which wallet can you suggest and why?

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gustavocoding commented 7 years ago

For all those having issues with this wallet: first of all, realize it is ABANDONWARE. So as long as you manage to get the funds unlocked (I downgrade to v0.1.x) move all your funds to another wallet.

jaap2017 commented 7 years ago

dear posters on Github, I am totally new to the Github community (heard of it, but that's all) and have no programming experience at all, so I doubt I can ever help you guys out. But I ran into problems with my Multibit account where I had stored a few Bitcoins and then panicked when the bitcoins were unconfirmed and I was unable to process a sale I made. Luckily I found this thread, which helped me out. As many of you, I first tried to restore the wallet, but that did not work. I then installed version 0.1 of the Multibit HD as recommended, on another notebook, and restored the wallet with my wallet words. After a few hours, it was restored and the bitcoins were back! I immediately moved them out the Multibit wallet and I followed the advice here to move them to an Electron wallet. Thank you guys for this thread and the help it provided to this newbie.

rolandbreedveld commented 7 years ago

Also had the problem with unverified transactions, some where 2 years old. It wasn't possible to solve with the 5.1 and 5.0 versions, als remove the wallet and restore, failed. so removed everything, installed version 1.1 ( and recovered the wallet. This goes fine, all transactions where accepted, after that upgraded to version 5.1, problem solved. So for me it's clearly , this is a bug in 5.1 and 5.0

seigur commented 7 years ago

Just spend half a day just trying to get to my funds out with the instructions above. God knows how much time it'll take to get confirm the transaction with minimum (constant) tx fees.

To save your nerves/time, do not use multibit.

sayyedraza commented 7 years ago

Hello , Hope your doing great !! 3 days before i install Multibit HD Wallet and i try to send transaction 0.007786 BTC with low fee like 0.0001000 (still no confirmation)

I input only one address to pay 0.007786 to 1ESYJmDnUnEebAKSFvyFsrBqXf6speAvz4 when transaction proceed the amount was same it was . but when i see the tx id . page it show 2 address .

1PzH621B1o2FDhup5aTUB878XqyfZGVZcK 0.7999385 BTC 1ESYJmDnUnEebAKSFvyFsrBqXf6speAvz4 0.007786 BTC Unconfirmed Transaction!

how this transaction happened ? i try to repair wallet after that my confirmed 0.8 btc become unconfirm (Which was confirmed before - and only sent 0.007786) i had 0.81 btc in my wallet can you please help what to do ?

Thanks regards

bynicolas commented 7 years ago

@bugaiov and others still having the issue

I too had issues today with transactions that were confirmed over a year ago.

What I did that worked for me was

  1. Close the application
  2. rename my wallet folder from mbhd-...-...-... to old-mbhd-...-..-... ( not the backup folder )
  3. then I restart MBHD and select restore
  4. restore without backup --- you will need your wallet words AND the datestamp
  5. set your password
  6. Then let it resync and balance should be available

I tried fixing the wallet 3 times but ultimately this did the trick

Hope this work for you too!

EDIT: I spoke too soon, the balance was showing ok until the sync completed. then it was unconfirmed again!

But I still managed to make it work!

So if this happens to you, redo the procedure above, but when MBHD start to sync up, quit at lets say 10% completion.

open up again and quit at 50% of the sync.

Then open and finish up the sync. At least this is what I did, and the balanced stayed available, so no more unconfirmed for me!m

frvge commented 7 years ago

If you have a low transaction fee, set-up -- for example-- Electrum to always allow for Child-Pays-for-Parent. Then add a Receive in Electrum, send it over from MultiBit (the transaction should show up in Electrum with a status of Low Fee), and then create a new transaction based on the older, low-fee one in Electrum. Set a high(er) fee, sign it and broadcast from Electrum. Now the miners should have a better incentive to work on the low-fee parent as part of the higher-fee child..

pinkpajamarama commented 7 years ago

I have tried everything here and I still have almost $300 unconfirmed. Using breadwallet did nothing. Restoring from seed did nothing. In fact it showed no btc at all. I installed breadwallet. Nothing. I have been in touch with CS for almost 5 days and nothing. Not a word, not a peep., not a I'm sorry we know this is a bug.

For us newbies on Macs, how do we get an older version? What happens to btc if I just delete the app? I've been working on this for a week plus updating CS who is supposed to have a 2 day turn around and have heard nothing.

I just need to get the money to move elsewhere. For those who say just empty your wallet, that only works on confirmed money. IF money is unconfirmed thten nothing.

Oh and I"ve tried to update to version 5 but it never works. I started I think with version 4 HD and it's getting worse and worse so I'm going to use something else but how do I get my BTC confirmed, not to mention $70 that has not been confirmed in a week even thought my fee was decent. It's dead in the water too. So sick of this and the lack of response from Multibit. They were good, then all of the sudden nothing.

