When viewing data stories from a mobile device, videos and tables extend beyond the mobile view bounds (though still accessible), and slider tools are very difficult to engage with. Flagging for future development.
Regression issue? (y/n): n
[If yes, add Regression label]
Priority: P3 ?
Steps to reproduce the issue
Navigate to VEDA Data story using mobile device or viewing from mobile perspective
Using touch, engage with slider tools, or scroll though and see that videos and tables extend outside of the mobile content bounds (users must zoom out)
When viewing data stories from a mobile device, videos and tables extend beyond the mobile view bounds (though still accessible), and slider tools are very difficult to engage with. Flagging for future development.
example URL: https://deploy-preview-420--visex.netlify.app/stories/2024-tornadoes *though relevant for any VEDA story containing sliders, videos, or tables
Blocking a release? (y/n): n
Regression issue? (y/n): n [If yes, add Regression label]
Priority: P3 ?
Steps to reproduce the issue