Mytherin / Tibialyzer

Tibialyzer is an extension made for the MMORPG Tibia. It automatically scans the server log and messages from the Tibia client by reading its memory, and gathers various statistics, such as loot found from creatures, damage dealt by party members and experience gained every hour.
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Can't grab summary on OBS plus status bar weirdness #307

Open Connarhea opened 7 years ago

Connarhea commented 7 years ago

whenever i tab away from tibia or the tibialyzer window the summary form dissapears. It isn't showing in the list for window capture. Am I missing how to do this correctly?

Also because the health and mana bars are named the same when I select either they only show up as the same. I somehow managed to remedy this by selecting each bar as seperate captures (both showed mana even though different bars were selected) I then closed the health bar and reopened it and this changed one of them to a health bar. However I'm worried that this won't persist if I close and reopen obs or my huds. Is there an easy waya round this?

Connarhea commented 7 years ago

Sorted the Summary form issue, I had "Only Show when Tibia is Active" selected for some reason