N-Coder / studip-fuse

Python FUSE drive for courses and files available through the Stud.IP University Access Portal
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improved caching for offline operation #1

Closed N-Coder closed 5 years ago

N-Coder commented 6 years ago

All of the following is required to allow offline operation

Cache Management

Task Management

Future Work

N-Coder commented 6 years ago

Restructured issue description, initial description was

  • [x] allow custom cache validation
    • cached results containing/wrapping a failed future shouldn't be kept in cache
  • [x] failed Downloads should be dropped from cache
  • [x] when restarting a failed Download, its previously successfully downloaded parts should be kept/reused and only the failed parts/chunks retried
  • [x] add ttl-based cache clearing
  • [ ] cached functions should be retried on temporary network failures
  • [ ] reuse expired cache-value as fallback when new attempt fails too often or takes to long
    • this requires an algorithm for checking for network connectivity and deciding whether (or how often) a function should be retried or the expired value should be reused
    • should provide two hidden directories that also contain the full directory tree, but using only cached values (/.cached/*) / only online values (/.online/*)
  • [ ] allow eager loading of certain directories (with lower priority than user/FUSE operations)
  • [x] also store cached values on disk and load then on program start
  • [ ] all the above should allow offline operation

Session management is also not ready for offline operation:

  • [ ] not being able to login in when starting loop will always prevent startup
  • [ ] session termination during runtime is not handled

Blindly caching everything mit not be efficient enough, so for being able to persist cached values we need to

  • [x] use factory for StudIP API data model classes based on object UIDs, preventing duplicate objects
  • [x] directly cache the results of the StudIP API Session getter functions
  • [x] only persist the now unqiue instances of the StudIP API data model classes
  • [ ] use ephemeral caching on all other functions (if really needed)
  • [ ] this should also allow simple Mocking of the API leading to better testability
N-Coder commented 6 years ago

Awesome List

with generic tools to solve various of our problems here

Model Data / Schema Instance Repository

Model Data / Ephemeral Data Caching

HTTP Caching

(HTTP) Retrying


Other Event Loops

On Threads...


https://pythonhosted.org/aiotk/api.html https://github.com/vodik/asyncitertools https://github.com/asyncdef/aitertools/ http://paco.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html https://github.com/python-trio/async_generator