MultiverseMiner / multiverseminer

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feedback from coworkers: #164

Open seiyria opened 10 years ago

seiyria commented 10 years ago

will update as things come up

brungre commented 10 years ago

The automatic gather/mining/scavenging doesn't add to XP.

brungre commented 10 years ago

Also, "scavenging on a planet seems to rarely provide materials" refers to automated scavenging. Manually holding the button down scavenging yields items as you would expect.

brungre commented 10 years ago

Crafting doesn't work sometimes even when you have the necessary ingredients. See screenshot.

I assume the number in the parenthesis to the right of the required amount is how many of the thing you have in your inventory. Although, this doesn't seem to update correctly as I know I've seen situations where I build 10 of a subcomponent to something and go to the next piece (i.e., build 10 fuel to make a gas canister) and it still shows that number in parenthesis as zero.