Just repaired wallet again. Nothing. I have electrum and breadwallet is synching. Can someone dumb down what to do. I had to all apple to find the file to put Old in.

Where can I download an older version. It won't even let me install 5 even though I do it. Keeps me stuck at 4.

I found multibut Classic and installed it but it doesnt' even show the btc that are unconfirmed. How do I get them there then i can be done with this nightmare? Thanks

jhaand commented 7 years ago

One of the top comments shows where you can download the .dmg file for MacOS.

Make sure you have your 12 word backup. That way you can always get your wallet back. MultibitHD also makes lots of backups. So look at those and make sure you have a copy of it.

Just look here and google to find out how to install it.

fossilet commented 7 years ago

Is this a scam?

seigur commented 7 years ago

Nice try @tyrex25 , Joined 3 hours ago

JasonBelec commented 6 years ago

They do seem like they have screwed everyone over. Been having this issue awhile now. Good way to utterly destroy an application.

CheesyBendito commented 6 years ago

Hi Folks, I have used multibit to hold my bitcoin for a while now. Currently using 0.5.1. I went online to see if there had been any updates lately and discovered it is no longer supported. I opened an Electrum wallet and attempted to transfer my remaining BTC. It has been almost 24 hours and the BTC has not appeared in my Electrum wallet yet. I have tried Wallet Repair 3 times. The status says "Waiting for feedback about this transaction from the Bitcoin network". When I check the transaction at it says the transaction is not found. The status under payment request details says "This transaction did not pay bitcoins to any payment request." I have also tried creating a backup and restoring from words. When I enter the words the "Next" button is grayed out so I cannot proceed. I also tried restoring the wallet in Electum, but the video from Multibit says you need at least a 12 word seed for this and mine is less than that. I would really appreciate any help you could offer so I can recover my money. Please let me know if you need further information. I reached out to Keepkey, who responded that the do not have the resources to assist and I should reach out to Multibit HD. I reached out to Multibit HD and received an auto response that they no longer support their product. On a side note, I would have been really nice if keepkey or multbit had added a message to the application advising it was going dark.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

JasonBelec commented 6 years ago

Yeah, seem to remember I had a similar issue. Been busy with a few things but I guess its time to resolve this. Bet I could track down everybody from Multibit without much effort.


Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!

Jason Belec Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 21, 2017, at 7:00 PM, CheesyBendito wrote:

Hi Folks, I have used multibit to hold my bitcoin for a while now. Currently using 0.5.1. I went online to see if there had been any updates lately and discovered it is no longer supported. I opened an Electrum wallet and attempted to transfer my remaining BTC. It has been almost 24 hours and the BTC has not appeared in my Electrum wallet yet. I have tried Wallet Repair 3 times. The status says "Waiting for feedback about this transaction from the Bitcoin network". When I check the transaction at it says the transaction is not found. The status under payment request details says "This transaction did not pay bitcoins to any payment request." I have also tried creating a backup and restoring from words. When I enter the words the "Next" button is grayed out so I cannot proceed. I also tried restoring the wallet in Electum, but the video from Multibit says you need at least a 12 word seed for this and mine is less than that. I would really appreciate any help you could offer so I can recover my money. Please let me know if you need further information. I reached out to Keepkey, who responded that the do not have the resources to assist and I should reach out to Multibit HD. I reached out to Multibit HD and received an auto response that they no longer support their product. On a side note, I would have been really nice if keepkey or multbit had added a message to the application advising it was going dark.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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CheesyBendito commented 6 years ago

Thanks @JasonBelec I did find another copy of my words and I was missing one. Up to 12 now. I am attempting to complete the restore in Electrum now but I am concerned about the transaction I already attempted before the restore.

MaxDamage9 commented 5 years ago

HI, I have the same issue, but further down the road. Bitcoin sitting in MultibitHD Unconfirmed. No luck getting it out yet...

CheesyBendito, the fact that the next button is greyed out means you typed your wallet words WRONG. I had this had to reverse engineer my handwriting LOL.

A fresh install of MultibitHD restored from my wallet words did NOTHING to improve my situation. I am now exploring exporting from this defunct app, but don't have that working yet either...

JasonBelec commented 5 years ago

Export. Move to another wallet. It’s a pain in the ass process but mine are nw in BreadWallet. Yeah!


Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One!

Jason Belec Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 8, 2018, at 3:51 PM, MaxDamage9 wrote:

HI, I have the same issue, but further down the road. Bitcoin sitting in MultibitHD Unconfirmed. No luck getting it out yet...

CheesyBendito, the fact that the next button is greyed out means you typed your wallet words WRONG. I had this had to reverse engineer my handwriting LOL.

A fresh install of MultibitHD restored from my wallet words did NOTHING to improve my situation. I am now exploring exporting from this defunct app, but don't have that working yet either...

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